
Boys trip

{Pallet Town}

After a while the party started dying down, Gary was in the corner beet red, the so-called 'confession' fell to a stuttering mess and Grace fell unconscious after the words 'I like you' left Gary's mouth even though they both liked each other.

So whatever you want to call it, I guess it was a success? Honestly, even Ash couldn't tell, and if Gary had an answer, he sure wasn't giving it.

So Ash and Green joined back in the conversation with Brock, Misty, and Yellow, and then Ash finally felt his phone ring indicating that the voice for his reward was made.

He took it out and his eye immediately twitched seeing the first line.

[Quality of Pokemon… egg-cellent] - Reward: Egg genetic control

[Description - With this, you can change how Pokemon in Eggs are born, whether giving them abilities, types, or mutations, with limitations and sufficient genetic code]


[Reward for winning the Indigo League] - You have access to your original world's internet, and the time for this and the old will now be 1:1.

[Note: You will not be able to contact anyone or affect anything, only look at the internet.]


Now ignoring the pun at first glance it looks like the first reward is better, to be able to manipulate a Pokemon's genetic code as long as it's an egg is very good and valuable, but the second one interests Ash more.

With it, he can actually stay updated on the Horizons anime, and he can finally find out what the DLC was since he died right before it came out. And a lot more stuff, but for now he couldn't look through it due to his friends sitting right next to him.

Green noticed Ash looking at his Rotom Phone and tried but failed to lean over, "Watcha looking at?"

Ash shook his head, "Just some people asking to interview me, this is gonna be a trend."

"Well serves you right for being the champion," Misty said with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah yeah, but also I wanted to talk to you guys about something," Ash said, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Well, since I'm not old enough and the Johto league hasn't even technically started, I'm gonna go to the Orange Islands for a bit," Ash said,

Everyone blinked in surprise, well except Gary who was just existing, Green looked up at him "Wait really? You're not gonna like go to the Orange League right?"

"Nah, that'll be a waste of time, I was more going to see if there were any cool Pokemon to catch and also do an errand for Oak," Ash said stretching his arm, "It will be like a month, month in a half at most."

"Well chief you're doing that one alone, I'm not going over there I have some much more important stuff I want to do, and lover boy over there probably isn't either," Green said pointing at Gary.

Yellow and Misty looked at each other, "D-do you want us to go with you?" Yellow asked.

"I mean if you want to go you can, but I wouldn't recommend it I'm just going to do some traveling and then come back as soon as I turn 11," Ash said, "Actually it would be better if I went alone, besides you two have your birthdays coming up, if you go with me you'll miss them,"

"I see…" Yellow said she never spent a birthday away from Uncle Wilton, and also she felt like this time she could beat him and get more answers.

Misty put her arms behind her head, "Yeah, I've been to the Orange Islands when I was younger, and it's nice and all but not that interesting, especially this time of the year, most of the stuff I would want to go for only happens in the summer."

Ash nodded, "Yeah, the only reason I chose the Orange Islands is because Oak told me to get something for him, after that, I'm just going to see what's around especially since apparently they have different kinds of Pokemon."

Brock nodded and looked up, "Well if you don't mind, I'd like to go, those Pokemon sound interesting for my training and there is another breeding competition taking place in Valencia Island!"

Ash nodded, he didn't want Brock to face whatever the incident was again but it seemed like it was a Canon event, "Ok, sure then it's a guy's trip just me and you bud," Ash held his hand out for a fist bump

Brock returned it, "Yeah!"

Misty shook her head, "Well then, I guess me and Yellow will just wait for you boys to come back,"

Ash smirked, "Oh don't worry, I'll be sure to send some more presents for you guys on your birthday~"

{The next day}

Ash finished up the stuff he needed to, and he got Abra to go pick up his Pokemon of which it looked like they all did what they wanted to, and Scizor now had a Scyther clinging onto him and blushing.

Yeah the ritual went by really easily and he stomped everyone including the elder and got himself a mate, so he was happy, and Ash was too when he caught her.

Also, Ash left some of his Pokemon in the lab and more in his PC, just because this is going to become a solo adventure after Brock ends up leaving, he'll take more of them with him to Johto, but might as well just let Oak have his fun.

So after parting ways Brock and Ash went over to Vermilion city after Ash made a quick call to Surge.

Ash told Brock to go stock up on supplies and snacks and he'll go get their ride then meet over at the port, which Brock agreed to without much convincing.

So Ash walked over to the port, along the way he saw the Vermilion school but he shrugged and kept walking, but he did notice a bunch of Pokemon were playing in the playground so there probably was a test or something.

As he walked by he didn't notice that a small Eevee sneaked past him and went into the school as well.

A few minutes later Ash kept moving through the city, and people recognized him as the champion of the Indigo League, so after way too long of being stuck and escaping he took off his hoodie and hat, leaving just his black long-sleeve shirt, and he also made Pikachu hide in his bag, and he put on a mask.

After that, he could walk around much easier and finally made his way to the Vermilion Gym, where he walked in and was greeted rudely by the 2 people at the front again until he took off his mask and they took him inside, along the way he saw Visquez also training but he didn't bother her.

Eventually, he got to the back room which served as his Office, but it also looked like a bunch of stuff was being packed up to move. And there to greet him was Surge, his arm was also better but not fully healed.

"Hay Kid!" Surge said smiling as he walked up to him and slapped him on the back, "How's being champion treating you eh, it sucks doesn't it!"

Ash rolled his eyes, "Yeah, couldn't walk through town without being stopped for an autograph or something, but It'll pass eventually, probably after next year and a new champion is named."

Surge laughed, "Ha, don't count on it kid, but hey look on the bright side, at least you winning has been great for me, since I did train you for a bit that means you still have a sponsor under my name so I got a bunch of stuff, were even going to be moving to a bigger building hahaha!"

"Oh goody, I'm so happy that you can benefit from my success," Ash said sarcastically, "But any way you know what I asked for right."

Surge laughed, "Yeah sure kid," then he went to his desk and threw him a pair of keys, "I got ya a speed boat, not as fast as a blimp but certainly faster than a big ship, you should get there in like 2-3 days."

Ash looked at the keys then back at Surge, "Should you really be giving me this, I mean I don't have a boat license, and aren't you worried that I might crash it."

Surge chuckled, "Don't worry about it, I gave you an honorary boating license on your ID, besides if you crash it you have that Abra what do I care for 1 ship after you came around I can buy like 6 S.S.Annes."

Ash sighed, "Alright, whatever I'll try not to crash it and I'll be responsible and blah blah all that other stuff,"

"That's the spirit kid, also I am looking forward to a rematch, this time full power one of these days!" Surge said smiling

Ash started walking out but turned back and smiled, "And I'm looking forward to breaking that arm immediately after it heals," then he walked out of the Gym.

After he walked out he stretched his back and put on his mask again, he just needed to wait for Brock to meet up with him then they would go off into the south, which fun fact, the Orange Islands are inside or at least next to the Sevii Islands.

As Ash walked out he thought about getting something to eat himself, but then he was interrupted by an explosion, coming from the park near the school, Ash's eye twitched, 'Not a single day to rest is there' so he started running.

Once he got there he saw a giant Snorlax vacuum robot with Pokemon stuck inside, and in front of it there was a certain trio in the middle of a chant, on the other side he could see 2 researchers 1 with a net.

And next to them, he could see the familiar face of Chloe with an Eevee in her hands.

Ash sighed heavily enough so that everyone had their attention on him, "Seriously, this is what you people get on to…"

Jessie yelled over at him, "Hey you there what's the big idea interrupting us? We were just in the middle of our chant!"

Ash shook his head and took off his mask, revealing himself and surprising everyone there, "Seriously guys, you're trying to steal all those Pokemon, did you not learn your lesson the last 10 times."

"Hey in our defense we were going to be shipped out of Kanto for a while so we wanted 1 last big heist!" James yelled receiving a head punch from Jessie and Meowth

"What's da big Idea telling him that!" Meowth yelled at James.

As they started fighting with each other Chloe took the chance and ran over and hid behind Ash still hugging Eevee, "Ash, thank goodness you're here, They are trying to steal all the Pokemon and those other guys are trying to kidnap Eevee!"

The researchers heard that so the woman with a lightning bolt on her head waved her arms, "W-w-wait, we aren't Pokemon thieves!"

Chloe blinked, "Wait really?"

The guy whose hair looked like a Flareon tail also waved his hands, "Yeah, we're Eevee researchers, we work with Eevee!"

As this was going on James, Jessie, and Meowth looked at the back-and-forth explanations and felt like they were being ignored.

"Hay don't ignore us twerps!" Jessie yelled out throwing out her Arbok, "And now that you're here we'll also take that Pikachu!"

James looked at Jessie since this was an extreme change of plans but sighed and released Weezing

Ash looked at Chloe for a second, said nothing, and turned back reaching into his bag and pulling out Pikachu by the tail, "Ok let's make this quick I have stuff I want to do. Pikachu, you know the drill at this Point."

Pikachu looked tired at them and shook his head before walking off and preparing his cheek pouches, as he did Eevee looked excited and jumped out of Chloe's arms and stood next to Pikachu using [Mimic].

Pikachu charged up his [Thunderbolt] shooting it as Eevee copied and shot one too, the 2 bolts combined and created one larger bolt that crashed into the ground causing an explosion that sent Team Rocket flying yet again

In the sky, it could be heard, "Team Rockets blasting off again!!!"

Ash shook his head and looked at the net, "Yo, Pikachu [Iron Tail],"

Pikachu jumped up as his tail turned silver and sliced at the net, freeing all the Pokemon stuck inside and they all ran back to the playground where their trainers left them.

Then Ash turned back to Chloe and the 2 researchers, "So now that that's taken care of, let's sit down and talk,"

Collectively they all nodded and walked back over where a 3rd researcher whose hair resembled a Vaporion met with them and they began explaining their side of the story.

After some back and forth Ash heard the story and looked at them, "Ok so this Eevee is yours and she can't evolve with any of the stones you gave her."

"That is correct, we have tried with all the stones but Eevee doesn't seem to be able to evolve."

"I see, I'm sorry, I thought you were Pokemon thieves when you were saying stuff like Eevee will never escape again…" Chloe said with Eevee on her lap.

"Oh, you know when you say it like that I get what you mean," the male researcher said

"Ok," Ash cut in, "So she didn't evolve into any of those, have you tried the friendship evolutions?"

"..." x 3

Ash held his hand to his head, "Seriously, researchers, the finest Kanto has to offer."

"Well, I'll admit we hadn't considered that since it seemed unscientific but at this point it might not be the worst idea,"

"Ok then, how about this," Ash said pointing at Chloe, "Eevee seems to really like Chloe so how about you let her keep her and then you can see if she evolves."

Chloe became flustered, "W–w-w-wait why me, I mean sure I like Eevee, and Eevee seems to like me and I wouldn't hate having Eevee with me and… where was I going with this?"

The researchers looked at each other and then nodded, "Alright then, sure why not it beats what we were trying so Chloe if you wouldn't mind please take care of Eevee for us,"

"O-ok," Chloe said nervously, then she snapped out of it when Ash handed her a Pokeball which she took and looked at for a moment before booping Eevee on the nose, she went in and it closed immediately.

After that the researchers excused themselves and went back to their lab and Ash walked Chloe back to her school with Eevee now in her arms.

Something had been itching at Ash's brain for a bit so he decided to ask, "By the way, why didn't you ask anyone for help, I mean doesn't Goh also go to your school,"

Chloe looked nervously, "Well the thing is, I did text him asking for help, but he texted back that he needed no distractions because he wanted to pass this exam so he could finally be a trainer-"

Then she realized something, "The test! I haven't done any of it, Oh no!"

"Sorry Ash I have to go, thanks for everything but I need to take my test!" Chloe said looking flushed and stressed

"Don't worry about it, go ahead," Ash said as he smirked, "Although here I was hoping that becoming a champion would be enough to win back your heart, oh woe is me, I guess I just now have to leave Kanto," Ash said in an overdramatic fashion.

Chloe blushed and turned away, "Idiot, anyway I'm going, enjoy your fame champion."

Ash chuckled and walked away before he ended up having to deal with Goh, so he went to find Brock.

After a while and a quick lunch Ash and Brock were set up on the speedboat Surge got for them along with an auto-pilot and a map so they could get to their destination.

"Wow, I can't believe Surge just got you one of these," Brock said holding his Egg on his lap.

"Well, I did kinda get him a lot of money sooo…" Ash said as Pikcahu was sitting at the nose of the ship enjoying the wind.

"How long do you think before we get there?"

"We should get there about tomorrow late at about 7," Ash said as the wind blew off his hat but Abra caught it then teleported away.

"...Welp, there's about an 80% chance I never see that hat again,"
