
Ink Battle (10 - Hell's Sneak Peak)

~ The Standstill Of 8th Ranks & Territory Lords ~

The Void was dead silent, not even the sound of Ink Clan's screams of terror and death could be heard. It was all being drowned out by the sheer thickness of Yang Kai's Killing intent. It was enough that Mo Sha and Six Wood both knew to back off. Once the two of them started leaving the combat zone, Yang Kai smirked. 

"Good, you see, I'm quite upset at the moment. Here I was trying to consolidate my new cultivation and comprehend a few mysteries of this power I now wield. And then, I heard the drum… Knowing my Son, he wouldn't let that thing go off without a truly good reason. And then I heard… That you cowardly bunch led an army to try and claim my son's life." Yang Kai stated, coldly, with a ruthless nerve. 

"The Supreme Master ordered us to attack and so we did! That boy is a threat and we will claim his head even if we have to kill you too!" The brutally beaten up Territory Lord yelled out in defiance. 

"Hmm, it seems my son gave you one hell of a beating, is this the case?" Yang Kai asked, already knowing the answer. 

"Of course, I beat him black and blue too, I'm the one that broke his pitiful human body. He was more resilient than most, especially for just a brat." The Territory Lord taunted. 

"Hmm, I see. Then… I'll have you die first. May you suffer an eternal pain for all your life in this and the afterlife thus forth. You shall suffer." Yang Kai said, instantly sending a Golden Crow Casting Sun attack towards the Territory Lord. 

With all the pissed off father rage fueling this attack it was more than enough to make the Royal Lord far away, stop and stare at it in terror. Then an angry fist came flying into his face. 

"Looking away in a fight with me, you must be begging for death." Smiles said, continuing her pressure on the Royal Lord. 

~ The Realm of Hell ~

The Territory Lord hit by Yang Kai's attack was instantly vaporized, finding himself in a place filled with the aura of death and torment. Not the kind that makes him feel comfortable, no… It was quite the opposite. Looking left and right he noticed that all of the soldiers who had been led to battle were all there as well, being beaten by the backside of a scythe wielded by one ferocious looking young woman. 

Some of the soldiers would try to dodge the beatings only to fail and then get hit even harder. And if that wasn't enough there were armed guards of sorts walking behind the souls and shoving thousands of spined needles into each soul. Those who dodged the attacks were also stuck up the rear with a shaft full of different kinds of spikes that each seemed to cause a different kind of pain. 

"Well shit, I hope I find out where this is soon. No…" The Territory Lord thought. "You better stop it now! The Supreme Master will kill you all for this!" He shouted out, as he squirmed. 

"Oh we got a feisty one here. Hmm, oh wow you're going to be in for a fun surprise. Daring to hurt my future husband so badly. Oh I' can't wait to torture your soul. It's going to be a tantalizing experience indeed." The scythe wielding young woman smirked, satisfied at the mere thought and anticipation of what was to come. 

It was at that moment the Territory Lord realized where he was. And fear instantly invaded his expression. 

"Ah yes! That's the stuff right there. You're already dead. But it's not over, especially not for you. I'm going to have plenty of fun torturing you." The Young woman said. 

"Now my dear, don't go too far overboard, you want to keep those souls intact as a gift, remember. Though, it seems like we won't be sheltering him this time. He was able to avoid fatal injuries." A booming regal voice stated. 

"Yes daddy! I'll make sure they are primed and ready for consumption by the time I get to hold my future husband!" The Young woman said cheerfully. 

The Territory Lord slowly turned to look at where the voice came from. His face turned to one of abject fear. One could see each of the stages of terror with every degree he turned his neck. And in the end he wanted to gulp but he couldn't, he was that terrified.

~ Thunderclap Hall Great Territory's Void ~ 

The energy from Yang Kai's attack spread out and engulfed many more Ink Clan. Sending each of them to their doom, or rather… Torment

"Now, that makes 3 I've killed personally. 3 from Mo Sha, 2 from Six Wood, and 1 from my son. For a total of 9 killed. And there are 5 left? Huh, even if it was just you 14 Territory Lords you might have beaten my son. Too bad you're all pathetic. I'll be killing you all now." Yang Kai sighed, unbothered by the number. 

"There are still 5 of us!" A Territory Lord yelled out in an albeit horribly weak battle cry. 

"No, there isn't. It's 0 of you versus me. Why? Because, you're already dead." Yang Kai stated coldly. 

"What?" The Territory Lord grumbled confused. 

The space where the Territory Lords were was torn apart. Their corpses now in trillions of trillions of pieces all in an instant. There was no time for fear, only death was awaiting them. 

"Senior Brothers, would you mind so terribly to deal with the rest of the rabble, I've locked the gates in this Territory, they can't escape. So finding them won't be too hard. I would do it myself, but I have some… personal grudges to settle, I trust you understand?" Yang Kai said, with a smile and then teleported out of the area. 

"I've… I've never seen Yang Kai like that before. He was powerful before but now… I'd be willing to bet he is on par with the average 9th rank now." Mo Sha Divine Monarch said. 

"Indeed, let us do right and give the Ink Clan a beating they won't soon forget. After that we should go check up on Brother Yang's kid. Those injuries were quite severe." Six Wood Divine Monarch said in agreement. 

"I'll race ya." Mo Sha smirked, and then darted off.
