
Two-Thirds of the Unholy Trinity

Earth land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Clover.

June, x784.

"Alfonzo! What the hell was that, man?" Natsu shouted as Alfonzo approached.

"Indeed, that was quite impressive." Erza said with a nod.

"Yeah, since when could you shoot green beams?" Cana asked. "I thought you used electricity and metal."

"Actually, that was an application of Electromagnetic manipulation." Alfonzo said, beginning to explain as he reached the group. "The EM spectrum is divided into seven ranges… Well, there are more, but some of them are subsets of the main seven. What I used was gamma-rays…"

From there, Alfonzo went into an in-depth explanation about what he had done. Surprising no one, Cana, who was too drunk to comprehend at the moment, Gray, Erza, and Natsu looked as if they had headaches and smoke threatened to come out of their ears by the time Alfonzo was done with his explanation. Meanwhile, Happy was not listening from the beginning. Instead, he was wondering if Alfonzo would make some sashimi for him when they got back to Magnolia.

Many of the guild masters were in a similar situation to the four Fairy Tail wizards. The exceptions being Makarov, Bob, Goldmine, and Ooba Babasama. Ultear and Lucy also seemed to understand Alfonzo's explanation, as well. Even if not fully.

On a side note, Jose Porla, the guild master of Phantom Lord, would have also understood the explanation had he been present. However, as soon as he saw Makarov heading out to see what was going on, he refused to follow.

"This boy is a genius." Goldmine said with an astonished expression.

'Well, I did get a degree in mechanical engineering in my past life.' Alfonzo mused. 'Though it didn't really factor into what I was majored in, I found that part of physics really interesting. Too bad controlling the EM spectrum is so hard.'

"Mmm…" Bob hummed while looking Alfonzo up and down. "Strong, Smart, and from what I hear a wizard in the kitchen as well. I just wanna take you home for myself."

Hearing that, Alfonzo started shivering. Then, he instinctively ran to Ultear and hid behind her.

"Though I appreciate the sentiment, Master Bob, I'm quite happy in Fairy Tail." Alfonzo said in a fear filled, yet respectful, tone.

"Hahaha! You got rejected, Bob." Goldmine said with a hardy laugh.

"That's too bad." Bob said while biting on his left thumb nail with watery eyes. "If you ever change your mind, my… *Cough* Blue Pegasus' doors will always be open to you."

"Hey Bob!" Makarov shouted. "Stop trying to poach my children!"

"Oh, calm down, Maki." Bob said with a smile. "Getting angry isn't good for your health. You're not as young as you used to be. Besides, I was only forty-five percent joking."

"That means you were more than halfway serious!" Makarov shouted.

Like that, Makarov and Bob continued to bicker while Goldmine threw in some comments of his own from time to time. Meanwhile, Alfonzo and Ultear approached the group of new arrivals.

"so, what are you guys doing here?" Ultear asked with a smile.

"Before we continue, you might wanna touch up your lipstick." Lucy said. "It smudged a little."

Gasping in surprise, Ultear quickly turned around, conjured a reflective piece of ice that she used as a mirror, and saw that her lipstick was indeed smudged, no doubt due to the interrupted make out session from earlier.

Without paying attention to the rest of the group, Ultear pulled the collar of her shirt and reached a hand into the valley of her breasts to pull out a tube of lipstick. Then, she proceeded to fix her make up.

"Hey, Ultear." Gray said with interest in his tone. "That spell you used to hold the Lullaby in place, was that the same as Ur's [Rose Garden]?"

"In form, yes." Ultear replied after fixing her lipstick. "But I added a little something to mine. I managed to add one of the properties of the [Ice Shell] to it. Meaning, as long as the target stays bound, their magic power will be drained by the ice."

"Whoa!" Lucy exclaimed, "That's so cool."

In response, Ultear smiled sweetly at Lucy.

"Does Ur know that you've been experimenting with the [Iced Shell]?" Gray asked in a serious tone after haring Ultear's explanation.

"She does." Ultear replied, wiping the smile off her face. "She wasn't happy about it, though."

"That's because if you had made a mistake, you could have been turned into a block of ice meant for sealing." Gray said in an agitated tone.

Hearing that, everyone, other than Alfonzo, wore astonished expressions.

"Ultear, that sounds rather reckless." Erza said with a worried expression.

"It's fine." Ultear said, waving off the concerned gazes. "I never actually tried to activate the spell. Instead, I only studied the principles. I'm confident in my abilities, but even I can't reverse that spell."

Once again, everyone's expression changed. This time they showed relief.

"Anyway, what do we do now?" Natsu asked, already getting bored from just standing around.

"What else, we contact the Magic Council." Alfonzo replied.

"Why do we always have to call the Magic Council." Natsu asked with a pout. "All they do is give us dirty looks."

"Maybe if you didn't burn everything you touched, they wouldn't look at you like that." Cana said, producing another bottle of liquor from her[Storage Card].

"It's not like I do it on purpose." Natsu muttered.

With that, Alfonzo returned to the Escalade and used the communication lacrima in the center console to contact the closest branch of the Magic Council. After explaining that he had defeated Erigor, who intended to use a [Death Curse] on the building where the guild masters were meeting, he ended the communication.

"Now, I gotta do something about this thing before the Magic Council gets here." Alfonzo said, once again walking toward the giant corpse of Lullaby.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked curiously. "Wouldn't the Magic Council be best for disposing of it?"

"Normally, they would." Alfonzo replied with a nod. "But, I don't trust an organization that big with that much power. We don't know if any of them are doing some shady shit behind the world's back."

'Especially that traitor, Crawford Seam.' Alfonzo thought as eh placed his hands on the two halves of the dead demon. 'He did sell out the new Magic Council to a group entirely comprised of Zeref's Etherious.'

"[Electromagnetism Magic: Microwave Superheating]." Alfonzo chanted.

Once again controlling the nearby electromagnetic waves, Alfonzo wrapped them around the two halves of the corpse. Then, he rapidly raised the temperature of the body. Eventually, it was turned into little more than charcoal.

After ending his spell, Alfonzo gave a firm kick to each of the pieces of Lullaby's body resulting in them falling apart into piles of ash.

"Did you just burn it without fire?" Natsu asked with is eyes wide open. "How did you do that?"

"Well, it's actually quite simple." Alfonzo replied with a mischievous smile. "Another one of the states of electromagnetic waves---"

"Never mind!" Natsu shouted with his hands covering his ears. "I don't wanna know anymore."

Natsu's outburst led to the rest of the group laughing for a while at his expense.

"Anyway, back to my earlier question." Ultear said after she regained control of her laughter. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Erza brought us here." Gray said with a shrug. "Earlier today, she showed up, dragged us to Onibus on the train, made us fight a Dark Guild, and now we're here."

"A little more detail would be nice." Alfonzo said while rolling his eyes even though he already knew what was going on.

"It went like this." Lucy said.

From there, Lucy explained the entire series of events that led to the six coming from Magnolia all the way to Clover.

"So, Erigor trapped you in a wind barrier that he set up around Oshibana Station, huh?" Alfonzo said with an understanding nod. "but how did you get out of the barrier? I mean, you were right on his tail."

"Thanks to Lucy's new key guy… I mean girl." Natsu said.

"They're Celestial Spirits." Lucy replied, sounding unamused. "Anyway, it's the key Lici gave me after we beat up Duke Everlue. You remember that really big, pink-haired maid? She was Virgo of the Zodiac Spirits."

"You mean the one I bicycle kicked into a wall?" Alfonzo asked with a smile.

"Uh… Yeah." Lucy replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable now that she was Virgo's wizard.

"It's okay, Princess." Virgo, now in the form of a beautiful young woman of average height with short, pink hair and blue eyes wearing a black undercoat, a frilly, white apron, white knee-high socks, and black Mary Jane shoes, said after summoning herself from the Celestial Spirit World. "I enjoyed the punishment."

"Virgo, what are you doing here?" Lucy asked, surprised that Virgo appeared without being summoned.

"I just wanted to see the man who gave me such a wonderful punishment for my disrespectful behavior." Virgo said with a smile.

"Great, I've met two masochists in the last month." Lucy said, hanging her head in resignation. "What is my life turning into?"

"Just wait until you meet Lici's stalker." Alfonzo said, patting Lucy on the shoulder. "Then, you'll have met what I can only refer to as the unholy trinity."

"You're talking about Karen Lilica, aren't you?" Lucy asked. "Ugh… She was one of my idols a few years ago. After Lici told me how she ended up, my entire world view has been turned on its head."

While the young wizards of Fairy Tail and the guild masters continued to chat outside. During that time, Alfonzo asked Cana to use her [Car Magic] to blow away Lullaby's ashes. At the same time, he used his own magic to make two sets of magic sealing cuffs and slapped them on Erigor and Kageyama.

Not long afterward, a group of men and woman appeared from the distance. Though, they were not wearing the capes and uniforms of the Magic Council's Custody Enforcement Unit. Instead, they were wearing the standard armor of the kingdom's knights. And among them, not wearing a helmet, was a beautiful blonde woman who Natsu, Happy, and Lucy were familiar with.

Immediately, the three looked at the blonde knight warily. Sensing the unfriendly gazes, the woman began to fidget and blush.

'Damn, Darkness is really fucking hot.' Alfonzo thought to himself as he watched the masochistic knight. 'It's too bad she's so far off the deep end, though. What a waste of such a gorgeous woman.'

As if she sensed Alfonzo's thoughts, the blonde knight, Darkness, turned her head in his direction. Then, she began to pant like an animal in heat.

'Yup, that's gross.' Alfonzo thought.

"Fear not!" The commander of the division of knights shouted when the knights drew near. "We are here to subdue the villain! For we are the elite knights of the Kingdom of Fiore!"

"Ha!" All the knights shouted in unison.

"Oh, great, the knights are here." Gray said in a flat tone. "Now we'll be safe from the psychopath who got one shotted like half an hour ago. But maybe they can do something about the demon who got cut in half and turned into ashes before scattering in the wind."

"For once the ice cube is right." Natsu said. "Why is it that the knights always show up when everything is over?"

"What do you mean for once?" Gray asked in an irritated tone.

"You two shouldn't be so rude." Lucy scolded.

"Hey, Ultear." Cana said after finishing another bottle. "You and Gray use the same magic, right? So, why doesn't Natsu seem to have a problem with you?"

"I've wondered about that myself." Erza chipped in.

"He doesn't have a problem with Ur, either." Alfonzo added.

"Hmm… If I had to guess…" Ultear said while tapping a finger on her chin. "It's because Gray and Natsu are pretty evenly matched. I mean, Natsu did challenge me and mom with the same reckless abandon once. But we beat him up so bad that he never tried again."

"But I've beaten him several times over the years as well." Erza said. "But he still---"

"Oh, they're ignoring us." Erza's question was cut off by Darkness' excited cry. "They're treating us like we're worth less than dirt. It's so humiliating. We've asked them for the details behind what happened several times and we've gotten nothing. I bet if they were dark wizards, they would attack us without mercy. Then, they would kill all the men and capture all the women to sell as slaves. But we're knights, so we wouldn't be broken so easily. Then, they would have to…"

Hearing Darkness' excited ramblings, the conversation ended quickly. Then, Alfonzo, with great detail, answered all the commander's questions and told him that they were waiting for the Custody Enforcement Unit to take the dark wizards into custody. Unfortunately, that was not enough to make the young woman with an overactive imagination stop.

"Did he just start answering all the commander's questions respectfully to make me stop talking?" Darkness asked to nobody in particular. "If no one was around, would he slap me to shut me up? Or maybe he would force me down to my knees and…"

As Darkness continued, Alfonzo wanted to run away. At first, he thought of giving her an electric shock to make her stop. But then he realized that would be a bad idea for more than one reason. First, he would have attacked a knight of the kingdom, which is a crime. And second, she would probably like it.

"I like her." Virgo said from next to Lucy. "She has some interesting ideas for punishments."

At that moment, Darkness stopped abruptly. Then, she looked in Virgo's direction. After making eye contact, the two held it for a few moments without moving. Then, at the same time, they both started walking toward each other. Eventually, they were standing face-to-face.

"What's going on?" Lucy asked.

"I don't know." Alfonzo replied. "But Those perverts are resonating or something."

"What does that even mean?" Lucy asked in a confused tone.

Having heard the short conversation, Virgo simply smiled. Meanwhile, Darkness' blush intensified while her breathing got more and more out of control. Still, that did not stop the two from taking their next actions.

"You're pretty good." Virgo said, extending her right hand for a handshake.

"You're not so bad either." Darkness struggled to say between her ragged breaths while clasping Virgo's hand.

A firm handshake later, the two masochists were discussing their passion. Meanwhile, the wizards and knights shared the same thought.

'What the fuck?'


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