
Not Giving In

They had been instructed by a person they had a close relationship with to handle a matter for them.

It was not the first time they had done those kinds of things for that person and it would not be the last.

They fully intended to inflict harm upon her but they felt no guilt about what they were about to do.

They even commented that Ash should not take it personally since it was not them who had been the ones to wish to do something to her.

It was a job for them and while they did get some enjoyment out of it, they were not the ones who were fully behind what was happening.

They were just following the orders of someone else.

If she wanted to hate or take action against anyone for the sake of revenge then she should not direct that hatred toward them.

It was almost like they were trying to absolve themselves of the guilt and consequences of what they were about to do.
