

Once Dee's words sunk in, Zero disappeared from the temple without a word leaving Dee to watch over the kids, Adrian and Sakura.

After teleporting to a hidden room deep within the temple, Zero felt his bloodline boil as his body shook uncontrollably, disrupting his vibrations and shadow clock.

Now directly exposed to the changes brought upon by this world's transformation, three energies locked onto Zero's exact location.

Panicked, Zero tried to force his bloodline to activate, only to find it rejected him as it seeped from his body to touch the rampaging energies.

Within seconds half the blood in Zero's body seeped from his pores, mouth, eyes, and ears, stretching out to consume the new energies.

Weakened by the process, Zero's consciousness waned, leaving him in a dulled state.

Zero didn't have to stay like that for long as the three energies finally made contact with his bloodline knocking him unconscious.

Oblivious to Zero's entombment below, Dee cheerfully transformed back into his sword form when he noticed Adrian's skin become red from Fue's heat.

Once again, the world became silent.

Only this time, one person suffered in that silence.

Deep in the ocean of Mythos, all shadows seemed to be whipped into a frenzy as a demonic entity hum echoed in its depths.

In a hidden room deep within the temple, Zero was surrounded by a cocoon of shadows as demonic energy circulated, releasing a soft hum.

Hours passed before Sakura awoke atop a bed of clouds.

Groggy, Sakura yawned, stretching before remembering the child that tried to attack her.

Vigilant, Sakura quickly looked around for the kid as an instinctual fear sent shivers down her spine at the prospect of being kidnapped.

From Adrian's memories, she knew that whenever someone was kidnapped, nothing good would follow.

Her thoughts were instantly interrupted when a familiar face appeared inches from her face.

Without any warning, Dee tried to scare her, "Boo!"


Dee's childish actions made Sakura jump backward, hitting her back against the temple's walls.

Flustered, Sakura wanted to curse, but when she saw who it was, she suppressed her urge.

Instead, she reprimanded Dee's actions, telling him off in an authoritative voice, ~You can't scare people like that!~

Contrary to what she wanted, Dee broke out laughing as Sakura's squeaky voice sounded funny to him.

Smugly, Dee laughed, "Yes, Ma'am! Won't happen again."

Hearing his smug laughter, Sakura felt offended and confused why she couldn't change her voice the way she wanted, unlike before.

Dee felt the situation became all the funnier when Dee saw Sakura grab her neck and start making odd noises and voices.

Cheekily, Dee reminded, "You know… I'm technically older than you."

Dee's comment caught Sakura off guard, but she couldn't tell him off as he was technically right!

Their little exchange woke up Bemo and Qi, who were still resting with Adrian.

All the while, Fue slept lazily in Adrian's arms, releasing heat like a little generator.

Qi wanted to get up and play with Bemo and Dee, but after Dee got up the second time, Adrian rolled over, hugging her and Fue tightly, making it impossible for her to get out.

Bemo, on the other hand, hopped down from the cloud, energized and ready to play.

Just like Dee for Sakura, Bemo seemed to teleport in front of her, leaving her even more confused.

Wanting to have a little fun, Bemo pretended to gnash his teeth and growl.


Indigent, Sakura screamed, ~STOP SCARING ME!~

Her high-pitched soft sounding voice suddenly turned hoarse, hurting Bemo and Dee's ears as they were right next to her.

Her scream even woke up Fue for a second before she lazily fell back asleep.

Sakura turned around to face the wall, hiding herself in the cloud bed as she quietly wept.

Feeling bad, Dee and Bemo huddled together, whispering to each other.

After talking for a few seconds, Dee pushed Bemo forward, whispering, "Apologize first. I started to calm her down."

Stepping forward, Bemo bowed, facing the cloud bed as he spoke, "I'm sorry… I only wanted to spook you a little. I didn't mean to scare you that much…"

Hearing Bemo's apologetic voice, Sakura turned around teary-eyed as her voice quivered, ~You-You mean it…~

Sakura's reaction only made Dee and Bemo feel even worse, to the point that Dee interrupted Bemo's agreement to say, "I'm sorry too!"

Dee and Bemo both stood there with their heads facing the ground waiting for Sakura's reply.

Their sincerity made Sakura feel bad for overreacting, ~... It's ok. I overreacted, too…~

During the three's little commotion, Qi finally pried herself from Adrian's cuddles.

Noticing how sad Sakura was, Qi walked over, nodding to her before jumping on her shoulder and licking her face.

After Sakura accepted their apology, Dee and Bemo looked up, hearing Sakura laughing softly.

Confused and offended, they glared at her only to see Qi licking her face, which made them understand she wasn't laughing at them.

Unlike most animals, both Qi and Fue's breaths smelled refreshing, as they had never eaten normal food and sustained themselves off of Adrian's essence and energy alone.

With her mood lifted, Sakura unraveled Qi from her neck, placing her on the ground to play with her, forgetting about her odd experience and how she ended up here.

Watching the playful games Sakura played with Qi, Bemo turned around, looking for Zero.

Unable to find him, Bemo peeked out of the archways looking around to see if Zero had walked outside.

Noticing his odd actions, Dee called out to Bemo, asking, "Whatcha looken for?"

Dee's question caught Sakura and Qi's attention as they all looked at Bemo, who responded, "Well… Umm. Has anyone seen Uncle Zero?"

Shrugging, Dee spoke up, pointing at Sakura, "Don't know? He disappeared after bringing her here and almost killing us all."

Sakura's eyes lit up in confusion as she remembered the reason that she got scared in the first place, ~What! Did you see a blond kid with claws?!~

Innocently Dee responded, "Oh Yeah! Zero looked like a blond kid when he brought you here. But, he was really confused or something."

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter.

What do you think happened at Zero?

Why is his bloodline rejcting him for those new energies?

Will he be ok?!

system_evolvercreators' thoughts