
Give A Man A Fish

"And I want to build my own kingdom, away from the rest of my family," Mao Jing continued, turning his gaze away from me and staring off into the distance. 


"Not much incentive for me to put you in the manager role if you are thinking of wanting to take over everything," I pointed out, not at all concerned about his plans for the future. 


"But it is. I give you my allegiance, and in return, you give me what I need to succeed."


"You are still not really selling yourself here. Are you sure that you were once important?" I said with a chuckle. 


"I was important enough not to need to learn how to sell myself," he answered with a shrug, fully acknowledging that he was screwing up.


"Tell me, in detail, what your plans are, and I will tell you if I will kill you or give you what you want," I said in no uncertain terms. I was tired, and I wanted to sleep, so this conversation needed to be over and done with fast. 
