
I know what I'm doing

Gu Dai fixed her gaze on Zhou Gang. "Tell me, who hired you to ambush me?"

Zhou Gang scoffed coldly. "No one. I did it myself!"

Gu Dai's eyes grew colder. Zhou Gang shivered, but still stubbornly met her gaze.

Seeing his defiance, Gu Dai stepped on his back.

Meng Zhi, smiling, admired her action. "Daidai, well done!"

Gu Dai said, "You've just gone bankrupt, entangled in a lawsuit with your wife, drowning in debt. Even if you had the energy to target me, you wouldn't have the money, unless someone was backing you."

As she spoke, she increased the pressure on her foot.

Zhou Gang was flattened to the ground under Gu Dai's heel. He thought Gu Dai would be easier to handle than Meng Zhi, but the pain on his back intensified manyfold, draining his face of color.

Gu Dai asked indifferently, "Who was it?"

Zhou Gang clenched his teeth. "Forget it, I'll never tell you! You've ruined me to this extent, I—Ah!"
