Alicia joined a bunch of kids to hop onto Thomas the Tank Engine ride. The bright fall sunshine made her blond hair shine, hanging down beyond her collarbone. Her small shoulders made her look pretty, almost dreamlike. The warm sunlight seemed to go right through her.
Louis was at the entrance, quietly looking at her. His worry vanished when Alicia held his arm.
She always knew how to get to his feelings.
He spent the entire afternoon at the park with Alicia. When it was time to close, she still wanted to do more, hinting they should come back.
Louis chuckled. Sometimes, Alicia acted like the wise eighty-year-old lady, and other times, she was just like an eight-year-old kid. She was simple but complex at the same time.
That night, Louis stayed at the Upper Hill. They missed each other and were as sweet as newly married couples.
A week later, Alicia got a surprise call from Chuck, "I'm heading back to California. Be careful when you're out."