
It tastes disgusting.

Alex smiled and whispered. "Nice little speech, you even made yourself sound generous for robbing the trainees of three devil fruits."

Sengoku clenched the pillow tightly. "Don't think you can just say whatever you want because I can't do anything about it right now, brat. I'll find you later and show you what REAL fists of love are if you keep running your mouth."

Alex laughed and grabbed the apple shaped fruit from the pillow. He tossed it in the air and caught it with his mouth before swallowing it.

A moment later he collapsed to the floor. The marines looked up at him concerned, were they about to lose one of their top 5 prospects???

"Blegh! Oh my god! Oh my fucking god that is disgusting!" Alex cried out from the floor as he continued to gag.

"It tastes like shit! No! Worse than shit! UGGGH!"

Everyone started laughing at him.

Aokiji looked down at him. "Why did you eat the whole thing?"

Alex gagged again, holding a hand to his mouth. "I wanted to, hic, I wanted to look cool."

Aokiji smiled and shook his head. "You look really cool right now, Alex." He said sarcastically.

Alex smirked. "Fuck you."

Alex then looked at Dragon. "And fuck you too, you made it look like it didn't taste that bad."

Dragon smiled. "It tastes horrid."

Alex finally stood back on his feet after recovering. He dusted his clothes off and saluted like nothing happened. "Thank you very much, admiral Sengoku!"

Sengoku laughed at him before walking away. "You get what you deserve brat! Wahahaha!"

Alex clicked his tongue and watched as Sengoku gave another speech and closed the ceremony.

After the ceremony ended Alex dashed home and to his room.

He smiled. "I got it, the fruit I wanted."

He looked down at his hand and his fingers morphed into different tools. On his thumb was a blowtorch, his index finger became a scalpel, his middle finger was a screw driver, his ring finger was a hammer and his pinky became a beaker.

He smiled and shook his hand causing all five of the tools to change into different ones. One became a log pose, another became a wrench, one became a fork, another was a compass that didn't work because he was in the grand line, and the last one was a map.

Alex laughed and did the same with his other hand making new tools for each finger. One of his fingers turned into a black book.

Alex got curious about it and it opened on its own, without him touching it. It started to shine a bright white light before becoming full of words. Alex looked down and saw information and writing about every single thing he knew. He only had to think about it and the book would automatically flip through pages. If he thought about a certain topic, it would go to that page, it was like a collective archive of everything he had ever learned.

Alex laughed. "Cool! I didn't even know about this!"

Alex didn't waste a moment before running to the marine's library. He grabbed a book and wanted to test out how his archive would record everything, however, the moment he touched the book in the library his archive shone a dim white light. It opened to a new page and showed every single thing the book he was holding had in it.

Alex was shocked. He opened the book that he had never read before and somehow knew every single line in the book, he had all the contents memorized before he could even finish reading the title page.

Alex started laughing like a maniac and ran around slapping every book he could find in the library. He got through a whole book shelf and smiled, before his vision started to get blurry. "Huh? Why am… I so… tired…"

Alex swayed and landed face first on the floor, unconscious.

When he woke up he was in his bed. Alex held his head in pain. "I guess I can't just spam my abilities then."

Alex groaned, he felt like shit. Shanks was sitting by his bedside and laughed. "How does it feel bastard?! Does it hurt? Do you feel like shit? Good! Now you know how I feel every time I drink with you!"

Alex didn't even have the energy to respond. "How do you ever want to drink again if you feel like this every time?" He complained.

Shanks sighed. "I have no clue, it's one of the greatest mysteries in the world."

Alex smiled and rolled over before going back to sleep.

When he woke up again, he felt much better. He hopped out of bed and cooked himself breakfast, scarfing down at least 5 portions of food as usual before leaving the rest for everyone else and running out of the house.

He ran directly to the lab on base and began to mess around with his new powers by creating and experimenting on things.

By lunchtime he was already getting the hang of it. He was in the kitchen flipping burgers with a spatula that grew out from his pointer finger while he was using a blowtorch on his thumb to heat up the liquid in a beaker on his middle finger. His archive was open on his other hand and recording the results while his pinky finger stretched out and grabbed plates. His ring finger turned into tongs and started taking the finished burgers off the grill and onto the plates.

A salt and pepper shaker formed on his left hand and started seasoning the meat while a meat thermometer made of another finger checked the temperature.

He finished making the meal and moved the plates with finished food to the dining room table in the other room without taking a single step.

One of his fingers formed a fan and blew the smoke away as he was cooking inside and when everything was done the grill that he was using to cook shrank down and returned to his left thumb.

Alex walked over to the table while reading the results of his experiments for the day in his archive while two of his fingers turned into a fork and knife and started cutting and feeding himself the food.

Buggy was sitting next to him with a horrified look. "What the fuck?!?! Stay away you creepy fuck!"

Alex didn't even look over as his pinky formed a clamp and shut Buggy's mouth.

"MHPH! MEHP! PPMHWWW!" Buggy's screams were muffled.

Shanks nearly fell off his chair laughing. "You got even weirder!"

Alex smiled and closed his book as another bite of food was stuffed into his mouth. "I'm going back to the lab after lunch. I have a couple things I want to make, and this fruit will make everything much easier."

Garp laughed. "Today is your last day off, tomorrow, hell week begins!"

Alex paled, "You mean it wasn't hell week before?"

Garp laughed. "What do you mean? I was going easy on you guys! Now you're going to do the same training Dragon does!"

"Mhmmmmmmm." Buggy's cries were muffled by Alex.

Garp laughed. "You need to train more anyway brat. Your devil fruit relies on your stamina, that is why you passed out yesterday. Plus, if you ever want to learn the six powers or haki you have to get stronger."

Alex sighed. "Yea, yea. I'll be there. But I'm going back to the lab when we're done."
