
Signal The Fleet

[DRN Archer's Pride - Olivia Anderson]

The First Fleet was steaming south when pirates and Alliance ships ambushed it. Thanks to the hundreds of cannons, the enemy fleet was turned into scrap metal as the flagship plowed through it.

Explosions rang across the surface, allowing the fleet to hear their victory, 'We can make it back to the island without losing too many friendly ships,' she pondered while looking out the window.

Olivia worried for her lover but knew he would be fine. She shook her head and ordered the fleet to fire at will whenever they saw enemy ships. It took them nearly four days to pass through the Death Mist, reach Draconia, and pass through it.

They were lucky, as the largest battle fleet that Thrylos had ever seen was chasing after them. The vessels were letting off volleys of mana shells that arced in the air before landing on some Cruisers, causing them to explode.
