
It Felt Like A Predator Sizing Me Up

Archer and Eveline stood up before saying farewell to Marvin, who wished them a good day. He said he wanted an invitation to the wedding, which darkened the rabbit girls' cheeks.

He found her embarrassed expression adorable. Soon, they walked through the city, taking in the sights and sounds. People closed their stalls after selling off their merchandise or moved on.

While strolling, Archer took in Eveline's beauty, which he couldn't overcome. She resembled a bunny girl from an anime back on Earth. She had long white hair that flowed down to the middle of her back and glowing red eyes that gleamed with excitement. 

She had a slim, athletic build with thick hips and thighs that stirred his desires, but Archer pushed those thoughts aside. Much like Teuila and Nala, she was a warrior with well-sculpted muscles that couldn't hide the feminine charm she oozed.
