
Chapter 31 - Lala's punishment

speech:"like this"

though:'like this'

telepathy:<like this>


////////MC POV///////

Sephie:"I see, would it be possible for me to meet this assassin personally?"

Cad:"Honestly I don't know, I still haven't looked into the information we got about her creation and it was enough to make her mad and I don't think that you yourself lose your cool very often."

As soon as Medaka was out of the door I started to surmise the information I got from the bases I invaded, I didn't need to go in-depth as Carla and Elise already had comprised a few files to give to them.

And the first thing Sephie asked me was if she could meet her clone, Sephiria.

Cad:"At the moment she is just listening and doing a few covert ops to gather more information from inside Eden Chronos, she was always a woman of few words and was starting to talk more to me, but now….."

Sephie:"She closed herself didn't she?"

Cad:"*sigh* Yes."

Sephie appears to close her eyes to think and I can feel that she becomes saddened, somewhat, Gil, surprisingly, takes her hand in comfort.

Lala gets a little apprehensive seeing this, it looks like she didn't expect her mother to respond like this.

Sigh, see, that is why I said she had to communicate more, the only thing I can think that would indicate that she would react in such a manner is the fact that she is the last one of her race.

Sure, there are her daughters, but she is the last, pure Charmian that exists….at least for now, I don't know how the relationship between me and Lala will progress.



Huh? Did I hear something?

I look at my surrounding as heard some voices as if someone was mocking me but there is nothing. Weird.

Anyway, Sephie takes a deep breath and says to me.

Sephie:"Please, do speak ask her, I would like to meet my 'sister'."

I can't help but raise my eyebrow because of the way she put it, she emphasized the world but I could feel it was not in a negative way and there was some pleading in her voice.


I can't help but ask, although Sephy and I can be said to be friends, there is mutual respect for each other and also trust.

Sephiria isn't being overly specific when surrendering my information to her bosses as she knows me more than she is letting on.

And I obviously, since I'm receiving inside information from her, could rat her out to her bosses.

And that in itself, it's a leap of faith, as we don't have a way to be sure of each other frankness, so, of course, we will be more careful.

Sephie:"I don't care if she is a clone, you said it yourself, her creation was an accident, one Eden Chronos was trying to recreate and perfect when they brought Tearju in."

Cad:"Indeed, and I don't know if they managed to get the full result of her research till the point we rescued her, so as far as we know, other living weapons could be a thing."

Sephie:"Un, but Sephiria isn't one, she is a clone and an enhanced individual, a master assassin and she is the only other Charmian living in the universe that we know of, being my clone she is my sister and I want her close to me."

She said it with conviction, and even though her voice did fail sometimes, it could be seen that this matter is of great importance to her.

For Existence's sake, when can I be free of drama?

Even Lala stopped acting foolishly and was looking at me with a pleading gaze while she held her mother's hand.

Cad:"Look, I get why you are like this, I really do, but the best I can do is relay everything to her, she will make the last decision."

I am not joking, I understand her completely, and although it doesn't affect me as much I do wonder from time to time about the fact that I am unique, I became my own race when I died and there will never be any other like me.

That is not the kind of thought that you can simply forget at will.

Gid makes a frustrated face and bit his lower lip, that's another feeling that I get completely, being powerless to take the suffering of your loved one.

He looks at me seriously and opens his mouth.

Gid:"Please Cadmus—."

Sephie:"That is enough, thank you, Cadmus."

Seems like he was about to swallow his pride but Sephie interrupted him.

Gid:"...But Sephie."

Sephie:"I'm alright Gid, not everything can be resolved by force, I want her to be part of the family and if we drag her will not do it."

She sighs sadly while looking at her husband and then her daughter, squeezing lightly her hand and expressing her thanks.

Sephie:"Now we have to discuss Lala's future and punishment."


Sephie:"Many times today your mischievous side made us embarrassed, you let out so much important information and made us rush in here as if your relationship with him was something assured putting a burden on your very first friend."

Sephie starts to go off on Lala with a severe tone.

Lala:"But..but Mama–"

Sephie:"I am not done."

As Lala tries to argue, her mother immediately shuts down, Gid has a PTSD face and Lala has a downcast ahoge.

I mean, she is not wrong, that was kind of a dick move from Lala but for me, it was already in the past, she already saw that she was wrong and apologized.

But as a parent, I that cementing the fact that she should think twice and not be so impulsive.

Sephie:"Lala, I am sorry that we left you so alone and even though we are at fault, doesn't mean that you can be acting like that, even more with people that are good to you."

Taking a break from Lala's scolding she turns to me.

Sephie:"Cadmus, since you and your personnel manage to destroy so many bases and do so much damage to the organization in such a small span of time I can be assured that you are strong right?"

Huh? What is she going with this?

Cad:"Uh, well, yeah, there is a reason why I dared to declare that Earth is the safest place in this entire universe in front of her."

Gid:"*snort* Yeah right."

The useless Emperor tries to say something but is ignored by everyone present.

Sephie:"Would it be safe to say that the training regiment of your people is quite severe, right?"

Oh, I see where this is going, this should be fun.

Cad:"Depends on the level, it can go all the way to brutal but one thing is for certain, the results are undeniable, the brat can attest from his small greeting."

Gid:"*snort* You are ballsy to say anything you want but won't fight with me, but yes, that girl's punch, there are not many people in Deviluke that can do the same."

At this point, Lala was already trying her best to stealthily slip away as her genius brain already caught on to what would be her fate.

Oh no, you won't.

Cad:"Yes, so what do you think Lala, this way you can spend time together and see where it can lead, I can even teach you managing and leadership skill for when you take your father's place."

I said, looking at Lala making her become the center of attention and stumping her escape while a put the best fake smile on my face.

Her dead fish eyes as she looks is priceless, even Sephie seems amused at her reaction.

Sephie:"It is settled then, Cadmus, I will be sending I bodyguard to keep an eye on her, I hope you don't mind."

Cad:"I wouldn't expect anything else."

Sephie:"Then I think is time for us to part, Lala will come to a later date for her training can I trust you with her accommodation arrangements?"

Cad:"No problem but I do warn you that she will not be simply treated as a princess and will have to pull her weight."

Sephie:"Good, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Cool, looks like I and Sephie are on the same wavelength, although I like Lala's personality she does need some discipline, I don't want those crazy machines running amok in my house like in the anime.

It is fun to watch not to be a part of.

Gid:"No wait, we will not end like this, we will fight right now or I will destroy Earth."

Oh, it looks like he finally reached his boiling point.

Sephie:"Gid, please."

Sephie sighs helplessly as Gid gets up and starts to walk in my direction.

Gid:"No Sephie, I am not going to let my daughter I the hand of....in the hand of....*YAWNNN**thund*ZZzzzzzzz."

He started to fumble his speech and have some difficulty staying awake as if he was dead tired, and suddenly fell face first on the floor and started to snore.


Sephie immediately becomes wary and tries to protect Lala from any possible attackers only to be caught off guard by Ahri's cry that came out from the couch armrest from where Gid was sitting.

Cad:"So you finally woke up you lazy fox?"

Ahri:"Kyurrr, kyuun."

She runs to me and jumps on my should moving the front part of her body to the other shoulder and laying down, becoming something like a scarf.

And as I comment about her latest laziness she starts to complain.

She did train on the first days she came with me, but she got so pampered by Mikan and Mea that she quickly became lazy.

Cad:"I don't care that you are a girl, you are lazy and will end up becoming fat."

Ahri:"KYU, kyu, kyu, kyu."

Cad:"If you are not satisfied you can simply drop off my shoulder and leave."

She tries to act all mad and use the 'I'm a woman' card, which I don't give a shit.


Ha, now she is trying to use her cuteness, thinking that I will be moved by her downcast ears.


Ahri:"KYU, kyuuu."

Cad:"You will start training tomorrow and that's final."


She softly grumbles in dissatisfaction but ultimately can do nothing about it and resign to her fate.

Taking care of that I look at the mother and daughter that are in a dumbfounded state.

In her rush to protect Lala, Sephie's veil became loose and ended up falling on the floor. I grab it and give it back to her.

Cad:"Do you want me to carry him for you."



She gets startled when she notices that her veil isn't on her face anymore and takes distance from me pulling Lala with her."

Sephie:"Cadmus, I know it's not your fault, any male and female in your place would feel the same way you feel, but I am married."


I was trying to give back her veil, what is she on about?

Sephie:"And I know you can't resist how perfect I am and want to do everything in your power to be able to glimpse at my phenomenal visage every day but I will not betray my husband."

Cad:"Now hold I minute."

Shit, I knew she was an unconscious narcissist but this is bullshit.

Sephie:"Trust me, I know, you will never see someone with my level of beauty and I know that any other woman in your eyes will become ugly and I'm sorry for that but—."

Cad:"I've seen better."

She has a blank expression on her face now, I mean, it is true, and I could have tried to calm her down in a more gentle way, but nah, it was getting annoying I don't want to hear any more words to be honest.

Cad:"Soooo do you want me to carry him or not?


Cad:"Bye Lala, see you later."

Lala:"*sigh* Goodbye Cadmus, take care of me in the future."

All in all, even if she makes an annoyed face she can't hide the excitement in her eyes after all, she doesn't have to be restrained in the castle anymore.

Sephie on the other hand just boarded the ship without saying anything, I'm the second person that was not affected by her charm, the first being her husband.

But I think she was more in shock by the fact that I said that I have seen someone more beautiful than her.

She had walked all the way back to her ship in a zombie-like state, not responding to any stimuli.

Having delivered them to their soldier I get back home, Carla wanted to spend some time together and I think we should go to my private universe.

I want to see what kind of world it can lead to.


In the future thinking back to this moment, back to this day, it was the first of many adventures I ofter have where I and one or more of my wives just get lost in some crazy world and get stronger in the process.

