
Planning, Strategizing, and Preparing

Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.

I only writing this for fun nor I am British.


I turned to Quintero, who was still scanning Druuna. "Quintero, let's focus on getting her comfortable and safe. We'll deal with the rest later."

Quintero nodded, understanding my intentions. "Got it, boss. I'll be sure to check on her vitals and monitor her while she's here."

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "Thanks, Quintero."

"You are Very Welcome Boss," The Smart AI said with a supportive smile before snapping his finger. "Oh…By the way Boss, I have figured out several ways we could deal with our financial situation"

I raised my eyebrows. "Really? What did you come up with, Baywatch?"

"Well," he began," There are Pros and Cons to each option, but here are a few possibilities that I came up with"

"One I could hack into the bank accounts of some of the DC Universe's wealthiest individuals and transfer some funds to our accounts.

Two, we could start a legitimate business and use our skills to make a profit.

Or three, I could come up with some creative investment strategies or financial schemes to immediately make some money," he finished with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow, feeling a mix of surprise and amusement. "Well, Quintero, those are some interesting ideas. Let's hold off on the whole hacking thing for now. We don't want to get on the wrong side of the law yet...and attract the attention of Bruce Wayne or even Lex But the other ideas sound feasible. We'll start looking into the second option another day but the third..."

Quintero nodded, understanding my concerns. "You got it, boss. I'll start working on the third option right away."

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief knowing that Quintero was on top of things. "Thanks, Baywatch. Keep me updated. But now…onto our next problem…Waller"

"I want to know everything we have on Amanda Waller," I declared. As I walked to the holo table in the corner of the Living room with 2 enormous monitors on each side of the wall, showing detailed maps of all of the cities on Earth and a bunch of symbols, representing different heroes and villains moving around the different cities from Metropolis to Jump City. That I now call the command corner.

Quintero appears on the holo table, pulling up a file on Amanda Waller. "You got it, boss, Here's what we've got on her. Amanda Waller is a high-ranking government official and is currently head of Project Cadmus. She's a shrewd and ruthless woman who is not to be underestimated. She's also known to have connections with some of the most dangerous villains in the DC universe. She's not someone to mess with."

I nodded, feeling a sense of apprehension. "I know. The comic books and movies about her always portray her as a formidable opponent. But we need to find a way to take her down WHEN not IF she became a threat to us. And I doubt that the hero could help us with this one. We need to come up with a plan."

"Quintero I want you to hack and track everything we can on Waller's movements, her communications, where she sleeps, where she eats, everything."

Quintero nodded, his avatar turning to his holographic terminal, and begins typing away. "On it, boss. I'll see what I can find."

"I also want you to look into rumors, whisper...look for keywords *Task Force X*, I have a feeling that Waller is NOT just the head of Cadmus"

The little green AI nodded again, his fingers typing away at the holographic keyboard. "Got it, boss. I'll see what I can find on Task Force X."

"I also want you to track many other individuals, like Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, Harley Quinn, And others who are related to Task Force X in the comic. I want to know when all of these individuals are moving, where they are located, and any other relevant information."

Quintero nods once more, his fingers still typing away on the holographic keyboard. "Understood, boss. I'll get started on tracking all of them."

I cross my arms, feeling a sense of determination and focus. "Good. We need to be prepared for when Waller decides to come after us. And we need to be ready to take her down if necessary. For now, let's focus on gathering as much intel as we can and staying one step ahead of her."

The UNSC AI nods, looking up from his terminal. "I'll make sure to keep you updated on any new findings, boss."

I nod in gratitude. "Thanks, Quint. Keep up the good work."


The training chamber of the base was equipped with various advanced training equipment and gear all rated for an enhanced being. It also has multiple gun ranges from close combat to sniping. In another corner of the chamber, there were these hand-to-hand combat mats and sparring equipment.

But that is not the most interesting thing about this room. That honor goes to the arena, It was another whole room connected to the training chamber. At first, I thought it was just a large normal arena for team battles and sparring matches, but I soon realized that it was much much more than that.

The arena was a simulation room that could recreate any environment or situation imaginably. It could simulate entire cities, jungles, deserts, or even other planets. It could create different enemies, ranging from common street thugs to alien invaders. The arena could even recreate famous battles and wars from history or different universes.

Like Halo or Star Wars to even Warhammer 40000.

This room is basically like the danger room in The X-Men but it was even more advanced and versatile. A place where we could hone our skills and abilities, test out new gadgets and gear, and even strategize for potential battles or missions. There was a control and monitoring station beside the entrance of the room where Quintero or anyone else could operate the simulation and adjust the parameters as needed.

For a week now I haven't been just experimenting and testing my Telepathy and psychic abilities but I have also spent a lot of time in the training chamber exploring and experimenting with my Hybrid Czarnians Physiology, testing out my enhanced strength, durability, and regenerative abilities.

And in the lab, I have also examined my own Blood and DNA, learning more about my unique genetic makeup and how it affects my abilities. THANK GOD I wasn't able to grow a copy of myself like Lobo, but the possibilities of what I could accomplish with my hybrid genetics were still exciting.

Using the advanced equipment, I was able to measure how much weight I could lift, how fast I could run, and how high I could jump. I could lift about a ton with ease, and run at approximately 60 miles per hour, with my jump reaching up to 30 feet high. With my regenerative abilities, I could heal from most injuries incredibly quickly. Like my first time being thrown around by Doomsday. And I could theoretically shrug off some small arms fire or even some deadly diseases or poisons but I wasn't quite ready to test that out just yet. However, I would like to test out some of those small arms on my own body tho…

But as impressive as my abilities were, I knew that I still had a lot of room for improvement and a long way to go before I could fully utilize them. I knew I still had a long way to go before I could fully utilize all of my powers and ability. I…am no hero, I killed before, My morals are flexible to a certain extent and My stint in MI6 has made me see the world in shades of gray rather than black and white. I am not the most morally upright person, but…one great uncle once said with great power comes great responsibility. I needed to learn how to control my abilities and use them even if it means the greater good.

I have the beginning of a list of people, villains, monsters, and threats that needed to be stopped or "neutralized". Whether it was stopping the Joker's latest scheme, taking down Darkseid, or preventing a global disaster, right now Amanda Waller is just one of the newly added names to that list. Plan on neutralizing or annihilating all of them. And it also is good XP for leveling up my [Stats] and making me stronger which is one of my current goals after arriving in this universe.

I have a big plan for this universe, and it includes taking down the biggest threats and enemies that this universe has to offer. But before I could even think about taking down Waller or any other villain, I needed to plan and strategize. And speaking about [Stats].


Name = Otto Gallahan(Jason Bourne)

Race = Human/Czarnians Hybrid

Gender = Male

Occupation = Vagabond

Money: 39100$

Level = 108

Exp = 3500/10700

HP = 43000/43000

MP = 18000/18000

Skills Points: 940


STR = 20 + (300) = 320

VIT = 10 + (500) = 510

DEF = 10 + (600) = 610

DEX = 20 + (300) = 320


INT=35 X (5) = 175

CHA =25


WILL = 100

PER = 20

LUK= 80


After some consideration, I have decided to just spend all of my 940 Skill points equally on the (SOUL STATS) I didn't need to spend too much on INT considering my LV 10, LV 35, LV 50, and LV 75 perks all give me a 5 time multiply on my INT. So, I just want to focus on increasing my CHA, WIS, WILL, PER, and LUK. I want them to be at even levels to be balanced and well-rounded.



INT= (35+11) X (5) = 230

CHA =25+205 = 230

WIS=40+190 = 230

WILL=100+130 = 230

PER = 20+210 = 230

LUK= 80+150= 230


With my stats now evenly distributed and well-rounded, I felt confident in my abilities and ready to take on any challenge that came my way. But I knew that there was still so much to learn and so much more room for growth. I made a mental note to continue training and pushing myself to new heights in all aspects of my being.

Now with that out of the way, I am at the gun range with my Beretta M9 in my hand aiming at the target across the room. As I took my aim with practice precision, I pulled the trigger and let loose a round, hitting the bullseye. I repeated the process, firing round after round, almost all of them bullseye, with only a few hitting just shy of the mark. I might not be Deadshot, but I was definitely a good shot. Not surprising since my time in the S.A.S. has made me well-versed in using firearms.

There is also another thing to note, I have been firing continuously for the past 10 minutes now and my gun still hasn't run out of bullets yet. Which was very odd the first time it happened, I checked my magazines to see if there are any signs of tampering or modifications. But there were none. But now I know it has something to do with my MP, my MP seems to drop by one point every time I pull the trigger on the pistol.


MP = 18000/17856


This was interesting to say at least, the system seemed to have some sort of connection with all of my weapons. I have also tried this with the Ballista the large ass crossbow and no, it didn't replenish the kryptonite bolt. So it suggests that the system is probably influenced by the type of ammunition or weapon used.

I made a mental note to continue experimenting and testing this phenomenon with other weapons and ammunition in the future. It could be a valuable asset in combat situations, knowing that I didn't have to worry about running out of bullets or ammunition.

But back to the MP, I can replenish my MP points just by eating or sleeping, although I haven't been that tired physically for weeks now since I have been cooped up here in this dimension or the real world. But I can still feel fatigued mentally like the need to lay down after a quick and intense raid behind enemy lines…

Anyway, I also suspect that eating or sleeping also replenishes my HP to some extent, but considering my Hybrid Czarnians Physiology is seen as kind of pointless, to be able to regenerate almost at the speed of Lobo or even dare I say…the same Wolverine or Deadpool level of regeneration was definitely a boon and an advantage tactically speaking.

To be able to take multiple fatal hits that would normally be deadly for an average soldier and still keep pushing forward was an advantage that I couldn't overlook. And with my enhanced stats, the amount of damage that I could sustain was pretty good. But I couldn't rely solely on my regeneration alone to win every battle, that's not how you won wars.

War is not won by wishing for healing or regeneration. You needed to be tactically sound, strategically aware, and have a plan. War is won by planning, strategizing, and preparing. And that's exactly what I was doing, getting myself ready for the battles to come. Whether it was fighting against the forces of evil, taking down a corrupt government official, or even just surviving in this world, I was determined to do whatever it takes to win and prosper in this insane situation.

(Beretta M9 added to Inventory)

Taking My Sling Ring out of my inventory, I then slid the Ring onto my finger and activated it, creating a portal that would take me back to the living room. As I stepped through the portal, I felt a rush of energy as the room shifted and blurred around me, before solidifying into a new location.

Looking around, I saw Quintero at his terminal, his avatar typing away furiously at the holographic keyboard. "Hey, boss," he said, looking up at me."You heading out?"

"Yes…I am Going to head to the Metropolis Public Library"

Quintero nodded, understanding my intentions. "Sounds like a plan, boss. But before you go, you are going to want to take that phone you and I made in the lab with you."

I nodded, appreciating the reminder. "Thanks, Quintero. I'll be sure to grab it before I go."

"Don't worry boss…I also going to make sure that your face or any recognizable feature isn't caught on any security cameras or facial recognition software while you're out. And I'll keep a close eye on your movements and surroundings through the surveillance cameras around the city."

I smiled, feeling grateful for the little green AI's help. "Thanks, Quint. You're always looking out for me."

Quintero chuckled, his avatar nodding. "Of course, boss. I'm programmed to assist and protect you in any way possible."

With that, I walked over to the lab, grabbing the phone that Quintero and I had made. The device was specially designed to be untraceable and secure, with advanced encryption and security features, and it would allow me to communicate with Quintero or anyone else in the base without being detected.

I slipped the phone into my pocket, checking to make sure that it was fully charged before heading toward the portal once more.

"Good luck, Boss. And be careful out there"

"Thanks, Baywatch, Always"

I stepped through the portal and into an empty alleyway, feeling the energy surge around me once more as I was transported into the busy streets of Metropolis. The city was alive and vibrant, with skyscrapers and buildings towering above me, and people rushing around like ants in a busy anthill.

I took a deep breath, feeling the cold city air fill my lungs before setting off toward the library. The library was just a few blocks away, and it wouldn't take me long to get there.

As I walked, I made mental notes of my surroundings, taking note of any potential exits, hiding spots, and potential threats. Despite the lively and bustling nature of the city, I knew that danger could lurk around every corner, and I needed to be prepared for anything.


This story is free and if you want to donate to help a brother out. Here is me PayPal: https://pàypal.me/Phucbe200
