
Aldric Was Going To Break Her

Islinda had spent half of the night thinking and eventually fell asleep yet woke up the next morning in a very sour mood. The memory of the night was raw in her head and left her burning with fury the next day. 

And while it was obvious that her anger was directed at Aldric, she could not understand why. Was it the fact that it didn't cross her mind that a monster like him had sexual needs and got them satisfied somewhere or that she caught him in bed with another Fae - more attractive than her - literally minutes after he flirted and suggested the same thing with her? 

What a Fae whore! 

Islinda knew she shouldn't feel this way. It's not like Aldric should have any form of royalty towards her, they were not in a relationship and she did not like him anyway! Yet the anger coursed through her veins and when she caught sight of Rosalind in her room, it flared. 
