
New beginnings

Even though I was blindfolded and couldn't see a thing, I was hyperaware of my surroundings. All my other senses were alert. I was vaguely aware that I was being taken out of the bidding room.

The man who had bought me had his hand on my arm and he was pulling me. Maybe it was him or one of his guards. Men that rich never did their dirty work themselves. The tears on my face were dry but the fear was overwhelming.

I knew I should have taken my chance and tried to escape but I didn't want to risk failing and making things harder for myself. The good thing would be to remain calm until I found a golden opportunity to salvage myself.

'The opportunity is not going to come, ' the voice in the back of my head said but I pushed it away. The only thing I had was hope and I was going to hold on to it for as long as I could.
