
A Day Gone Wrong

Draco fell into the black hole, feeling the darkness suck him in, almost as if it was inviting him to scour for its secrets. However, Draco knew better than to try resisting, it was all futile.

So, Draco closed his eyes and enjoyed the realms of his imagination. It had been many years since he had started having these peculiar dreams. It was almost like there were movies that had to be played every time he closed his eyes.

Even though it was unnatural, Draco never thought of it as anything to bother others about. After all, having some problems with dreaming wouldn't compare to being able to split mountains in half, right?

When Draco opened his eyes, he saw two teenagers standing in front of each other. It wasn't hard to recognize them, for he had been seeing them for a while already. It seemed that their story was slowly coming to an end.

Naruto and Sasuke were their names. Both had difficult lives and were mentally wounded in their own ways. Though they were friends, they didn't share the same thoughts on the future of their world. As Draco listened to their conversation, Naruto and Sasuke suddenly started fighting.

It was a battle of monsters. Terrors that could flatten the world.

Spectating this battle, Draco wondered whether these two men would be able to defeat the Saints of his world. Perhaps it was possible, Draco couldn't really compare them, for he had no qualifications to see any Saints in action.

Eventually, the battle ended, as Draco entertained the idea of having such power himself. His parents wouldn't have died, his city would be still beaming with life. Everything would be so different.

The dream was reaching its end, and Draco instinctively understood that this was going to be the last time he was going to be dreaming about Naruto. He felt a bit of pity, Draco quite liked this particular story.

'Well, maybe the next is going to be even more entertaining.' Draco thought, closing his eyes. For a moment he wondered whether he could stay here forever, away from violence and despair.

However, the next moment, Draco's eyes were opened as light shined through the branches in the sky. It was morning. Glancing down, Draco saw no enemies in the surroundings, as he signed and placed his head against the tree trunk.

Sleeping on a branch of this tall tree was quite sketchy, for he was completely defenseless against demons with the ability to fly. It seemed that he was lucky today, but tomorrow wasn't promised.

He had to find a better place to stay, a cave would be the best. Opening his backpack, Draco smelled the repulsive stench of demon meat. He was lucky that demon meat was eatable. In fact, one didn't even have to cook it in any way.

Still, not many people dared to eat demon meat, for there was a huge possibility that it used to be a human. Unfortunately, Draco didn't have another choice.

"I feel like today is going to be a shit day," Draco mumbled, grabbing the piece of meat and taking a huge bite. It was hard like a rock, and Draco thought he would choke on it. He grabbed a bottle of water and took one, little sip.

Water was too precious to waste. It was not every day that it rained.

Checking his surroundings twice, Draco climbed down and immediately started running West. He didn't know much distance he had covered, or how much was left to reach that freaking West city, so Draco just continued to run.

It was incredibly difficult to survive in the wasteland, especially for an unawakened like Draco. He was just lucky, incredibly so. He hadn't yet faced any stronger demons, for he was always hiding during the night.

In the morning, there was still an abundance of them, but not as many, so he always managed to slip through. Deep in his thoughts, Draco continued to run when suddenly the smell of iron entered his nostrils.

A demon was bleeding somewhere near. Draco thought for a moment, glanced at his almost empty backpack, and then sighed. "This is an opportunity that I can't miss," Draco said, grabbing a small dagger from his belt. It was the one he got gifted by his father.

Sneakily, Draco walked towards the smell, eventually noticing a demon sitting against a tree trunk. It was of small build, with skin that seemed to almost slip away from its body. It looked like it was on the verge of death, for there was a huge wound on its chest.

Draco considered his options. To attack or not. This demon seemed even weaker than the one he had killed. It was also wounded. Additionally, there were no demons in the surroundings. There would probably not be such an opportunity to restock.

'Fuck me.' Draco cursed as he rushed forward. He crossed the distance in a matter of a few seconds, plunging the dagger into the demon's head. Demons or not, they still had brains. The dagger stuck inside the demon's head, producing a satisfying crunch.

A relieved smile washed over Draco's face as he once again checked the surroundings. It was quiet. Too quiet. As Draco understood that something was going wrong, he suddenly lost grip of his dagger.

Another crunch echoed through the silent forest, as Draco suddenly felt incredible pain passing through his body. His eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw the demon looking at him, grinning, with a dagger in its brain.

'What kind of abominations is this?' Draco cursed in his mind, thinking of any way to get out of this situation. However, a punch landed on his stomach, sending him flying away. His back collided with a tree as he tried to take a breath in.

'It had all been a trick...this demon wasn't even wounded. He was just waiting for prey to come by themselves.' Draco understood immediately, lifting his head to see the demon walking leisurely towards him, a creepy smile on its face.

Draco blinked once and the monster was already upon him, lifting him up with one hand. Draco struggled to breathe. This demon was strong, even stronger than some of the awakeners he had known. Was this the end?

However, just as Draco was on the verge of despair, something flashed in front of his eyes. The demon grabbed the hilt of the dagger and struck toward Draco's neck, but in one flash, the youngster was no longer there.

The [Tower of Multiverse] welcomed another awakened.
