

Third Person PoV

"Wasn't Gabriel's beauty enough to make you drunk?" Azazel said.

"You know I really envy this super secret fast-paced information-gathering trick you have, care to share some?" Cain said back.

"Too bad it's a trade secret, a fallen angel doesn't get tricked easily, even if it is the first scammer himself."

"So, why did you act surprised when you knew I was here?"

Cain said, and finally, Azazel's smile vanished.

"How did you know?"

"The owner, he's a magician isn't he?"

Cain said, easily revealing a fact.

"Even Baraqiel and the others don't know of him."

Azazel said with a sigh. The two of them took a sip of their wines.

"Good stuff!" Cain exclaimed.

"Of course, it is!"

Azazel remarked. For a while, the two of them stayed silent before it was broken by Azazel.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"How about starting with a peace treaty between Hell and Grigori?"

"Not possible, it will cause a rebellion on my side even if I merely speak about it."

Azazel said with a grim tone.

"You are the leader, what do their opinions matter?"

"Sorry for not being a born transcendent being, who could beat ultimate class gods like it is nothing."

Azazel said, his sentence filled with sarcasm.

"True that. But still, you should be plenty strong, Baraqiel, Shemzhai, and Peneume are obviously on your side, and maybe some more too. Only two or three are imbeciles, no?"

Cain said, swirling his mug.

"Yes. But I would rather not start a civil war, the fallen are in lower numbers compared to the devil and angels."

"Hmm, so long-term plans?"

"Those can be worked upon."

"Michael has already agreed, I plan to rope in others after the three factions have agreed."

Cain revealed his grand plan to Azazel and even the most sinister fallen was stumped at that.

"You plan on allying with the other pantheons too?"

"Yes, why not? I am on good terms with the Norse already, and I am planning on going to Japan soon. Why never thought about peace like this?"

Azazel didn't say anything for a while before he drank his wine in one single gulp.

"Fuck Yeah! I didn't. Not everyone is like you!"

Azazel said the wine was finally taking its effect on him. Cain also mimicked him and said.

"Then what is there to be worried about, plan, scheme, and plot! We will create a world of peace!"

"Damn right, we will!"

The two hugged each other's shoulders and began to scream weird things like world domination and tities.

A few hours passed like this. The two were both dead drunk. Cain also took out a few expensive drinks after Azazel's stock ran out.

While the two were lying on the counter like drunkards the tavern owner revealed a sinister smile.

"Hehe! Finally, all those years of planning and acting like a simple magician will come to fruition now."

He activated a small magic circle hidden in his palm and multiple hooded people appeared inside the taverns.

The drunkards who were lying motionless stood up and began to turn into werewolves.

In a short while the entire place was filled with omnious creatures and beings. While Cain and Azazel lay on the counter.

The same thing was happening all over the town, werewolves were causing a massacre all around.

Howls were going all over the city, the city was covered in a layer of mist, and the magicians were flying around to maintain the barrier of mist.

The werewolves were killing people like cattle. Screams of children and adults alike were heard all across the small town.

Inside the tavern, the six werewolves jumped at the sleeping crow and bat. But alas who was going to tell them that this was probably the last thing they would do in their life?

Before their sharp claws could reach their prey, their bodies were ripped apart by chains while some got their head pierced by light spears.

Cain and Azazel gradually woke up, yawning and stretching, and looked at the tavern owner, who was cowering in fear.

"So you didn't know he is the Leader of Grigori and I am the King of Hell?"

Cain asked the tavern owner and then looked at Azazel.

"Don't look at me, I didn't tell him much, he just knew I was involved with the supernatural."

"So this attack was sudden? Come on, you must have some ideas about this?"

Cain asked Azazel, they both were still heavily drunk but such problems weren't serious enough for them to sober up.

"Can't say. I knew he was on terms with some mutts but I didn't know there were these many. So anyway to know what is going on?"

"I can search his soul."

Azazel shrugged at that and Cain opened his palm and an ethereal ball came out of the man's mouth and landed in his hand.

"Hmm, it was an Impromptu decision, they planned on doing this elsewhere, but some sudden changes forced them to attack here. This guy didn't know much except he needed to give a signal at a certain time. They had kept him here as a backup."

Cain said and the ethereal ball crumbled soon after. Azazel looked at that and said,

"You destroyed a soul? That is considered taboo in the supernatural."

"Is that so, too bad I am drunk. So can I count on you to promote peace?"

"Sure, but first we need to handle the problem here."

"What problem? These are just some guys who are mere dogs no? Or is your old body finally giving up?"

Cain snickered before flying up and attacking the werewolves.

"Dam you, brat I am older than you! Give me some respect!"

Azazel said loudly with a slur in his voice before going after the magicians.

Five minutes, five minutes. That is all it took for the two of them to deal with an entire tribe of werewolves and around fifty magicians.

Azazel dispelled the barrier and cast a large-scale, healing, and memory-altering magic.

Tomorrow was going to be a hectic day for the remaining residents of the town.

Cain didn't do anything except start drinking more, and soon Azazel followed him.

The two of them drank a bit more, discussed some more topics, and then bid each other farewell.

Azazel teleported back to his home in the overworld while Cain had no plans to do such a thing.

He began to fly with no fixed destination in mind, like a wandering bird.

At the same time, a certain evil dragon had come out of its reclusive cave to take a breather, alas her timing was too bad.

Crom Cruach was a simple dragon. She wanted to be strong, just like every dragon around or she thought.

Such was Crom's mindset too. But her life wasn't easy, getting controlled by Balor and freed and then chased again by Lugh.

And finally, when she settled down peacefully to recuperate and train herself, the Christians invaded her territory.

Regrettably, she had to give up her cave but from then she pursued true strength, she wandered the underworld and human world.

She gained a different view on life compared to the other evil dragons. As such she preferred to be in human form compared to her dragon form.

On some days she would turn into her dragon form and fly all around, wherever her wings took her, it was a way for her to relax from her constant brutal training.

She had reached a bottleneck and only a tough battle would help her now. She had found the other dragon kings too weak, and Tiamat refused to fight her.

As such the only option she had was to fight other evil dragons, but they were too annoying, bloodthirsty, and worst of all didn't pursue strength but only destruction,not to mention they were quite a bit weaker than her.

As such she was in search of someone who could give her a good fight. She had heard rumors of the two Heavenly dragons' hosts causing trouble but they were too weak.

Oh, how she wished to fight Albion or Draig. But they were dead and sealed inside some stupid toys made by the Biblical God.

She thought about fighting other gods but soon gave up, as that might lead to her being hunted by an entire pantheon, she may be a big battle maniac but she isn't stupid.

As such she was wonderfully excited to fight one of those devils she had heard about.

A Lucifer, A Gremory, and an Astaroth. Said to be stronger than their predecessors by a huge margin, their powers made even gods scared.

Especially Lucifer, he was rumored to have fought Thor and even won against that behemoth of a God.

Some even compared him to the Morningstar, who was said to be a monster in his own right.

Even after he lost the majority of his powers and became a devil, he was able to fight with Azrael and God and force them to a standstill.

"I wonder if the new devil brat is like that. Forget it even if he is half as good as his father is said to be, it will be a good battle. I am so close to reaching the Heavenly Dragon class."

The Dragon muttered to itself but the voice boomed and clouds were displaced due to the sheer magnitude of her muttering.

It had no problem fighting a devil, they were not a complete pantheon, she hadn't really paid much attention to any other information other than about strong people.

Dragons were like that, forces of nature. Their actions reshaped the very place they moved to.

Crom looked at the moon and saw a dot getting bigger.

"Hmm? What is that?"

The massive dragon flapped its wings making the air displaced and flying her even higher to the target that had managed to earn her sight.

Cain wasn't really sure for how long he was flying but he was sure that he had long since left the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

His wings continued to flap and keep him flying as his demonic energy reserves were replenished at a faster rate than they were being emptied.

In his drunken stupor, he didn't manage to see a building flying towards him at the speed that would leave most beings awed.

"Wait, is that a dragon or a huge bird?"

Cain muttered his voice slurred and his eyes drooped, his senses were dull and he didn't manage to figure out that a dragon was flying towards him until it was floating just in front of him.

The distance between Crom and Cain was less than a hundred meters. Cain finally managed to sense that it was indeed a dragon, upon which he had accidentally stumbled right now.

While the Crescent Circle Dragon looked inquiringly at the devil which was in front of her.

"Devil, what are you doing here?"

"Me? Oh! ME? I see. What am I doing here? Well, I don't know. Can you tell me?"

Cain said his body swayed in the strong wind that blew at such high altitudes. Crom was angered by such a disrespectful answer and roared in anger before asking another question.

"Devil. Where is the Lucifer?"

"Lucifer? Do you mean our leader? Well, I don't know."

Cain muttered something more under his breath but even with her enhanced hearing was unable to hear it.

The devil's body had a dense layer of energy surrounding it, and the winds were harsh making it much harder to talk and hear sounds.

"Don't test my patience. You have silver hair too, what is your relation to him?"

The beast growled getting impatient, Crom had already decided to kill the insolent being after he answered this question.

"Oh, now I remember. I am the Lucifer!"

Cain said while giggling as if he had said a joke. The dragon's eyes gleamed with excitement and it stretched out its maw.

The horrifying large teeth of the beaten were out on show before a roar far louder and terrifying was released from that huge abyss of a mouth.

"Fight me, Lucifer!"

Crom shouted as her body shot at a speed that made her flying look like a snail.

All the while Cain was laughing like a madman, ignoring the evil dragon rushing at him itching for a fight.


AN:- Gabriel's pic in the comments!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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