
Unknown Mishaps

Emily currently sat in the expansive bathtub, one she had never previously stepped into and one that belonged to Raylen. Warm water surrounded her as her eyes leisurely wandered to take a good look around the Storm King's room. 

"We are all very glad to know that you are doing well now, Princess. We have been worried since last night; even Master was worried." Lauren's voice broke through the silence. She had just finished adding logs to the fireplace to ensure that the room's temperature didn't drop. "He refused to leave your side."

Emily's hazel brown eyes shifted away from the objects of the room and settled on Lauren, who had approached one side of the bathtub. She apologised, saying, "Forgive me for worrying you all. I hadn't realised my soul had corrupted my body."


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
