

Amanises has been focused on the earth since last week, looking for the source of the disturbance that caused the white moon to appear. The Outer Gods had created quite a stir at the time, throwing the astral world on "Their" side into chaos.

To prevent the chaos from affecting the barrier, "She" and other Gods had to completely support it with "Their" authorities.

It was what amounted to the problem "She" now faced—"She" was forced to completely concentrate on the barrier at the time, which left "Her" no time to observe the earth and find the source that drew the attention of the outer gods.

"She" couldn't find the source even after everything had calmed down. Someone had hidden them, or they were powerful enough to hide from "Her" gaze—either possibility was troubling.

To be honest, something like this would not normally have disturbed "Her" tranquility, but "She" intuitively felt what happened that day would change and affect everything, including "Her." And she trusted "Her" intuition because intuitions were anything but ordinary at "Her" level, and there was another reason: "She" wielded the authority of Misfortune, which elevated "Her" intuitions to the level of premonitions.

As a result, "She" concentrated on locating the source. "She" considered the first option because it seemed more plausible than the second. "She" attempting to deduce who could have hidden the source from "Her." "She" immediately ruled out the Gods in the astral world, narrowing the list of suspects to the True Creator—the only God left on Earth—but "He" was still very much sealed within the Forsaken Land of Gods—which brought "Her" to the King of Angels—only one of them had the power to hide something from "Her"—the Mother of Concealment—without leaving any traces:

Adam, the Angel of Imagination.

If it was truly "Him," this situation was bound to become complicated to the point where even Gods like "Her" needed to be cautious and vigilant in "Their" actions. There were numerous occasions in history when Adam stood up to Gods and emerged unscathed. At one point, "He" even managed to suppress all of "Them" using Solomon, the Black Emperor.

Amanises always knew that there was more to Adam than meets the eye. And "Her" relationship with "Him" was also complicated.

This situation was truly troubling.

And just when "She" thought it couldn't get any worse, it did: since the white moon, the forces of the Outer Gods have been very active throughout the southern continent, looking for someone named the Reaper. It didn't take much for "Her" to connect the dots and conclude that the Reaper was the source.

In the world of mythicism, honorifics and titles were very symbolic, and the fact that the Outer Gods "Themselves" bestowed a title on the source added to the symbolism and importance.

The Reaper clearly represented Death and the End.

This made Amanises sombre because before "Her" was information about someone or something that may potentially affect "Her" path and "Her" plans to become Eternal Darkness.

And "She" still had no idea who they were…..

The Evernight Goddess rubbed "Her" temples, "Her" heart troubled as "She" remembered everything about the source and began numerous speculations on it, to the point where "She" began to suspect whether or not a sefirot was involved.

But "She" soon stopped brooding and gathered "Herself," bringing "Her" heart back to peace. There was no point in worrying "Herself" in this way; whoever the source was, "She" would find out everything about them since "She" didn't want to take any chances with "Her" path.

Amanises ultimately made the decision that "She" had been putting off, but the situation had progressed to the point where "She" had no choice but to go through with it:

"She" first sent an oracle down to "Her" angels, instructing them to investigate the Reaper and report back to "Her" immediately if any leads were discovered.

Then "Her" form began to change; a pair of dark fur-covered arms sprang from "Her" ribs and waist. Among the six hands, a crimson moon appeared in two of them, an invisible fog appeared in the next, and the last was empty in silence.

Amanises had taken "Her" mythical creature form, summoning "Her" uniquenesses. "She" no longer restrained "Her" authorities, completely unleashing them and entering "Her" most powerful state.

The Evernight Goddess decided to completely unleash "Her" authorities in a bid to find the source, holding nothing back. "Her" divine figure was shrouded in silent darkness blended with ethereal rays of the crimson moon as an eerie and terrifying aura emerged from "Her".

"She" looked down, "Her" piercing gaze passing through "Her" kingdom and landing on the world, and beneath it, all secrets and concealments began to unravel like theatre curtains, revealing "Her" the truths of the world as it was.


October 17, 1349.

Kolain, East Bayam, the Southern Continent.

'The stars have become awfully bright the last few nights.' Lucien looked up at the night sky. At twilight, the sun was also shimmering with lost brilliance. Perhaps it was his imagination, but he had the impression that both night and dusk had come alive in the previous few days. 'Is it 'Them?' he wondered, a far-fetched but plausible hypothesis.

"Lucien." Hermes called, jolting him out of his reverie. They were standing in the foyer of his villa under the bright shimmer of stars. Their classes were completed today, both the mythicism and acting ones.

He was grateful to Hermes, for he not only taught him on those subjects but also went out of his way to satisfy his immense curiosity and ensure that he had become a master in them. And he actually enjoyed the classes with Hermes, unlike those in his previous life.

All in all, Hermes was a great teacher to him, despite the short time they spent together.

And Hermes was leaving now…

Lucien felt a pang in his heart. "Teacher." He answered.

"The key," Hermes stated. "that "He" bestowed upon you."

"Yes?" Lucien inquired.

"It will lead you back to Corpse Cathedral." Hermes revealed.

Lucien hummed, his heart racing at the prospect of the future in the corpse cathedral.

"Good luck, Lucien." Hermes patted his shoulders and returned his gaze to the bright stars in the night sky. "I have a feeling you'll need every last bit of it for your future."

Lucien looked up at the night sky, his face lit up by the stars. "Do you believe I can succeed?" He ventured forth

Hermes fixed his gaze on his student. "All I can say is never give up hope, Lucien." He spoke softly.

"I won't." Lucien made a promise both to his teacher and to himself. He then smiled and continued. "Take care, teacher. If there is anything, don't hesitate to summon my messenger."

Yes, he has a messenger now. He wasn't lying when he said he was experimenting with the authorities. He used it to create an owl spirit to serve as his messenger. He named him Merlin, and boy, was he an enthusiastic bird, always wanting affirmation and attention.

Hermes nodded, remembering the owl who occasionally swooped into their classes to join them. "Tell Merlin of my depar—"

"You can tell him yourself." Lucien interrupted with a sigh, as a white owl emerged and landed enthusiastically on his shoulders, after finishing the daily expedition into the spirit world. Then he hooted questionably on his shoulders, looking in between Lucien and Hermes.

"Goodbye, Merlin," Hermes smiled as he waved his hand at his bird.

Merlin seemed to understand the situation as he hooted loudly and waved his wing at Hermes.

"What is he saying?" Hermes asked Lucien.

"Goodbye, old man," Lucien said, twitching his lips.

Hermes laughed lightly. "I thought so." He then continued, his laughter fading away into a sigh. "Anyway, I will be off now, Lucien."

"Take care, teacher." Lucien emphasised as he watched Hermes turn and walk away to the villa's gate, but in the middle, he stopped and looked back at Lucien. "A last piece of advice from the old man: don't leave any regrets in life." Then he disappeared, fading away into dreams of the world.

Lucien silently looked ahead for a moment; even Merlin remained still, not disturbing him. Eventually, he looked down at the hand, which had a key, in silence.

Merlin gave the key a cursory glance before hooting and lightly flapping his wings.

"No, Merlin." Lucien shook his head. "This has to wait; there is something I need to do first." He said, his mind flashing with the last words of his teacher.


Later that night.

Lucien stood silently in front of an orphanage under the crimson moon, taking a deep breath before raising his hand and ringing the bell.

He soon heard grumblings from behind the door: 'Who is it? Coming this late at night and disturbing this old woman's sleep?'

The door swung open, revealing an elderly woman in a nightgown, her hair dishevelled, and her countenance worn as if she had just awoken from a deep sleep, but the dark circles under her eyes told a different story.

Lucien smiled broadly. "I am back, Matron."

"Lucien?!" The old lady's eyes widened immediately, then hazed as she hugged him. "Where did you go all these days? You had everybody worried."

"Oh, I doubt that," Lucien hugged his matron, Margaret; she was the only one in the Brendon that truly cared for his previous self.

"Being sarcastic, are we?" Margaret chided him, getting out of his embrace. "Anyway, come on in. The nights are getting awfully cold these past few days."

Lucien and Margaret entered the orphanage, making their way into the living room, where they sat on the chairs, facing each other. The matron poured him a glass of water and passed it to Lucien.

"I am sorry." Lucien suddenly said, looking at the glass in silence.

"What happened, child?" Margaret asked.

"A lot." Lucien answered heavily.

"You are worrying me," Margaret said with concern.

"Don't be. I am fine." Lucien shook his head.

"You don't look fine to me, Lucien." Margaret retorted.

Lucien sighed, "I am leaving, Matron."

The worry in Margret's grey eyes deepened. "Lucien," she said solemnly. "Tell me the truth, what happened? Did you get yourself into any trouble?"

"Kinda," Lucien chuckled wryly. "But nothing I can't handle." He continued, recognising her concern. "I understand your concerns, Matron, but this is something I must face alone."

"Oh, child!" Margaret cried, resting her head on her palm. "I told you! I told you to always be careful and cautious! But when did you ever listen?.." she ranted on.

Lucien stood up and hugged his patron as she poured out all of her worries while patting her back gently.

"Enough!" Margaret gathered herself and huffed. "Let go of this old woman now."

Lucien obliged with a slight chuckle.

Margaret looked at Lucien. "Will you be fine?"

"I will be." Lucien emphasised.

"Promise me." Margaret pressed.

"I promise." Lucien said. "Don't worry yourself. I am not a child anymore."

"I know, I know." Margaret nodded. "Whatever has happened to you has changed you. You have grown. I can see it, but still…" She trailed off with a heavy sigh.

Lucien held her hands in his, reassuring her silently.

Margaret patted his hands, her eyes brimming with tears. "Is this the last time?"

"No." Lucien shook his head. "If anything happens, just call my name and I will be here."

Margaret hummed, not questioning his words. Then she looked at him in the eyes. "Good luck, Lucien."


Lucien gazed back at Brendon in heavy silence as the sun slowly rose from the horizon, illuminating his figure in golden hues.

On his shoulder, Merlin emerged. The owl seemed to perceive Lucien's distress and hooted gently, as though attempting to reassure him.

"Well," Lucien said, patting his feathery head and shifting his gaze to the key in his hand. "You're correct in one respect; this is my new beginning," he added, waking towards the sun. "Without any regrets..."

Stones will be appreciated; they keep me motivated.

Lucien_Morningstarcreators' thoughts