
Part Two

Sombra smirked as she basked in the warmth of her own self-satisfaction. Making herself comfortable in her window seat, the lean-bodied, purple-haired hacker allowed herself to enjoy the long flight back to base. Talon had "procured" several Orca aircraft from an abandoned Overwatch outpost some months back. Despite their reputation for ruthless professionalism, Sombra had to admit that the refurbishments they had made to the interior of the vehicle prioritized comfort as much as function. Talon, as she discovered, knew how to ride in style. But a nice ride wasn't why Sombra was feeling so giddy.

The mission had been a complete success. Not only was Talon able to complete all of their primary objectives, the strike team was able to walk away with minimal casualties. This was despite meeting heavy resistance from local law enforcement, private security, and even an Overwatch response group. The team's primary target, a corporate server containing all manners of sensitive and confidential information, was locked in a secure vault in the cargo section. A solid catch for any thief… But Sombra had nabbed herself an even bigger prize.

The cute little MEKA pilot, Hana Song. Called herself DVa. Sombra's lips curled into the devil's own smile, the sight of the poor little thing writhing there on the street fresh in the hacker's mind. Watching the slender asian girl paw and grope at herself, half-naked in front of her own teammates, it sent a lovely shock right into the pit of Sombra's belly. It wasn't just naughty. It was hot.

Sombra cackled to herself. She couldn't help it. It was rare for a naughty little plot of hers to go so completely well. The hypnosis-induced masturbation session was not only a joy to behold, but it had ended up completely distracting 's teammates. It was almost laughable how effortless it had been for Sombra and Widowmaker to dispatch the Brit and the Monkey as she led her team back to the extraction point.

Now, with a long and boring flight ahead of her, Sombra found herself watching another joy to behold. The holoscreen was providing a live feed from a private cabin, the locked door not twenty feet away from her seat. Widowmaker, the tall, leggy assassin, had her own interest in Sombra's new trophy. And Sombra was nice enough to share.

There were a couple conditions, though. The first was obvious: No harming the merchandise. The second was kinky, even for Widowmaker. Sombra didn't need to be present, but she always got to watch.

- - -

Widowmaker couldn't help but revel in the feeling of excitement. A wicked smirk played upon her lips as the leggy assassin sauntered towards the bed of her private cabin, hips swaying to and fro as her lithe yet curvy form cast a shadow over her new plaything.

Hana Song, the MEKA pilot who called herself "DVa ", lay naked, sprawled upon the bedsheets. Talon had snatched up the little minx on their way to the extraction point. She had been caught in quite the… compromising position. Widowmaker wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't been there to witness the naughtiness herself. And now the poor girl was here, Talon's prisoner and completely at Widowmaker's mercy.

The small asian girl was Sombra's prize in truth. The hacker had been the one to take her out of the fight in the first place with her hypnosis bug. But the normally insufferable woman had revealed a generous side that Widowmaker was all too happy to accept.

Until they reached the Talon base, DVa was Widowmaker's to play with. So long as Sombra had viewing privileges, of course. It was too juicy of a deal to pass up. And Widowmaker had been a ballerina once. She loved having an audience.

DVa, to her credit, wasn't the scared little girl Talon had been expecting.

"You fucking bitch…" She moaned, arching her back as another orgasm rolled through her supple, young body. "You're… you're going to pay for this…"

The young pilot's cheeks were flushed pink, nearly red, and her nipple were very clearly hard, dark pink caps to her humble breasts. One of her hands was buried between her lovely legs, two fingers sinking deep into her dripping cunt while her thumb worked her clit. Her other hand was attacking her small, perky tits, grabbing them, kneading them, fingers teasing her hard nipples, switching from left to right then back again.

Widowmaker's smile widened, her tongue snaking out to wet her lips. She moved closer, slow and deliberate movements like those of a lioness on the hunt. She lay down on the bed beside her lovely pet, pressing her body flush against the younger woman's. Widowmaker was nude much like DVa, save for a pair of dark stockings she wore upon her long legs. The assassin's eyes lit up like a bonfire as shuddered, moaning at the sensation of skin-on-skin contact.

"You really can't help yourself, belle?" Widowmaker purred into 's ear, reaching out with one hand to gently run her fingers across the pilot's exposed tummy. whined at the older woman's touch but could do little else.

"This is wrong!" DVa managed to choke out through yet another orgasm. Her entire body trembled, quivered under Widowmakers soft, agonizing touch. "You can't do this!"

Widowmaker found herself giggling. She had initially wanted to let out some pent up stress, use the pilot as an outlet, fuck the girl and be done with it. But this was turning into something the Talon mercenary could actually enjoy. As much as someone like her could enjoy in the first place, that is.

The older woman reached out to catch the young pilot under her chin, turning her head so they were face to face. Widowmaker looked into her pet's eyes and saw fear, shame, embarrassment, the humiliation of being made into a slut… She almost felt sorry for the poor thing, but deep down Widowmaker also saw the deeply buried desires that a hero like would never speak of. She saw the excitement, the curiosity, the attraction, but above all, she saw the enjoyment.

"You're our new pet, mon amour. I can do whatever I want. Like this…"

With her fingers under 's chin, Widowmaker pulled her lips to her own. Aside from a small squeak of surprise, DVa made no effort to stop her. The kiss was slow at first, but slowly grew into something far more intense. As their lips morphed and mashed together, passion ruled supreme.

Widowmaker's fingers moved from the girl's chin, sliding softly across her neck until she held by the back of her head. The assassin pulled the pilot closer, deepening their kiss. The young and helpless prey moaned as her captor's tongue slithered into her mouth, Widowmaker herself totally and utterly gleeful at the thought that this poor young thing was being ravished by pleasure and ecstasy against her will. The girl's own body had been turned against her and it was the most delicious evil the pale blue sniper had ever partaken in.

They pulled apart after a few agonizingly long moments, the young pilot gasping for breath as Widowmaker took a brief opportunity to suck on her tongue. She slurped away before planting a quick kiss on DVa's chin. She planted another on her captive's exposed neck, swiping her tongue across the girl's soft, pale skin, giggling like a madwoman.

"Magnifique…" Widowmaker murmured, fingers dancing across the bare skin of 's back as she held the girl's body flush to her own. Her head darted downwards to plant a kiss on her captive's collarbone. She planted another between the small mounds that were DVa's breasts. Her tongue lashed out to taste the girl's hardened nipple before she took the pink pebble into her mouth, her soft lips closing around it and sucking.

"No…." protested weakly and pointedly without the fire she had before. "Stop… please…"

Widowmaker hummed pleasantly, wearing a small smile as she easily flipped the girl over onto her belly. Partly because of her superior strength, partly because couldn't resist even if she wanted to. Now, with laying on her front, Widowmaker could get a nice look at the real prize of the evening: The asian girl's cute little ass.

The taller woman's grin curled into a devious smirk as she reached out and palmed both ass-cheeks. DVa's entire body tensed up and the younger girl's breath caught in her throat. Widowmaker liked that, the fear, the apprehension. It was a reminder of what they were: Predator and prey.

"You still don't understand the situation, demoiselle. You don't get to choose. I do."

Lips spreading into a wild, wicked smile, Widowmaker took a moment to revel in getting exactly what she wanted. She spread the asian girl's ass-cheeks apart, exposing the tight rosebud of her anus. Then, after a moment of dramatic pause, darted her head forward and buried her face in DVa's ass.

"No! No no no, stop it! Not there!" DVa cried and wailed but it was an impotent struggle against an assault she had no power to stop. Her ass was Widowmaker's plaything. A hole to be plundered by the older woman's tongue… And whatever else she decided to use.

DVa's body was out of her control, but even bodily reactions couldn't be completely under Sombra's technological spell. So she thrashed and wailed and shuddered and moaned as her tight little ass became Widowmaker's evening meal, licked and sucked and kissed and prodded at the talon operative's behest. And by God did Widowmaker behest.

Widowmaker finally pulled away after a fashion, cackling like a woman drunk on sex and power. She nipped playfully at her victim's plump rear, making jump and squeak beneath her, before slapping an open palm down hard on the right cheek. Then she did the same to the left, gazing down hungrily as the cute little booty quivered in reaction to her abuse. DVa could do nothing but whine pathetically. She didn't even have the energy to curse her captors out anymore.

"You're ass is mine, chérie."


Widowmaker spread her cheeks apart again, holding them open while she gathered up the saliva in her mouth. She didn't spit for that would have been too crass, instead opting to let it dribble out of her mouth and onto the tight pucker of DVa's ass.

DVa moaned weakly into the bedsheets as Widowmaker used two fingers to rub the spit deep into her hole, thoroughly spreading the natural lubricant into her darkest depths. Widowmaker hadn't been lying or boasting. DVa's ass belonged to her now. It was a statement of fact. Widowmaker was simply enjoying what was hers.

"Magnifique…" The assassin murmured again, her sharp eyes watching with wicked intent as two of her slender fingers sank slowly, sensually into the moist depths of DVa's tight ass. "There are none like you. You are a true prize."

- - -

Hana shuddered, tears welling in her eyes as she succumbed to being violated. The fingers being pushed into her ass hurt even with the saliva left behind by Widowmaker's tongue bath. But the pain wasn't the true horror. What frightened the fearless pilot the most wasn't the powerlessness, the captivity, or even the rape. It was the fact that her body was still betraying her. It was the sharp spikes of pleasure that were shooting through her nerves as a coldblooded assassin plundered her ass with her fingers and tongue.

This was totally fucked and wrong but there was some part of Hana Song that was actually enjoying herself. And such an unspeakable idea was more painful than any anal finger-fucking could ever hope to be.

Hana knew then that her ass truly did belong to Talon.