
Chapter 28

The CIA agent bypassed us and headed straight to Mike's office. I was pretty sure that by the way Matt growled, it was not the polite thing to do.

Matt quickly stood up, and like the great partner I could be, I quickly followed him.

It had absolutely nothing to do with wanting to watch the drama or to see wolf politics in person.

Absolutely nothing.

Matt jerked open the door to the office and let out another low growl. Effectively cutting off whatever conversation was going on between the agent and Mike.

It seemed that growling was contagious because the stranger inside let out one of his own.

"May I ask what is going on?" Said Mike, not really asking. "I'm pretty sure that I have not given you permission to enter my office whenever you felt like it."

"Sorry, Bossman," I said as I went to stand on the other side of the desk beside Mike. If there was going to be a fight I want to stay as far away as possible, but still be able to watch.

Protecting Mike was just a bonus. I was pretty sure that that man could take on a wolfed-out werewolf with one hand tied behind his back.

What can I say? Mike was a badass.

"Wolf politics," I continued.

The new wolf's head snapped in my direction and the growl he let out should have been enough to make me tremble in fear.

Unfortunately for him, puppies never scared me and this man could not have been more than 30 years old.

"Once again, what is going on?" Asked Mike, this time turning to me.

"He is outside of his territory," I said, pointing to the CIA agent. "Now, he might have assumed that he would be able to get in and out of the city before Lucas could hunt him down, and/or he might have assumed that there were no wolves in our detachment."

"Even if that was his plan," I continued, "he should have acknowledged Matt as soon as he entered the office. He did none of those things, causing Matt to get his hackles up," I concluded.

"Break it down more," said Mike, still new to everything.

"You will shut your mouth," the Agent growled at me. "I am within the laws to kill you for discussing the existence of wolves with the human."

"Yeah, actually, you aren't. So sit down and shut up, Puppy," I replied with a 'southern' smile on my face as I looked back to my Beta.

"Wolves are territorial, and each territory has its own House attached to it," I started before the newbie tried to lunge at me.

Matt held him down before he could even get close. Guess there wouldn't be a dominance battle after all. If Matt could hold him back, it meant that he was the stronger of the two.

"Now, as I was saying, Lucas is the Alpha Wolf of New York, meaning he is in charge of this territory. If this Agent did not inform Lucas that he was coming to New York, then he entered another's territory without permission."

Mike nodded his head in understanding.

"More than that, Lucas is THE Head of the House Werewolf, so, in its most basic sense, CIA here just issued a challenge that he wants to take over this territory and control every werewolf in the world."

Mike sighed. "Why did this have to become so complicated?" He asked.

"Welcome to the world of monsters. Human politics have nothing on us," I said. Then I turned back to the struggling wolf.

Indicating for Matt to let him go, I spoke, "Matt, inform Lucas that there is a lone wolf here, but he is a guest of the House Gypsy."

It was not a lie. I might not be under House Gypsy, but by my blood, I was more of a Gypsy than any of them.

Matt nodded his head and started texting his Alpha.

"You are sentencing yourself to death for knowing about us and for revealing our existence to humans. You, the other human, and the wolf will all die," growled the newest wolf.

"As Head of my House, you have no right to punish me. As my Beta, you can't touch him," I said, pointing to Mike.

"As for him," I continued, nodding towards Matt, "You can take it up with his Alpha."

"You are human and not a Gypsy, you do not have your own House."

Alright, I had enough of this shit… it was a Monday, and I was not in the mood to deal with stupidity.

"Then call the Van Helsing. It's his city as well. Or will you be explaining the laws to him too?" I asked, holding out my phone.

The wolf took a step back towards the door and stood down.

"Good puppy. Now, let's deal with The Specialist as soon as we can, okie dokie?" I asked, going back around the desk and sitting in my normal chair.

The CIA agent sat down beside me, and Matt, who was still frantically texting his Alpha, stood in front of the door. He was effectively making sure that no one could enter or exit the room at will.

"How much do you know about The Specialist?" I asked, looking at the agent.

"Not much, I was just told to come here about eight hours ago and then got on the plane."

"Alright then," I said. "The Specialist is a human selling Van Helsing weapons."

"Is he stupid?" the agent asked, his head snapping around to me.

"See!" I said to Mike, "This is why it is easier to deal with those in the club than outside it. We know what's what."

Mike just groaned and proceeded to fill the agent in on all the details.

After two hours, we agreed that we needed to catch the government employee in the middle of the sale. As a human, we had to go by human laws to arrest him. And that included getting evidence of the crime.

I called Viktor to ask him when and where the next shipment to the US government was supposed to be, and, luckily, there was a shipment being delivered tomorrow night.

Mike, the two wolves and I ironed out the details about the sting, knowing full well that we should not involve humans.

The two wolves should be enough to take down a human and Mike would stay in the detachment, directing the operation from here.

I was to take point as this was my case.

It's not like anything could go wrong… right?
