
Chapter 475 : Settling Scores From The Past Life (6)

A metallic tang flooded Zhang Fengxi's mouth. He convulsed, a spray of crimson erupting from his lips. A lone droplet struck Qiao Wei's face, staining his otherwise impassive expression.

"Supreme General!!!" Wu Shenxia cried out in horror.

Pain blurred Zhang Fengxi's vision. In a single, fluid motion, Qiao Wei withdrew his blade, sending Zhang Fengxi crashing to the ground.

"Jianbao, p-please..."

Zhang Fengxi, hand trembling, reached for Qiao Wei's ankle. A vicious stomp of a leather boot met him instead. A silent scream curdled in Zhang Fengxi's throat as the unforgiving sole crushed his bones.

Wu Shenxia unsheathed her blade, intent on fighting Qiao Wei, but the latter held his long sword in a stabbing pose, its tip resting over Zhang Fengxi's neck.

"Another step and the Supreme General is a dead man," he said, narrowing his eyes at Wu Shenxia.

