
Chapter 377 : The Hungry Ghost Festival (2)

"Here is fine," Zhang Fengxi gestured toward an adjacent chamber.


"Is it occupied?"

"No, no. Please, honorable guest, I will bring you some refreshments in a while."


Zhang Fengxi pushed the door open and stepped into the empty chamber.

"Aoooo! Aoooo!"

Xiao Huang wriggled in Zhang Fengxi's chest.

Chuckling, the supreme general took the cub out of his chest and placed him on the floor.

"There you go."

Xiao Huang jumped around ecstatically, ignoring his wounds. Zhang Fengxi quickly grabbed him out of concern.

"Xiao Huang, your wounds," he scolded the tiger cub, poking at the bandages around his hind legs.

"Don't overdo it."

Zhang Fengxi walked toward the circular window that graced the wall opposite the door. With a firm push, the latticed leaves creaked open, unleashing a wave of frosty night air that washed over him, chasing away the warmth of the lantern-lit chamber.
