
Marshal the men

this could be Wednesday's chapter or a gift, depending on my free time. 


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-Pov of Wilhelm von Hohenzollern seventh moon 288AC

"Now that you have understood the basic operation of the machine, this is the idea we must start implementing as soon as possible. We need to create several rail lines in the most important areas of our productive industry. It will be expensive and will take a long time, but once everything is ready, we will be able to move products from south to north in one or two days. The possibilities offered by this infrastructure are immense we will be able to move soldiers to the front lines in a fraction of the time it would normally take," I said, showing some preliminary plans for a railway project.

"Obviously, once this is ready, we will charge merchants who wish to use that infrastructure a price similar to the toll paid to enter the Mander River. All merchants will prefer to send their goods via this new means if it is cheaper than traveling by river," said the governor of Wilhelmshaven.

"Clearly, it will be another source of income for the state. But considering that we have lines of ships waiting to enter the Mander, we will be able to reduce the constant use of the river as a means of transportation through The Reach a little," I replied to the governor, who was deep in thought.

"How likely is it that the Westerosi will let us expand these lines to other sectors of the Seven Kingdoms? It would be interesting to be able to move soldiers throughout the realm so quickly. We could mobilize men in various areas before they begin their respective mobilizations in the event of war," said Von Roon, already thinking about how to use this new tool for war.

"We must present it as a means of transporting crafts, not as something that benefits us in war. Those idiots will let us build a way to invade them," said Aleksanteri, stretching his arms.

"Good observation. Now, the next thing with the recent rains this week, has there been any damage that needs to be repaired in the population's homes?" I asked, looking at my assistant.

"No, my king. All the mayors and governors reported that, although the rains this year were a bit more intense than last year, they did not cause any damage that requires repairs. However, the governor of Tumbleton reported that some parts of the mines were flooded, and mineral extraction will be delayed a bit while they drain the floods from some tunnels," said Willas, surrounded by a mountain of papers.

"Then, Johann, do we have everything ready to officially start permanent trade routes with the Summer Islands next year, now that you have established several ports to trade with the locals? Or are you short of funds?" I asked as I lifted my pen to sign the next year's naval budget.

"Well, my king, I would like to…" Johann tried to say, but a Teutonic knight entered, nearly breaking the door.

"My king, Herr Maximilian was attacked in the streets of King's Landing. Dozens of his guards were killed while patrolling or transporting Maximilian to the safety of the fortress, and he says that a group of religious fanatics have them under siege," said the knight, holding a letter in his hand.

The news took almost everyone by surprise, although some already knew it.

'A little sooner than I would have liked… far too soon…'

"We must lodge a formal complaint with the Hand of the King to resolve the matter and ensure that the septon who ordered that transgression against one of our diplomats is brought to justice as quickly as possible," said Von Roon, maintaining his seriousness.

"This smells very bad. Normally, Maximilian would have informed us that he had already entered into negotiations on this… I think it means the worst, Wilhelm," said Aleksanteri, sitting properly in his chair.

Not even a minute passed when another knight came running in, bringing a royal order.

I began to tear the letter into multiple pieces after reading its contents. Arryn had made his decision and supported the Faith of the Seven The Reach against the Seven Kingdoms.

"The Westerosi want me to surrender like a criminal… for punishing clerics who sought to destroy the crops that feed the kingdom and tried to create rebellions that put the realm at risk," I said to all present, watching their faces change from curiosity to total hatred and anger.

"Those barbarians… What could we expect from such dishonorable scum? I knew we couldn't trust that Arryn. I only hope that our friendship didn't give him too many benefits, and now he stabs us at the first opportunity," said Von Roon, clenching his fists, causing his leather gloves to creak.

Several insults began to be heard from my counselors and governors, and I saw how my cupbearer and my assistant Tyrell tried to hide from the furious nobles' gazes.

"I want you to quickly send letters to the border customs commanders so that grain cannot leave The Reach. No merchant, whether Prussian or not, will be allowed to leave my lands while transporting grain," I told the first messenger who entered, nodding his head and rushing out to deliver the message.

"Inform Herzog Helmuth to prepare his men in the south. I want them to keep their garrisons strong, close the Starry Sept, and imprison all members of the clergy of the Faith of the Seven they see. He is authorized, upon mere suspicion that someone belongs to the ecclesiastical structure of the Faith of the Seven, to imprison them immediately without trial," I told the second messenger.

"No… to all the governors any member of the Faith they see who hasn't collaborated with us must be imprisoned immediately until further notice," I corrected myself, and the knight left.

"Großadmiral," I said, looking at Johann.

"Yes, my king?" said Johann, rising from his chair.

"Suspend commercial initiatives with the Summer Islands until further notice. I order you to return with my navy and sink all ships bearing sigils of noble houses that profess the Faith of the Seven and attack any navy that makes contact. If you have no knowledge or information about any fleet, maintain defensive roles. These orders must be sent to all your subordinates as soon as possible," I gave my orders to the Großadmiral, who made a bow and immediately left to carry them out.

"Friedrich," I said, looking at the highest-ranking officer.

"At your command, Your Majesty," the officer replied with a slight smile.

"We're going to put to the test what we've been creating over the last few years," I told Von Roon.

"Without a doubt, the Westerosi will face the iron fist of the Prussian state. Where should we mobilize our men?" asked the officer.

"We are besieged on all sides north, west, and east. We need to reinforce the defenses in the already established fortifications. We will gather in Tumbleton, but choose some of our best cavalrymen from the army to be sent to ravage our neighbors' lands. I want all their crops to burn," I ordered Von Roon.

"For that, my men will be the most suitable. I'll send some letters and move about eight thousand cavalrymen to burn all the lands of the Riverlands or the Stormlands before their lords can mobilize all their men. I'm a bit more concerned about the large groups of populations that profess their faith in the seven-pointed star and still live here… Will we do something about them?" said Aleksanteri, looking at me seriously.

"The Riverlands are a more central point… We will harass the men of the Arryns, Lannisters, and Tullys, making it difficult for them to organize if they are chasing hundreds of cavalrymen who know the forests much better than they do. So yes, it's better to send your brothers," I told Aleksanteri, who stood up and disappeared from our sight within seconds.

"Will we call upon the cantons? We have nearly one hundred and fifty thousand volunteers ready to answer our banners and who could be useful in this war," Von Roon asked.

"No, by reinforcing our defenses we will have around seventy thousand men that we can mobilize to the north, and probably around ten thousand Finns will join in Tumbleton. For now, we will mobilize one hundred thousand from the cantons and begin recruitment again to fill the numbers. Also, I want notice given to all our veterans who retired that they will be ordered to return to service in case of need so they can sharpen their skills after so long without serving," I told the Generalfeldmarschall.

"At your command, Your Majesty… WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? WE HAVE WORK TO DO!" shouted Von Roon to several governors who were waiting for orders.

"What will happen now, my king?" asked Willas, who was behind me.

"A bloody religious war, which will test the unity and strength of our society like never before," I replied, rising from my chair and going to prepare my armor.

Minutes passed, and messengers and ravens were sent in all directions across Prussian territories, with mobilization orders for all soldiers and cantons who were to march north for the conflict.

In just a few hours after the royal mobilization orders arrived, Prussian commanders and officers quickly prepared their men. The Prussian commanders assigned several of their junior officers to take roles in the new regiments. The rest began moving north as ordered, while thousands of young men swiftly approached recruitment offices with letters in hand, having been called to service, and began receiving their respective equipment and forming their new regiments.

The Prussian armories were opened, and the years of preparation for this conflict paid off as they were able to arm all their canton recruits with full armor and the necessary weaponry.

The necessary promotions were quickly made to organize the military structure, and when everything was ready, they also began to march north, as ordered.

While the entire Prussian industry began to prepare for war, the forges of Ashford came to life, working at full capacity, just as they had in the early days of Prussia's arrival in these lands.

Days passed, and the war camp in Tumbleton was established and began to grow day by day as more soldiers arrived to join, spreading across the area the massive Prussian military camp.

Meanwhile, the police began to do their work, searching for and capturing all members of the clergy of the Faith of the Seven, while also managing the discontent caused by such a drastic change in the relationship that had governed The Reach for so long.

Meanwhile, the Herzog, upon receiving his orders, put aside his leisure and fulfilled his duties, arresting the septons and closing the Starry Sept, while at the same time beginning to reinforce the southern garrisons, as that was where there was the greatest potential for rebellion, given that the population that professed the Faith of the Seven was the majority in the southernmost territories.

Such a mobilization of men caused news and rumors to spread like wildfire, and the rumors of rebellion spread in several Prussian cities.


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