
The most dangerous man in westeros III

update:I'm a moron I put the date of self-publication wrong


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Here is the chapter of the 180 stones of power in confidence that we will reach the goal.

I remind you that I still keep the promise that if we reach ten reviews, I will give you another extra chapter.


POV of Brynden Tully

When the Finns were finally satisfied with the information they got from their victims they looked at us again.

''You see Brynden, they were not thirteen men, they were twenty-five, that information could have made us change our way of acting a lot, now we must keep moving, we must find that captain before he slips out of our hands'' he said, finals looking at me fixedly

''You were right, I didn't think they could lie in a situation like this, I have never had the need to force information out of someone'' I answered looking at the forest.

''You should never trust the information someone gives you, it will always be tainted by their own personal assessment, but you can always use the information about several prisoners to establish common facts, that is the important information, the rest you should only believe what your instincts tell you'' said the Finnish man walking back in his strange way.

''You, stay guarding the prisoners if we capture any more we will send them here with the others'' said the Finn to one of his soldiers.

Our journey continued into the hunting grounds of the Tarlys, for these men were still determined to capture that captain, for he was an essential piece in capturing the castle according to them.

The group of seven men composed of Finns and Westerosis moved through the forest.

Their journey through this forest was not uneventful because they encountered on several occasions more members of the patrol, who were also attacked and captured by the group.

Although the Finns were in enemy territory it did not stop them from returning to torture their prisoners to verify if the information they had obtained earlier was correct.

Thus, the group spent time constantly having fights against the Tarly hunters capturing prisoners and torturing them for information until there were only four members left in the group.

'How much longer are we going to continue in the forest, my feet are killing me between so many sharp stones and branches, I think I will have my feet full of wounds by the end of the day'.

'We had already captured twenty of the hunting party, the mere fact that we could defeat more men than us was fascinating, but, now there are only four of us and it doesn't look like we won't be stopping anytime soon'

''How much further are we going to walk, it's already starting to get dark, we should head back before we get stuck at night'' I said looking at the two Finns leading the way

''We are not going back, I told you what we are going to do, we are going to take that castle, if we have to deprive ourselves of sleep to achieve our goal we will do it Brynden so get ready that the night will be long, for you, since I am used to sleep little and be awake for days'' said the Finnish man

When he was about to answer again he raised his hand for us to stop.

''Do you smell it?'', said the Finn to his soldier.

''The smell of burning wood, the camp is near'', replied the soldier.

As they conversed in their language they started to look at the sky, out of curiosity Lyn and I did the same until we saw smoke coming directly where we were headed

''Lyn, Brynden, get ready camp ahead, the rest of the patrol could be there, so get ready to fight''

''Yes we are ready'' said Lyn unsheathing his sword.

I did the same, preparing for a fight.

''I like that initiative, but I'll tell you something, we shouldn't kill anyone if we can avoid it'' said the Finn.

''Why?, that would make everything so much more difficult'' said Lyn

''People remember Lyn, they will remember how we killed them, every one we kill has a family, a father, mother, brother or children who will remember, torturing them is not the best thing either, but it is better that their loved ones are alive than just waiting an eternity to know they will never return, that is why we should avoid it, it would make ruling afterward very difficult for my king'' said the Finn.

'Well, it makes sense enough, but it will make it hard for us to fight if we have to avoid killing them'

'I'll do what I can''said Lyn between his teeth.

Again they resumed walking as usual and after several yards we found the Tarly camp.

the Finn took a spyglass out of one of his pockets hidden in his camouflage and started to observe

''I see four hunters in the camp and a tent that must belong to their captain'' said the Finn.

''Well let's go'' said Lyn excitedly

''Wait Lyn, we must wait if there are more in their tents, we mustn't rush, we must be careful''' said the soldier who was next to his commander

''I'm moving, if more Tarly hunters show up make bird noises'' said the Finn to his soldier and he moved in the direction of the camp.

We waited several minutes and there didn't seem to be more people than the ones we saw.

''Will it be alright for him to go alone?'', I asked the soldier.

He could easily take on everyone there, he is a specialist in unarmed melee combat, not because he is small he is weak, just sit back and watch everything, he will do all the work now'' said the soldier with a relaxed tone.

We stood watching until we saw a bush that grabbed a distracted hunter by the neck and started to put him in a headlock until he was unconscious.

''One down, three to go'' said the soldier.

Aleksanteri had already knocked out one hunter and continued to move through the Tarly camp without making a sound, within seconds he caught another member of the Tarly hunters and knocked him out with a choke hold.

After hiding the knocked out hunter, he went against a group of two hunters who were chatting quietly while skinning the stags that their companions were catching.

By the time they saw that they had a walking bush behind them, it was too late to scream, for with a swift blow to the windpipe he left the two hunters speechless and quickly knocked them out to clear the way to the larger camp tent.

''See?, I told you, he can take care of himself, ha, ha, ha'' began to laugh the soldier walking to the camp.

''Shit, the man sure is skilled'' I said to Lyn who was sheathing his sword.

''I'm hardly surprised anymore, the way he walks and not making noise is enough to take out all the other members of the camp who were doing different tasks'' said Lyn.

When we arrived at the camp, the Finn had entered the captain's tent, but we heard fighting noises inside.

Again we unsheathed swords and waited at the entrance to the tent.

In our wait we saw a bush come out followed by a man-at-arms of house Tarly who was trying to kill him with his sword unsuccessfully.

What the hell, more enchanted bushes'' said Captain Tarly.

''Come on you idiot, think a little, magic doesn't exist'' said the Finn.

The Finn was disarmed and was fighting against someone who had armor on, this was not going to end well.

The captain swung his sword with his right hand, but the Finn easily dodged it and advanced by placing his body against the captain's arm to prevent him from trying to cut him again.

At the same time he placed one of his feet behind the captain's legs and using his arms he pushed the captain's chin with one hand while he had another hand on his shoulder and managed to throw the captain to the ground who could not resist the combat technique.

As he was falling to the ground, the Finn quickly put his legs around his arm and began to apply pressure.

Captain Tarly was desperate to get him off him, but he couldn't as the technique he was using was causing him a lot of pain.

''Drop the sword or I'll break your arm'' said the Finn to his victim.

the captain kept resisting trying to use his sword to attack him, but every time he tried to do something, it only took a little pressure for the captain to start screaming.

But as the captain did not stop resisting at a certain moment we heard how the arm that the Finn had between his legs was broken

''Remove his sword now and tie him up'' said the Finn.

Lyn quickly acted and removed the sword from the captain, who was suffering silently for his arm.

The Finn got up from the floor and kicked the captain hard in the ribs.

''Does it hurt you asshole?, ah, well, this is what you get for being brave and resisting'' said the Finn to the captain and gave him another kick in the ribs.

''Well, we've secured everyone in the camp, now we just need to take the castle and we can rest after an efficient day of service'' said the Finn stretching his body.

''Seriously you want to go on with your crazy idea of capturing the Tarly castle with only four men, if it were that easy, they wouldn't build castles to defend the territory in the first place'' said Lyn a little worried

''ah come on seriously it will be child's play, we have a captain's armor, if we manage to scale the walls at night I will take care of everything so relax'' said the Finn.

'...You will not succeed...your idea will fail...it's only a matter of time...before my boys return and you are dead''said the captain.

The Finn crouched down and stared at the captain for a few moments and started to touch his throat

''You mean the hunters we already captured and won't come back, since my men have him trapped, right?'', said the Finn imitating the captain's voice.

The captain's answer was to open his mouth as wide as he could.

''How did you do it?'' I asked the Finn.

''Practice, lots of it actually, well, I think we are ready, tonight the castle of house Tarly will be the property of house Hohenzollern'' said the Finn

''Hey seriously we can't, there are only four of us and...'' I tried to talk some sense into him.

''Three, I'll stay here guarding the prisoners'' the soldier interrupted me.

''You see?, but we are still only three in a castle with hundreds of men, besides my face is known, I am a knight famous for the previous war'' I told the Finnish man

''Not even your mother would recognize you, do you think that because you gained a little fame Brynden everybody knows your face, or look friend I have a portrait of the knight Brynden, it only cost me several gold coins, don't be an idiot, your name is known, but your face is not, so if someone asks you your name you invent another one'' said the Finn in a sarcastic tone.

''Nobody is going to recognize you Brynden, maybe some nobleman might recognize you, but coincidentally, they don't guard the walls, so go quietly'' said the soldier while he gagged the captain.

''Well what are you waiting for strip a couple of the hunters and put on their clothes, as soon as it's night we'll climb the walls'' said the Finn as he took off the captain's clothes.

''Come on Lyn''' I said as I walked over to the pair of hunters on the ground.

''Brynden this idea is suicidal, we're going to die if the plan doesn't work'' said Lyn with worried eyes.

''Either we get killed by the Finns for desertion or the Tarly's in case we get captured you decide, but from what I've seen I feel safer with the Tarly's'' I said looking at Lyn

Lyn gave a sigh and helped me undress the hunters.


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Chill_ean_GUYcreators' thoughts