
The Way of the Blade

As Alex bid his farewell to Jiten, thoughts of taking a break and resting for the day filled his mind. His body ached from Oswin's rigorous sword lessons, and the allure of an evening of relaxation was tempting. Lost in his fantasies, Alex began walking towards the institute's exit, only to be startled by the sight of Oswin leaning against the exit, observing everyone who passed by.

An instinctive wave of apprehension washed over Alex as he realized Oswin had the power to change the minds of those considering skipping the physical training. Without a second thought, Alex swiftly turned on his heels, seeking refuge down the nearest hallway. With each step, a sense of safety slowly returned to him. However, just as he began to calm down, a hand rested on his back, and a familiar voice rang out, "Alex, finally! Let's go, it's time to train with your sword."

Alex's face fell with a discouraged expression as he asked, "How did you find me?"

Oswin pointed at Alex with an incredulous look, as if stating the obvious. "How could I not find you? Your aura is ridiculously distinctive. Stop wasting time and come on."

Reluctantly, Alex followed Oswin towards the courtyard designated for sword arts classes. As they approached, a commotion reached their ears, drawing their attention. A crowd had gathered in a circle, centered around two students engaged in a wooden sword duel. One wore a blue uniform, indicating a second-year student, with a bronze medal adorning his chest denoting a low adept rank. The other, who seemed to be dominating the fight, wore a white uniform like Alex's and possessed a silver apprentice rank medal alongside a medal depicting a tree—a mark of being an heir of an element.

Alex's eyes widened with amazement as he watched Max skillfully hold his ground against an opponent of higher rank. Oswin glanced at Alex and urged him, "Come on, stop wasting time."

Taking a deep breath, Alex shook off his awe and joined Oswin in finding an empty space within the courtyard. Oswin settled down, indicating for Alex to get ready and assume his sword stance.

After four grueling hours of training, Alex and Oswin found themselves alone in the training area. Oswin, satisfied with their session, instructed Alex to return the equipment to its proper place. As Alex diligently carried out the task, he couldn't help but notice Max engaged in an intense conversation with Oswin. Intrigued, he quietly approached, eager to catch snippets of their discussion.

"Master Oswin, I implore you," Max pleaded earnestly, his voice filled with determination. "Take me under your wing and impart upon me the wisdom of the blade."

Oswin regarded Max with a measured gaze before responding, "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I must decline. Seek another mentor who can guide you on your path."

Max was taken aback by the rejection and frustration seeped into his voice. "Why do you choose Alex over me? I know without a doubt that my skills surpass his!"

A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of Oswin's lips as he replied, "Indeed, you possess great talent, but in terms of untapped potential, you still have a ways to go. Besides, I am not Alex's master."

Max's heart sank, wounded by the realization that his abilities alone were not enough to sway Oswin's decision. Anger simmered within him, and he retorted through clenched teeth, "In three months' time, a competition will be held. I will show you and everyone else why I am superior to Alex. And when I emerge victorious, you will have no choice but to accept me as your student."

Alex, overhearing the exchange, felt a mix of relief and intrigue. He knew Oswin well enough to understand that such a bet would never be taken lightly. Oswin, his eyes glinting with amusement, decided to set some terms of his own, flipping the wager on its head. "Very well. But let me establish some conditions. Should you lose, you shall renounce the sword forever. And every time our paths cross, you will maintain a distance of at least ten feet between us."

Max's countenance brightened with a newfound confidence as he extended his hand, sealing the agreement with a firm handshake. "Deal!"

Alex stood in disbelief, realizing the magnitude of the challenge that lay ahead. His mind echoed with a single thought, "I'm in trouble."

"What have you done? I can't defeat Max! You saw how effortlessly he bested the older students earlier," Alex exclaimed, his voice tinged with panic, as Max departed from their presence.

Oswin placed a reassuring hand on Alex's shoulder, his gaze steady and confident. "Alex, calm down. I know you may feel overwhelmed, but remember, you have immense talent. We still have three whole months to prepare. That's plenty of time to hone your skills. Now, go, eat, and rest. Tomorrow, you have classes."
