
Mysterious signora von Rotermond

Irmilla was very interested in that mysterious person named Cael Oliveira. The interest began even before they first met in the flesh.

She heard about him. Hearing was not the same as seeing, though. Rumors didn't explain how this mage of relatively humble origins rose so quickly and so high in only a short year. They didn't say a thing about the aura he had—the aura of a person who knew himself and what he wanted. What he 'really' wanted.

As simple as that sounded, Irmilla knew from experience how rare people like Cael were. Most would blindly chase wealth, glory, love, power, or stability, but it would be far from their true desires. Even if they achieve their goals, they would be unsatisfied, and seek more, and more, not understanding that this was a road to nowhere.

It was really a pity that Irmilla had to leave him for another patron to pick up.
