
Moonlight Pathway

"They did seem different," Shi remarked, her gaze fixed on the line of people eagerly waiting for their portions of soup.

The other healer girls nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a mix of surprise and approval.

"At least they showed more concern for our well-being compared to the men back in Everkeep," Helvis whispered, her voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.

Adeline couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern. Uzana, with his talkative nature, seemed to be gaining favor among her sisters. Among the Gamaaloths, he was the only one who displayed good communication skills.

He could effortlessly grasp the conditions and effectively convey their needs. In a way, he acted as an intermediary between the Gamaaloths and the people of Cescil.

The rest of the Gamaaloths remained relatively silent, while Ragnar relied on Uzana's insights to make final decisions.

"Maybe you should apologize and establish a good relationship with Uzana," Helvis said quietly. "Thanks to him, the main food supply problem was resolved very well."

Adeline's eyes widened in disbelief as Helvis suggested that she should apologize and build a better relationship with Uzana.

"Apologize? But what did I do wrong?" Adeline asked, feeling a mix of confusion and frustration.

The room fell into a brief silence, and then Shi spoke up. "That's right, Adeline. You didn't do anything wrong."

Helvis interjected, "However, for the greater good of the Gamaaloth Nation, it might be wise for us to mend any misunderstandings and establish a positive rapport with them."

The other healer girls nodded in agreement, urging Adeline to consider the suggestion.

"But why me?" Adeline questioned, feeling a sense of unfairness. "Why should I be the one to apologize?"

"Well, you're the only one who has dared to communicate with them so far," Shi pointed out.

Adeline sighed, realizing that she had unintentionally become the bridge between her people and the Gamaaloths.

Once again, she found herself caught in a challenging situation.


After losing the vote, Adeline found herself assigned to deliver dinner to the Gamaaloth's tent. Typically, it was men sent by Lady Sophia who brought the clay pots to them.

As Adeline entered their tent, she noticed something peculiar. The four dragon riders inside quickly scrambled to cover their bodies with long-sleeved shirts, head coverings, and face shields. It was as if they were behaving like bashful maidens, ashamed to be seen by the opposite sex. Adeline couldn't help but find it amusing. Perhaps they were self-conscious about their scaly, fish-like skin.

"Why did you enter the tent? If you're delivering food, just leave it outside," reprimanded one of them, who happened to be Uzana.

"Oh, I apologize. I was just returning the favor for your unexpected visit to the healer girls' tent earlier," Adeline calmly replied.

This was met with laughter from the others. Adeline felt a sense of honor being able to elicit laughter from them.

"I want to have a word with you, Uzana."

Uzana let out an annoyed chuckle and approached her, adjusting his head covering. "Oh, come on, get out of here! Gamaaloth doesn't allow women in our space unless it's for, you know, intimate purposes."

"What?" Adeline's eyebrows shot up in disbelief.

"Leave now if you don't want us to... you know," he said, grabbing her arm and forcefully dragging her out of the tent. Uzana continued dragging her until they broke through the trees and reached the shore.

The winter wind blew in, instantly freezing Adeline's body. She pulled her cloak tightly around her and squinted against the biting night wind.

"What did you want to talk about? I'm not used to chatting with girls, so make it quick. Especially with someone like you who talks a lot. Hhh, it drains my energy."

"Huh? Are women of your kind not allowed to talk at all?"

"For decades, it has been known that Gamaaloth has no female descendants. Our mighty DNA can only be passed on to males, not females. Usually, female offspring died soon after birth or at a young age due to disease and our extreme environment. So we typically acquire females from our regular traders."

"Huh? Wait! Let me process what you just said! You buy girls?!" Adeline snorted in disbelief.

"Yes. Women are a valuable and scarce commodity in Gamaaloth. Their quality often deteriorates drastically during transportation. Many of them died within a few days of arriving in Gamaaloth. It's sad."

Oh, damn, why does this Uzana talk about women as if they're mere commodities? Her anger began to boil, rising to the surface of her thoughts.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Uzana redirected the conversation.

But Adeline had lost interest in offering an apology. She was more interested in confronting him.

"Didn't those women you bought have anything to say? Like how much of an asshole you Gamaaloths are for treating women like livestock?"

"I didn't realize women could be so troublesome until I met you. Usually, the women we acquire are in a clean condition," Uzana said with a shrug.

"Could you please explain what you mean by 'clean'?" Adeline struggled to contain her anger, her emotions on the verge of exploding as she yearned for more information.

"They have been bathed thoroughly, tightly bound, and their tongues cut out."

"Ooohhh, you bastards, Uzana, and the entire Gamaaloth Nation! May the Old God curse you and the rest of your nation with a lifetime of suffering from scurvy!"

"Really?" Uzana looked confused.

In a fit of anger, Adeline pushed his chest hard, but he didn't budge. Uzana laughed, causing her further embarrassment.

"What was that?" Uzana teased.

"Shut up, you wretched human!" she spat, pointing her index finger at him.

"Hey! What's with the sudden anger?"

"You know, my friends told me to come here and apologize because they thought you were decent people! Turns out you're nothing but filthy animals!!!" Adeline said, turning around and walking away. But then she remembered something.

She turned back to Uzana and added, "Fuck you and your claim that 'Gamaaloth never lets women starve to death'!"

Uzana laughed once again. "Hey, Ragnar is speaking the truth. The women we acquire never starve to death. We provide them with abundant food and take care of all their needs. They are content under our protection. However, they typically pass away after giving birth."

"W-what?!" Adeline felt a momentary sense of deafening silence. In just a few minutes of conversation, he had casually and smoothly mentioned too many horrifying things.

"I won't apologize," she finally declared.

"Oh? And what does that change?"

Yes, what does it change, hm?

"You have committed atrocious acts against the women you acquire!"

"Their fate would be even worse if they were left in the hands of the traders, if you ask me."

"Enough! Just stop talking I don't want to converse with you any longer!" She turned away and started to walk away from him.

Uzana followed closely behind her.

As Adeline made her way back, she noticed that the two male servants who had brought the clay pot soup had disappeared. They had returned ahead of her. However, there was a dark forest to traverse before reaching Cescil's camp.

Despite her slight trembling and the unsettling sounds of hissing snakes and howling wolves, Adeline pressed on, determined to maintain her composure as she ventured through the forest.

She quickened her pace, attempting to catch up to the two individuals who had preceded her, making sure to be as silent as possible while her breath hung in the frigid night air.

However, as fate would have it, her foot caught on a protruding tree root, causing her to stumble and fall forward.

Laughter echoed from behind her.

Uzana had been trailing her the entire time, and now he found amusement in her misfortune, clutching his stomach while guffawing heartily.

Brushing off her embarrassment, Adeline regained her footing and elegantly dusted off her dress, removing any lingering dried leaves. With renewed grace, she resumed her journey.

Unbeknownst to her, Uzana maintained his silent presence, following closely but keeping a respectful distance of about three meters behind her.

Under the enchanting glow of the full moon, its radiant beams cascading through the forest path they traversed, they continued their walk in silence. Adeline purposely refrained from engaging him in conversation, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of admitting that he was ensuring her safety on their way back to Cescil's camp after their earlier altercation.

Adeline couldn't help but steal a glance at Uzana as they walked. His eyes were fixed on the celestial expanse above, gazing at the mesmerizing sight of the full moon. In that moment, she sensed a profound connection between him and the night sky, as if he held some ancient wisdom hidden within his gaze.

The ruggedness of his exterior seemed to soften as he stood under the moon's gentle radiance. She couldn't deny the strange allure he possessed, a captivating blend of strength and vulnerability.

Lost in her thoughts, Adeline pondered the complexities of Uzana's character. Beneath his gruff exterior, there seemed to be glimpses of a different side, a side that appreciated beauty and found solace in nature's embrace.

A gentle breeze rustled through the trees, causing Uzana's hair to sway with its rhythm. Adeline found herself captivated by his presence, intrigued by the layers of mystery that surrounded him. Perhaps there was more to this enigmatic man than met the eye.

Embracing the tranquil ambiance of the night, they continued their journey, each lost in their own contemplations, as the moonlight guided them back to the safety of Cescil's camp.

As the forest gap came into view, Uzana halted his steps, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. Adeline walked out of the gap, reaching the safety of Cescil's campground.

She couldn't resist turning around to steal a final glance at Uzana, still standing amidst the trees, bathed in the ethereal glow of the moonlight.

There was a lingering connection between them, an unspoken understanding that transcended words.

In those fleeting moments, Adeline wondered what thoughts swirled within Uzana's mind. His presence had offered her a sense of security and comfort during their journey. For the first time, she had felt protected, knowing that there was someone she could rely on.

Uzana slowly raised his colossal hand, a small wave of farewell, before pivoting on his heel. Adeline's heart raced, hoping to reciprocate the gesture, but time slipped away too quickly. Perhaps he assumed she wouldn't wave back, prompting him to turn swiftly.

With a heavy heart, she watched as he walked away, his broad back receding into the depths of the forest.

The darkness swallowed him whole, leaving behind a bittersweet ache within Adeline's chest.

She stood there, contemplating the enigma that was Uzana, etching his silhouette into her memory. The moon continued to cast its gentle glow upon her.

With a sigh, Adeline finally turned and made her way back to the safety of the camp, carrying with her the echoes of their fleeting encounter beneath the moonlit canopy.

