
123:Red day


I rolled over on the bed and stretched. A yawn escaped my lips. I took the blanket off my body and sat up, I cracked my back and neck to relieve the exhaustion. My eyes slowly opened and I blinked slowly.

"Happy Red day, love " Sezian voiced heartily. Rose petals fell from the ceiling. I stretched forth my hand and let the petals fall unto my palm.

I opened my eyes fully and took in the scene. To witness the romantic gesture Sezian prepared for the person he loved. I scanned the room to find the person he addressed so lovingly.

"I got you your favorite flowers. I hope you like them, love" Sezian presented the bouquet of roses to me.


I accepted the flowers and tried to wrap my head around him being all lovey-dovey towards me. It was unlike him to be so friendly.
