
Remy (part 1)

The episode begins at the residence of Q and Gileani late at night. Q is sitting on the couch reading the day's paper (He always reads the paper at night, because he works during the day.), and Gileani is sitting next to Q, drinking a cup of coffee (She's a night owl...that's her thing, coffee late at night.) Their children, Cameron and Penny are upstairs in their respective bedroom.

Q and Gileani's attention is drawn to a knocking at the door. Q gets up to answer it to see that it's none other than his good friend Kenneth, along with a lanky boy with long, smooth, turquoise hair and matching eyes. He wears tight-fitting red pants, a black leather jacket emblazoned with a capital omega, and brown high-heeled boots.

"AHH, Q! Sorry to bother you and your wife on your wife on your quiet night..."

"It's never a bother when it's an important matter, Kenneth...."

"That's good...anyway. I'm here because we need someone to watch this boy here...You see his father is at our base for questioning, and he may be there for some days....So consider this your off-base mission, if you will. Don't worry, I got Lou to cover for you in your office."

"Ah...I see. Well hello there, may I have your name?" Q says, looking at the boy. The boy does nothing but blinks at him...like really slowly blinking. "Not the talkative type, hm? That's okay, me neither...."

"The boy's name is Remy..." Kenneth says. "And he'll be HAPPY to stay with you for a day or two, right Remy?"

The boy introduced as Remy looks down at Kenneth and says nothing, Kenneth adjusts his tie nervously. "Yeah....he's okay with staying here...."

"Great, I think we have a spare bed for him here until his father returns....." Q says as Remy looks at him.

"Good, now with that Gentlemen, I think I'll take my leave...." Kenneth says as he walks over to his car. "Take care of the boy, Q!" he says before driving off.

Q waves as Kenneth disappears in the distance. "So...Remy, do you have anything you need me to grab for you?"

"No..." Remy says as he grabs his small suitcase. Remy walks inside the home to see Gileani on the couch.

"Oh Remy, this is my wife, Gileani....Gileani this is Remy. He'll be staying here for a few days." Q says.

"Oh..okay....we got a spare bed somewhere for him." Gileani says as she goes up to him and tries to shake his hand, Remy looks at her hand and does nothing. "Uh...Q is he okay?"

"I guess he's not that social and interactive with people..." Q says.

Remy looks to see a toy on the floor of the stairway. "Do you two have children?"

Q looks at Remy. "Yes...we have two children...I could introduce them to you if you'd like..."

Remy sighs as he sits on the futon couch in silence, hands on his chin in thought. Q and Gileani just look in a mix of nervousness and confusion. Q decides to call down Cameron and Penny who run downstairs immediately but stop in their tracks at the sight of Remy.

"Cameron, Penny....this is Remy. He'll be staying with us for a few days, go say hi." Q says as the two children look at Remy whilst remaining at a distance. Penny approaches him first.

"Hi, I'm Penny...well my full name is Penisula, but you can call me Penny for short! Hello!" Penny says, getting no response in return, only a blank stare. Penny slinks down at the stare, feeling slight discomfort.

"Tough crowd..." Cameron whispers. "Dude speaks with his eyes I guess....Heyo! The name's Cameron!"

Remy looked at Cameron with the same blank stare as before. Cameron did not approach Remy.

"So...Uhm...Remy would you like Cameron and Penny to show you to the spare bedroom." Gileani says whilst looking at the two siblings, who were shaking their heads vigorously.

"Sure...I would like that..." Remy says as he stands up and approaches Cameron and Penny. "Please show me to the spare bedroom." Remy said quietly as he followed behind Cameron and Penny.

Once out of view, Gileani shot Q a look of concern.

"Lemme guess...you don't trust him like that?" Q said, reading his wife.

"Not really..." Gileani responded.

"Just give him some time my dear...I'm sure he's a good kid..."

"I'm sure too..it's just his vibe...I don't like it..."

"Me neither....but I guess he's just tired." Q says, receiving no change in tone from Gileani. Q puts Gilani's chin in his hand and tilts her head to face him. "I'll keep an eye on him if that'll make you feel better...okay?"

"Okay...okay." Gileani says. "Sorry..."

"No, no...you're fine...You just need rest."

"Yeah, I do...I'm going to go to bed..." Gileani says as she heads upstairs.

"I'll be up there in a minute...." Q responds. Once Gileani is upstairs, Q gets back to reading the newspaper.

Once some time passes, Q decides to head upstairs to a sleeping Gileani. As he was heading upstairs he sees Remy sitting in the spare bedroom, looking down at his lap.

"Hey Remy, you alright?" Q says, causing Remy to jump. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I do this on accident with the kids all the time." Q says chuckling.

"Oh...I'm okay Mr. Q really.....I'm sorry for being so quiet and distant....it's just that....I dunno, I'm not used to this much....kindness shown by anyone." Remy says quietly "I didn't even think you'd take me in...Mr. Kenneth told me you weren't like everyone else but...."

"You were still worried that I'd say no?" Q asks.

"Yeah...I can tell I scare you're children with my...'edge'. It's not intentional...It's just...how I am."

"I get that...I'm told by friends that I come off as aggressively stern with others...but it's just how I sound. It's just how I talk...so yeah, I get it."

"Really though, I thank you for taking me in for these three days..."

"It's no problem...try to get some sleep okay?" Q says as he exits the spare bedroom.

"Okay..." Remy says, still sitting on the bed.

Q then joins Gileani in the bed, turning off the light and laying alongside her. Gileani is facing away from Q, sleeping soundly. Q hugs her close to him, and she turns and hugs him back. Remy was looking from the spare bedroom, he was looking in awe, he's never seen such affection like that, and so he was honestly shocked. Remy laid on the bed and thought to himself.

"This must be....what a true family is like...affection for one another..My father was never like this.....perhaps I shall observe this family more...." Remy said before falling asleep.
