
:Demon Beetle city I

Jack and lantern still walked on the streets not minding the seekers who were surprised they've both turned out to be friends.

'well jack listen..250 is like a contractor..he gets contracted to kill so the guy has probably faced many battles than you have..

While talking they heard the sound of a thunderstorm struck the ground splattering rocks and dirt everywhere..

The one who created the destruction got the pedestrians attentions..only when the dust was cleared that's when they could see it was no one other than two fifty..

Jack smirked..not because he knew it was him but because the energy he could sense from this muscular big guy was an overwhelming energy..a million times stronger than Lantern.. quickly he teleported in front of him.


'i believe you've come for me..

'if you're the jack kid certainly I have..it's business nothing less..

Jack smirked again as the wind took off his hood revealing his face..
