
Practical Exam Start: Hanta & Toga VS Cementos

POV Yuno

"And now," Nezu began as he raised a paw, looking at the students with a smile. "We'll announce the teams and the teachers they'll be up against all at once!"

"The first match will be Hanta-san and Toga-san against me." Cementos said as he bowed respectfully and smiled.

"Fumikage-san and Tsuyu-san are up against me." Ectoplasm's rather echoey voice said.

"Tenya-san and Mashirao-san are mine on the field." Power Loader curled his finger, giving off a fighting spirit.

"As I said before, I'll be up against Shoto-san and Momo-san." Aizawa looke like he wanted to pull out his sleeping bag.

"Yuga-san and Rikido-san will be up against me." Thirteen said as she pointed at herself.

"Mina-chan and Eijiro-san are mine for the taking." Nezu rubbed his hands of ether and smiled…really weirdly.

"Kyoka-san and Koji-san are gonna fight me, ya dig?!" Present Mic cheered.

"Toru-san and Meto-san are up against me." Snipe said plainly.

"Denki-kim and little Kisu-chan are mine." Midnight licked her lips.

"Izuku-san and Katsuki-san are with me!" All Might flexed for a random reason.

Ochaco tilted her head before pointing at me and herself since we were the only ones left without a teacher to fight. Heh, maybe they forgot about us.

"And you two," Aizawa looked at the both us. "You'll be going up against a newer teacher."

"Yes, yes. I understand." A familiar voice came from behind us, making me flinch in shock. Knowing who it was, I didn't want to turn around. "I'm a little late again, but it shouldn't be a problem anymore since I'm here now."

"Try a little harder to be on time," Nezu pointed his round finger. "It's not always acceptable, Yurei. Especially as the No. 2 hero. Anyway, the time limit is thirty minutes! Your objective is to put these handcuffs on the teacher or to have one of you escape from the stage!"

"Either capture the teacher or run away…" Denki mumbled. "Is it really okay to run away?"


"It'll be different from combat training!" Present Mic yelled. "You'll be up against someone waaaaay better then you!"

"Better…then us?" Kyoka said bluntly with a straight face. "I don't see it, honestly."

"Dummy! Hey, girl! Watch your mouth! You hear?!"

"This time, the exam will be closer to a real battle." Thirteen raised a finger. "Please, think of us as villains."

"If you think you can win a fight against them, then that's fine." Snipe pointed out. "However, in cases where there's too big of a difference in your abilities, it would be smarter to run away and get help. Yuno, Tenya, Kisu, Shoto, Izuku? I'm sure you understand this well."

"Fight and win, or run and win…" Izuku said thoughtfully.

"That's right!" All Might threw his arms out. "We're testing your decision-making skills! But with these rules, you probably think running away is the best option, right? That's why we had the Support Course make these for us! Ultra compressed weights! Shoot, these are heavier then I thought!"

"We'll put on about half our body weight. It's to give you a handicap." Aizawa mentioned.

"All right," Nezu finished the explanation. "Each team will take the practical exam in order on the prepared stage. Hanta and Toga, your team is up first. The rest of you can watch the exams or come up with a strategy together. That's all."

As the teachers left, I clenched my fist in shock, feeling my mother's eyes staring at me from behind before she left. Rather then looking back at her, I lowered my head and walked away toward the class. Some went to go plan while other went to watch the matches with Recovery Girl in the surveillance tower.

"Yuno-kun!" Ochaco ran after me as I headed over to the surveillance tower. "Shouldn't we make a plan? We're going up against the No. 2 hero after all…I'm not goo at coming up with a plan either. Maybe you could help me and show me how to do that? Also, you look really pale. Are you oka-"

"Stop talking." I said as I halted my walk. "I don't care if I'm 'pale' or whatever. Stop talking and let me think for at least two seconds, dammit."

Ochaco flinched back after hearing my demand. I rolled my eyes and continued walking through the hallway. I was not in the mood to deal with her questions.

"Oh, okay then." Ochaco lowered her head. "I'll just watch the matches."

The large doors slid open as we got closer to the entrance. Inside was Recovery Girl and Izuku. I wasn't surprised Izuku was here since Katsuki isn't the type to sit down and talk with people.

"Oh, Deku-kun!" Ochaco exclaimed and jogged over to Izuku's side. "You came to watch the matches too?"

"Yeah, I wanted to see how everyone has improved. Plus, my partner didn't want to plan. He just walked off."

"Oh, that makes sense. Well, for me…my partner is just a little crabby right now. I don't think I should bother him."

"I'm right here." I deadpanned, staring at Ochaco.

"Team Toga and Hanta, practical exam." A monotone voice on the speakers said. "Ready? Go!"

Toga and Hanta swung through the mock city as they kept an eye out for Cementos. Toga looked all serious since this was an exam. Hanta looked a little scared seeing her like for some reason.

"So, uh," Hanta said as they stopped to look around in the ground. "What do we do? For the exam, we'd probably get a higher score by capturing rather then running, right?"

"Wrong." Toga shook her head and tapped the point of the needle on her handheld saber. "At this current level of strength, we don't stand a chance. We should run away. It's not worth making him bleed."

"We could try fighting. Let's try it and see what happens. If we have no chance of winning, I'll keep him distracted and make a break for it. And did you say 'make him bleed?' Ah, never mind. Anyway, sound good?"


Suddenly, a wall of cement came shooting out of the ground, disorienting Toga and almost knocking her over. There he was, Cementos. He was farther away from them, squatting on the ground so he could control the cement around him.

"Mr. Cementos is slow." Hanta said as he held his elbows ready to shoot tape. "Let's get a real high score and aim for the top, Toga-chan!"

"Hanta-kun!" Toga called as Hanta rushed in and started shooting tape toward Cementos. She growled lowly, throwing her saber up at a building and swinging over Hanta's head. She used another saber and threw it toward Hanta. Instead of pericing his skin, it wrapped around his waist and pulled him up right before a wall of cement came shooting out of the ground again.

"I though we were gonna see how the fighting goes!" Hanta reminded.

"Nu-uh." Toga shook her head as she kept swinging through the mock city with Hanta dangling below her. "Too risky. You said it yourself, Mr. Cementos moves a little slower then the other teachers. We should take advantage of that."

Oh, so she decides to use her head in battle, but not while she's studying. Well, that's explains why her grades dropped during all the pop quizzes I gave her. She just like fighting.

"Sorry, I guess I didn't listen and I just rushed in." Hanta rubbed the back of his head as Toga set him down and landed next to him. "I think I might listen to you now."

Toga nodded and smiled in response. "I have an idea." She smiled and lifted her hands up, spreading her fingers. "But I'm gonna need to cut you."

Hanta deadpanned at this. It does sound weird at first, but you get used to it after taking part in so many crimes with her. Toga dragged Hanta into an alleyway to hide. His face made me snicker, he looked like he was being tortured, but in a non-physical way if you know what I mean.

"Hold up," I pointed at the screen, wanting to drop my jaw. "Naze kanojo wa sutorippu o shite iru nodesu ka(why the hell is she fucking stripping)?!"

There she was just taking off her clothes in an alleyway with Hanta covering his face, looking like he was about to fall over. I'm gonna kick her ass when she's done with the exam. Does she not know that I'm right here watching?

Before I could pound the screen, Toga held a vial to her lips and drank the red liquid inside. Okay, now I get it. She once told me not to be too surprised if she starts taking her clothes off. According to her, it just makes things easier for her, and she won't have to carry both her and Hanta's equipment this way.

"There," the transformation was complete. "Now I look and sound like you, Hanta-kun!"

"Ehh," Hanta deadpanned at her with a light shade of blush on his face. "It's so similiar that it's scary."

They both stepped out of the alleyway and looked around. It seemed it was clear so they started swinging through the city again, keeping an eye out for Cementos.

"There you are." Pillars started shooting up out of the ground at random angles. "Wait…"

Toga and Hanta landed on the ground, avoiding being hit by the pillars. They stood still on the ground as Cementos stared at them in confusion.

"There's two of you now?" Cementos mumbled. "This is going to be ridiculous."

"Sensei(teacher)!" One of the Hanta's stomped on the ground. "You can't tell us apart? My feelings are hurt."

"Why are you complaining over something like that?" The other Hanta asked.

I see what they were doing. Toga became Hanta, but they switched personalities so Cementos would think he knows which one is Toga. It must kinda awkward to act as Toga…I don't even want to think about it.

"Never mind," the Hanta I saw as Toga shook his head. "Let's go in and capture!"

He shot tape from his elbows, aiming for Cementos. Before the tape could reach him, more walls and pillars started coming up, trying to keep the tape away. He was on defense right now.

There were so many pillars up, I literally couldn't count anymore. The tape kept heading toward the pillars of dry cement. It looked as though the tape would just keep going and end up getting stuck on the wall…except it didn't. Instead, to everyone's surprise, it hooked around the pillar and kept going. In fact, it just dodged and went around all of the columns of cement.

"What the-" Izuku deadpanned. "Wait, which one is Toga-chan again? And how is Hanta-kun's tape is moving like that?"

"The one with the moving tape is Toga." I answered before anyone else did. "If my theory is correct, the tape is moving because it's not actually tape. It's Toga's sabers. Their connected to tunes that move the way she wants them too. I guess she's improved her Quirk by transforming whatever's on her."

"Tunes? I thought they were wires or something." Ochaco tilted her head. "You know how her hero costume works?"

"I'm the one who made it, you dense floating creature…"

"Oh, yeah. You're in the Support Course. Hehe, oops."

I rolled my eyes at Ochaco's mix up/mistake. I could see what Toga and Hanta were doing. First, Toga turns into Hanta, then they switch personalities. Right now, Toga was a distraction. Hanta was no longer in front of Cementos. They made him go in the defense. They used his Quirk against him. Cementos naturally uses defense whenever he fights, so, using that to their advantage, Toga started attacking as Hanta, which caused Cementos to create pillars, therefore, his view would be blocked by his own defensive move.

There, right behind Cementos, I saw Hanta creeping and stepping cautiously. Toga's tape finally reached Cementos and wrapped around his wrist. Quickly, followed after that, came more tape that started to climb and wrap up his arm. Toga whiped the tape, disorienting him as he wobbled, trying to keep his stance and posture up.

"Hanta-kun!" Toga exclaimed as a signal to Hanta.

Cementos flinched and turned his head to look behind him. Well, it's too late now, dummy. Hanta cuffed Cementos' wrist and just like, that they won.

"Team Toga and Hanta," the voice from the speakers said. "Pass."

"Oh, wow!" Ochaco pumped her fist in the air. "They did it! That was awesome!"

Looking at the screen, I could see Toga jumping up and down as Hanta, which was still kinda weird. Hanta pointed his finger to the sky and smiled cheekily, glad that he passed the exam. As Toga kept jumping, mud started to splatter on the ground. He natural look started to appear. Wait a second…

"Oh no," I covered my mouth. "Kanojo wa mada hadakada(she's still fucking naked)!"
