
Where The Hell Is Endeavor, Damn It?!

"Give up! You are surrounded! Don't try to make any sudden moves!" Puh, overconfident heroes. Always full of themselves and telling people not to move. Saying they'll pulverize us if we do something.

"Again with these kids?" I heard the R-rated hero, Midnight. "I recognize these two." She pointed at me and Kisu. "But…not these ones." Then she looked at Dabi and Toga.

"Kids these days." I then heard Cementos say. "I don't understand them anymore."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Kisu laughed and lunged at a police officer. "Stop talking like we're not here!"

Toga smiled and started stabbing the officers and low ranking heroes around. It's surprising how many people they need for just four people who kills one person.

The first group of officers were killed in a flash. The wasps in my sleeves started to pour out and sting the heroes, sending electric shocks throughout their bodies. A good amount of them had fallen unconscious from the shock. Pathetic. They're all losing to a bunch of teenagers. How sad.

My mechanical arm in my backpack came out and started to snap at heroes and officers who tried to get close. Toga was going through a frenzy of killing, she was having fun. Kisu was taking guns and used them to kill the ones who got in her way of taking valuable items. Dabi was burning heroes to death since he was stronger then us.

"Look at all of you," I said as Midnight came rushing at me. The mechanical arm grabbed her whip while she snapped it, then grabbed her by the neck. "How pathetic." I smirked at her. "You're losing to a bunch of teenagers. You're all so weak."

Midnight struggled to get away. She slipped out from the grip of the machine's arm and tried getting up. I wouldn't let her get away so easily. The arm grabbed her by the ankle and held her up in the air.

"If you all want her to live, then shut up and listen." I said while I held a knife to Midnight's throat, holding her head to steady the sight.

"Don't even try, kid." Midnight said. "If you kill me, then you'll be held for more charges."

"Oh?" I pushed the knife against her neck and smiled. A few more mechanical arms came out and grabbed more heroes. More of their allies. "Are you willing to sacrifice them too?"

Dabi grinned at the sight. Oh, yes. I was playing dirty. That's how I play the game. I don't need high intelligence to have fun.

Midnight grit her teeth. She glanced at her fellow heroes. Erasure Head, Cementos, Present Mic, Snipe, etc. Each and every one of the heroes and officers stopped what they were doing. They just didn't want to risk it. I smirked at them. What dumbasses…

"Idiots…" Black spikes stabbed the three out of four heroes. The ones I was holding, now dead. I stared at Midnight. Her eyes were filled with horror and shock. I killed them, wanting to catch the higher ranking heroes attention. Endeavor specifically.

Anger and fear filled the eyes of the police and heroes. Toga and Dabi smirked. Kisu fist bumped me and held two guns in each hand. Yeah, it was fun. Knowing that I could do whatever I needed or wanted made me feel satisfied. Just one more thing needed to be done. Endeavor needed to die. We already knew it would be no easy task.

POV All Might

"Thinking about it now, maybe I shouldn't have left Japan." All Might thought to himself. "I've got a bad feeling."

I left Japan about two days ago. My close friend, David Shield and his daughter, Melissa Shield. Recently, I planned on visiting them in America, and here I am now, sitting in an empty room with David. David, a scientist who invents support items for heroes. He wanted me to help him with a few new items he made, but didn't feel safe without a Pro around. And who better than his closest friend, that's what he says anyway. And I had gone to help him with anything I could while I was in America.

Why was getting bad vibes now? Strange. When I left for America, everything was smooth and it felt safe and secure. Now I'm starting to feel uneasy.

"Uncle Might!" I heard Melissa call me. "Uncle Might, why don't we go out? I would like to show you something that I made with dad."

"Oh?" I answered, smiling so Melissa wouldn't see my uneasiness. "Well, I'll be back later, David."

"Go, go. Shoo!" David said, shooing us out of his living room. "You have go fun now."

"I'll just find out later." I thought to myself as Melissa pulled me to her little project. "If this feeling grows any further, there's no doubt that something is going on back in Japan. And my instincts have never been wrong."

POV Yuno

Looking around, it was a disaster. Police officers dead bodies laying on the ground. Heroes kneeling down, trying to catch their breath. Dabi was starting to get impatient. There were minor fires around and heroes calling back-up. When will Endeavor come out?

"You said he would come out." Dabi growled at me. "I don't see him anywhere, brat."

"Don't worry," I answered, waving my hand dismissively. "I also added a bonus to the plan. I'm sure it'll make you a little happy. Considering all of the info I found about you, I'm sure you'll be at least interested."

"What are you talking about?"

"You want to know? Well then." I gave Dabi a piece of paper with an address written down. "Why don't you head over to this address. We'll take care of Endeavor later."

Dabi snatched the paper and read the address written down. His eyes widened. He glanced at me, then looked back at the paper.

"Where did you get this information?" He asked, still looking at the address.

"I have my ways." I replied, crossing my arms. "I'd rather you take one of us along. Just so you don't do anything…mischievous."

"Tch, why should I bring someone like you or the white haired geek along?"

"Would you rather me take it back?"

I reached my hand out, giving Dabi the option to wait longer for Endeavor or find his family. Dabi held the piece of paper tight, not wanting to give it back. He scoffed then put the paper in his pocket.

"Fine. I'd rather take your sorry ass than have one of Kisu or Toga come with me." Dabi finally answered.

"Good." I gave a bright smile. "Because I'd like to meet you're family anyway. Oi, Kisu! You get back to my house and stay there. Got it?"

"Yes, sir! C'mon, Toga!"



"I don't understand why or how you found my family's address, but I left for a good reason. I'm only coming back because we're getting rid of Endeavor." Dabi said as we stood at the front of the Todoroki's home.

"Oh? Well, don't worry about it. Since you're not knocking, I guess I'll get their attention first." I said as I knocked on the door.

No one answered at first. Dabi crossed his arms and stared at me with irritated eyes. I rolled my own eyes and knocked on the door again. A girl with white hair and red highlights answered the door. Fuyumi Todoroki.

"Hello, may I help you?" She asked with a kind voice.

I sighed and held up a picture of Dabi before he had become a villain. "This is your eldest brother, right?"

Fuyumi's eyes widened, surprised that I even knew about their family situation with Dabi, formally known as Toya. "Where did you get that? Who even are you?" She took the picture and put it in her pocket.

"Well, I have ways of getting info. I'm not a stalker, I'll have you know. Don't worry about who I am, worry about him." I pointed at Dabi who had finally decided to show himself.

Fuyumi's eyes widened further. Dabi rubbed the back of his head and waved with the other hand. "How've you been doing, Fuyumi?"

"Oh my god." Fuyumi covered her mouth as her eyes started to tear up. "T- Toya?"

"Yeah, should've known you'd react like that. Is 'Dad' home?"

Fuyumi simply shook her head. She held a finger up, telling us to wait, and closed the door. This time someone else answered the door. Natsuo and Shoto Todoroki, followed by their mother who had come home from the hospital recently, Rei Todoroki.

"Toya? The hell- I thought-" Natsuo stuttered, trying to put his emotion into words.

"Toya?" Shoto asked. "I thought you were…dead."

Rei lunged at her eldest son. She started to cry and squeeze the life out of Dabi, or should I say Toya now.

Dabi couldn't help but smirk at the lie his family was fed over the year. Natsuo and Shoto suddenly had their attention on me. They both shot looks that said they wanted to know how I got ahold of info about their family.

"I know you want the reason why I know about all this. But that's classified and I prefer to keep things to myself. Let's just say being a little villainous has its advantages." I said, waving my hand dismissively.

"Villainous?" Rei suddenly pulled away from Toya, keeping her hands in his shoulders.

Toya winced at the word. He shot a slight glare at me, then rolled his eyes. "Villain. I was a villain for more half my life…" he finally answered his mother.

Shoto had a dumbfounded look on his face. Of course, he did. His brother was a villain while he was training to become a hero. I just hope after we get rid of Endeavor, so Toya can lead the rest of his life normally with his family. That way I won't have to deal with the jackass anymore.

"Ooh, Shoto! I didn't know that you were related to this purple skinned freak!" Damn it, Kisu! What did I expect? The dumb red-eyed idiot didn't go back to the house like I had told her. "Oh, I dropped Toga off at you're house. Don't get mad if she destroys your PC. I might've ignored that part of her destruction.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. What was happening in my life? I was just trying to clear things up with Toya and his family, then Kisu has to come and eavesdrop. Ughhh.

Shoto squinted at Kisu. They were classmates after all. He recognized her after a few moments. Thank god he didn't ask me about her.

"You're…Kisuma?" Shoto pointed at Kisu with the same dumbfounded look.

"It's Kisu! Dumbass!" Kisu swatted at Shoto's hand. "Don't ever call me Kisuma again. Got it?"

I watched Shoto slowly take a few steps away, his face was dripping with sweat and he still had that look on his face. And here I thought he was a quiet hardcore person, that's what Kisu had told me, anyway.

"You know this kid, Shoto?" Natsuo pointed at Kisu. "What kind of people do you surround yourself with?"

Kisu shot a death stare at Natsuo. Natsuo held his hand up in defeat and took a few steps away, just like Shoto did. I smiled at the sight. Kisu always had that charm of scaring people off.

"You're a very beautiful girl. You look like you get along with Shoto well." Rei said, putting her hands together in a praying manner and smiled. I knew why she went to a hospital for the insane but, what the heck was wrong with her? She thinks that Shoto and Kisu would get along well? I don't know when that would ever had, not even my intelligence could solve that. "Would you like to have dinner here? A friend of Shoto's is a friend of mine. What do you say, honey?"

"Eh? Nah. I'm good, lady." Kisu waved her hand.

When I heard this disrespectful ass say that to Rei, I wanted to throw her all the way to the depths of hell. This bitch had the nerve to be talking smack when I'm right here. I bonked her head and grabbed her ear.

"Please, piss me off further, will you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you mad!"

Rei and Fuyumi laughed at the sight. I may be a strict person but I have a sense of humor and I know how to lighten the mood. Shoto and Natsuo held their laughs in, that way Kisu wouldn't come after them in their sleep. I watched a smile appear on Toya's face. Oh, yes. Finally, he was fucking happy and out of my life! Not permanently, just no more irritations from him.

"You will call everyone here by their name and if I hear a single protest from you, it's down to hell with you." I scolded Kisu, giving a death stare.

"Yes sir." Kisu shrunk and agreed not to call about e name or be rude. "Ehehe, I have to go now. I can hear Toga calling me."

"Oh, really? Well, visit whenever you want honey!" Rei waved as Kisu left. "Oh, Toya. If you please, explain to me what this villain life is all about. I want to know everything."

Toya simply didn't respond for a few moments. He rubbed the back of his head, anxiously. "I'll…tell you later." He finally answered.

Rei gave a kind smile, already forgiving her son for any crimes he may have committed. She allowed Toya inside with that graceful and kind smile. He replied by walking in with an anxious yet satisfied look on his face.

"May I ask one more thing?" I said before they could say or do anything else.

"Of course, dear." Rei answered me. "What is it?"

"May Shoto sleep over with me? We were planning something a few days back." I lied right to their face.

"What-" Shoto was about to say something before I covered his mouth and gave a bright smile.

"We're close friends, you see. We were planning to hang out for the night at my house. A sleepover."

"Oh?" Rei gave Shoto a mischievous smile. Shoto wasn't a very talkative person, I could tell. Rei knew this all too well, especially with the burden of the past that this family carries on their shoulders. "Well, well. You didn't mention this Shoto. What about your clothes and whatnot? Have you even packed at all?"

"Uh, mother. I-" Shoto pulled my hand off of his mouth. Try again, buddy. I ain't letting you speak at all right now.

"He can wear my clothes. It's fine. It's already late. And we have another friend waiting back at my house."

"Oh! Why did you say so? Well, on with you. Go have fun."

I grabbed Shoto by the wrist and dragged him out before he could say anything. I put him in my car and locked the door, wiping the fake, bright smile off my face. I leaned foreword and rested my head on the steering wheel, groaning.

"I don't even know you." Shoto stared at me with a serious look. "The only reason my mother is trusting you is because you brought back her beloved son and my brother."

"Oh?" I stared back at him with mischievous smile. "And what are you going to do?"

Shoto flinched at the time and look I gave him. It made me laugh inside. He says he wants to be a hero, and he can't even figure out that he's in the same car with a villain.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not staying with you. I just met you and, frankly, I don't believe whatever just happened back there." Shoto reached for the door handle before I interrupted his path of getting out of the car.

"Leave this vehicle, and you're entire family will disappear. I didn't want to get violent with someone like you, but appears you that's the only way you'll listen. You stay here. And you're family will be fine. Besides, don't you want to get rid of Endeavor?"

Shoto paused and let go of the car door handle. He looked back at me with eyes filled with confusion.

"Who even are you?" He finally asked me.

I started the car and smirked as I started driving.

"Someone you don't want to mess with."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

BakuNoNiicreators' thoughts