
Chapter 62: The Tourists IV

"What do you mean they don't exist?" Liam asked as soon as the video call started.

"They h-have a profile a-and background and e-everything." Blue's voice came through, but her phone camera was still all over the place. "I-I don't think they're r-real because the profile pictures l-look so new, like they were taken just yesterday f-from a high quality phone camera instead of the n-normal regular ugly profile picture on everyone's page."

"Is that the only evidence you have?" The platinum blond alpha set his phone down so his omega friend can see both him and Mar. The black haired alpha gave Blue a thumbs up, and he went back to working on the security footage.

Blue's phone finally focused, and there she was, in her cozy pile of blankets. According to the lighting and the headboard behind her, she's not at her apartment. A familiar hand came in and rested on her shoulders, and of course, Rex was smugly looking at them.

The fucker looks like a satisfied cat when he half buried his face into her side, and Blue didn't mind it. She smiled a little before she showed them the files from her laptop.

Ruby Arkham and Celesto Knight. Both thirty one years old and engaged last year. However, the state of the picture taken on their profile picture headshots look so recent.

"There's m-more." Her tiny fingers made sounds on the keyboard as she typed in the exact amount of percentage to zoom in on the pictures, and she pressed her lips into a hard line. "Their p-profile hasn't been on the r-record for long, even though they're fully grown adults in their thirties and e-engaged, their profiles just popped up on record a few days ago. Jasper Arkham's profile is a little o-older, put on record a year ago."

"I see..." Mar finally leaned in, and he rested his head on Liam's shoulder. The platinum blond alpha didn't finch from the contact, and he too looked smugly back at Rex. "Blue, how do you know their profiles are new?"

Like a professional, the omega straightened herself up, and she cleared her throat. "The database updates every m-minute because hundreds of people get added each day, so the database updates a-accordingly, either they're newborns or new information was put on their file." She took in a deep breath as her fingers typed on her laptop while her beady black eyes were keeping contact with him. The screen zoomed out back to normal, and the omega let out a sigh. "I search for their n-names in the previous updates of the database. So far, the name Ruby Arkham and Celesto Knight just existed t-two days ago. Their entire files are new, which means they didn't change their name from a p-previous file."

"Forged identity." Mar's head moved away from Liam's shoulder, and the black haired alpha moved closer towards the phone screen, so the platinum blond alpha adjusted their seats to be more comfortable.

Now that his best friend is half sitting on him, blue eyes met deep brown ones on the other side of the screen. Is there an unsaid competition going on? Either way, Liam accepted the challenge by putting his head on Mar's shoulder this time.

"Forged identity?" Blue frowned a little. "Seems like it. W-Why would your butler and his entire f-family need to forge new identities?"

"He's a spy planted in the mansion right under Petrov's nose." The words slipped before Liam could stop it.

His best friend began shaking a little, so the taller alpha held on tighter to him. The warm radiating from Mar was welcomed, but his pheromones began telling Liam something. Vetiver wafted around, and it's obvious the black haired alpha was a little angry and a little surprised.

Well, surprised? They saw it coming, they talked about it, and yet it still hit hard.

The platinum blond alpha released his own pheromones to hopefully calm his companion down. Anything is better than nothing.

"Check his parents." Mar commanded. The omega simply nodded as she turned her laptop back to face her. Just like the black haired alpha, her fingers were experts on the keyboard.

"Quick question..." Liam's curiosity finally won over him. He's been keeping it down since he saw Rex joining their video call. "I know it's nothing related to the case of Arkham's sister, but... Blue, Rex, you two mated?"

The effects were immediate, with Blue turning bright red as a cherry, but her hands didn't stop typing. Rex's cheeks turned slightly red, and his ears did too. Meanwhile, Mar let out a laugh, which lightened their mood.

"Of course, they did, bro. Look at Rex? Since when did he know how to smile without malicious intent?" The black haired alpha teased, and the fucker in question grinned smugly as he sat up straighter to show them his shoulders.

Now that he has a good view, one without blankets and pillows in the way, Liam could see little bruises dotted Rex's collar bones, moving up to a bite mark between his shoulder and his neck. Then, the alpha kissed Blue's hair gently, and she giggled a little.

"To answer your question, yes we did." Rex's grin didn't drop as he laid back down into the same comfortable position of snuggling his omega.

Mar looked at them with a soft smile, showing that he's so proud of Blue. Deep down in those magenta eyes, Liam could sense a trace of longing.

Longing for the newfound freedom that Blue and Rex have, wishing that one day the two young alphas would enjoy it too, being mated to one another without fear.

"Arkham's parents' files s-showed up around the s-same time Arkham did, which was a year ago. Rex, give me your phone." Blue patted her mate's chest, and Rex reached for his phone from his pocket as asked.

"What are you doing?" Mar asked; he frowned a little when he saw Blue using his older brother's phone.

"Just g-going on a few s-social media. Search for Ruby Arkham's account on anything. No one is immune to s-social media, even the most private of people were peer pressured to make at least one. If their accounts d-don't exist, then it's only adding to the proof that they're not r-real people." The omega finished her talk, and this time, it's her own mate who found a flaw in that plan.

"What if they have social media accounts, but it's under different names?" Rex pointed out.

"Yeah, Blue." Liam had to agree on that one. "Literally none of us uses our real names on social media."

"No worries, I think I can cover that." Mar ran his hand through Liam's hair. "Send me their files, Baby Blue."

The omega female giggled again as she put the phone down on her mate's chest. Rex looked at his phone, a little scandalized.

"On it." Her hands went back on her keyboard.

Oh, so unearthing a spy can include stalking their social media accounts.

The platinum blond alpha closed his eyes as he enjoyed the warmth on his head from his companion's fingers running through his hair. If anyone walks in on them in this position, they would be fucked.

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Twelve_Catscreators' thoughts