
20: Cabin in the woods

"He's fine, he's okey. There's no need to get so worried, and no, I wasnt effected by his scent." Taehyung said hugging Jungkook to at least try and comfort him.

"Are you sure? Did he look hurt? Do you think I was too hard?" Jungkook showered Taehyung with questions holding his waist while burying his eyes into Taehyung's.

"Jungkookie, he's okey. Don't worry so much, he's had a heat before." Taehyung tried to calm Jungkook down but nothing could calm his nerves right now.

"I wish I could see him...." Jungkook whispered into Taehyung's neck with a shiver of his bottom lip, "Just wait a few days and you can see him again, okey? He'll be fine."

(A few days later)

Jimin finished his heat without any trouble, he was sleeping throughout most of it and was often visited by Taehyung.

They stayed on the island and was planning on leaving once Jimin finished his heat not wanting to put him in a boat with two horny alphas and a helpless alphego.

Their stay on the island was surprisingly pleasant, Hoseok started a nice and small garden that's completely useless for the next few weeks until anything grows

Fishing was the best way to get food so far and they have living area figured out completely.

Exploring was useless too, it seemed like there was no signs of civilization ever existing on this island. And they were planning on trying to leave once Jimin finished his heat, which was today.

"Jiminssi...." Jungkook almost whispered seeing Jimin walk beside Taehyung in grey over-sized sweatpants and a black hoodie both belonging to the younger.

"Let's get straight to it, we need brain storms. I doubt going back into the ocean hoping that we get back to the main land is a good idea, our strengths has already been weaken from the first time. And a fire isn't a good idea either because we want to stay dead." Hoseok started not wanting to stay here any longer then they had to, Taehyung however didn't see the point in leaving so soon.

"Why don't we just stay here? I actually really like it." Taehyung offered and Jungkook immediately disagreed, "No, that's not an option! We need to get back to civilization."

"Why so soon? It's not like we have a time limit, we're dead." Jimin agreed with Taehyung not caring that he'd need a doctor and a hospital in nine months.

"Jiminssi, I can't answer that question right now. We really need to talk. Alone." Jungkook said taking Jimin's hand in his, Jimin reluctantly pulled away and refused to meet the youngers eyes.

"I don't want to be alone with you...." Against all Jimin's instincts he refused and hid behind Taehyung for 'protection'.

"Please Jiminssi, I won't hurt you." Jungkook begged not knowing what else to do.

"I don't believe you." Jimin said bluntly not believing his own words, just because they weren't true didn't mean it didn't cut through Jungkook like a knife.

Jungkook stayed quiet for a while and only really started talking again when Hoseok agreed that they might as well stay, he kept begging and begging them to leave and find the mainland.

But he was outvoted, it was too dangerous to spend another few hours on a boat in the blazing hot sun and alerting the main land of their location through smoke signals were also not an option.

It wasn't so bad honestly, Jungkook just needed Jimin to be able to go to a hospital when he goes into labour.

"It's just for a few more days Jungkook-ah, maybe a month. For now we just need to rest and heal our bodies from staying in the sun for so long." Hoseok tried to comfort Jungkook at dinner when he realized Jungkook's teary eyes. No help of course.

(The next day)

"Jiminssi, we really need to talk. I don't care if you don't want to, come here." Jungkook said pulling Jimin aside, "Okey, but if you touch me I will kick you in the dick." Jimin said allowing Jungkook to guide him into the forest.

"First of all, I made you this." Jungkook said handing Jimin a dagger, the blade was made out of sharpened rock and the handle made of wood.

Jungkook made it for him the day Jimin caught him touching himself at the lake.

"Wow, a dagger? What an amazing baby shower." Jimin joked analysing the wooden handle, the carvings on it was beautiful.

"You know?!" Jungkook exclaimed completely shocked, "Of course I did...." Jimin scoffed not removing his eyes off of the dagger.

"You made it?" Jimin asked finally meeting Jungkook's eyes, he regretted it immediately seeing Jungkook cry his eyes out.

"Why would you want to stay here then?! You need a hospital!" Jungkook exclaimed grabbing onto Jimin's shoulders. "It's just for a little while, we'll leave soon," Jimin said then turned around, "Thanks for this, it's really beautiful." He said then tried to walk away, of course Jungkook stopped him.

"You are not walking away from this!"

"How can I?!" Jimin snapped pushing Jungkook's body onto the ground, "ITS IN MY STOMACH NOT YOURS! How CAN I walk away from this?!" Jimin yelled loud enough for Hoseok and Taehyung to hear, they weren't about to get involved though.

"I'm scared too Jungkook! But I'm not about to put hoseok and Taehyung in danger just so I could do nothing for the next nine months! Like I said, it's just a few days. I think it's best if you left me alone." Jimin said then before Jungkook could stop him he ran off, this time Jungkook knew what was best for the both of them and didn't go after him.

Jimin kept running and running further into the forest until he ran straight into a wooden cabin in the middle of no where, "What the fuck?" He asked questioningly, they've been up and down this island looking behind every rock and every tree twice yet never mentioned this before.

"We mustve not looked far enough into the island." He spoke aloud then froze in fair hearing the safety of a hand gun being turned off behind him.

"Don't move pretty boy." Jimin heard an unfamiliar voice say and felt the tip of a gun pressing against the back of his head.
