
Silvia the Spidergirl's trip in the village.

I saw the village walls in the distance, we were close.

"I think I will just meet up with you guys on the other side alright?" Rei offered "Are you sure you don't want to take her to the tunnel?"

"yeah, this is the safest way, I can't keep sneaking people into the village, I got off easy with Richard the first time, but I don't think he would appreciate me doing it with someone else" I explained

Now of course if this DOESN'T work, I will keep the tunnel thing as a backup plan! We waved goodbye to Rei, and we approached the village gate, the people on guard were Mike, and Alex, (guess they have guard duty again) As long as I can prove that Silvia was human, or LOOKED human, we should be home free, in this state, she can pass as just a normal human way more than Teles can on first glance, but of course, I still need to drum up a cover story, because I know people tend to be nosy!

I turned my head to Silvia and explained the situation to her

"Remember, keep your spider legs tucked away and they should think your human like me!" I said, I could see her nodding, okay, let's do this then!

I approached the gate "Evening guys" I greeted "Slow day today I take it?"

"You know it, but hey, it beats... wait who's that you're with?" Alex asked

I also noticed Mike starting to get upset, "You have got to be kidding me! You think you could just pass by like this and we won't notice!?!?"

I started to break into a slight nervous sweat "What do you mean?" I asked in a calm tone trying not to sound suspicious

"You think you could just waltz in here without us noticing you pulled another one!?!?" Mike shouted.

Now I really was anxious, I could understand noticing Teles being a monster because of her ender aspects, but how did they know Silvia was a monster hybrid!?!? She had no cosmetic clues that proved her to be a spider, besides the spider legs on her back of course, but you know, she was able to tuck those away as if they were never there.

I guess these people are in guard positions for a reason, they do a great job of telling who or what is a monster or not! I needed to try to put Mike and Alex into denial about what they thought about Silvia, but I can't think of anything!!!!!

"Look, guys! It's not what it looks like it's just-" I was interrupted

"That's right! You managed to come back with another girl who is somewhat cuter than the last? And think WE WOULDN'T NOTICE!?!?" Mike shouted in jealousy

"Umm what...." I said in a calm, and annoyed tone as I lowered my guard.

"Don't be like that Mike" Alex said trying to calm him down

"Come on, don't act like you aren't envious of the new guy too!" Mike replied

"With that attitude, there is a reason why you're still single!!!" Alex said

Mike proceeded to go to the side of the road and have a breakdown

"Umm sooooo, can we go now?" I said trying to get out of this situation

"Not so fast, I need to run a background check for my report," Alex said "I know I can trust you and all, but it's my job to write down any new activity."

"I understand"

Shoot! Straight to the point huh? Looks like I gotta start giving answers here, I could feel Silvia trembling on my back, hold up Silvia I'm just getting started here. If she feels this unsafe now, I know she won't be content with hiding in my base when no one knows about it, so I better give her an easygoing introduction to put her at ease.

"Alright, but I will tell you everything, my friend Silvia here isn't all that talkative after all that happened, is that okay?" I asked

"hmm, I'll allow it this time..."

So I began telling Alex a fo-story of how I met Silvia, I left out any information regarding the fact that she used to be a Spider mob.

"So here I was trying to mine for some extra iron in a large cave, I heard screaming followed by the sound of a small stamped of Cave monsters, the girl that's on my back here was getting attacked, I was able to fight them off, and I got to her just in time! When I got there she was in pretty bad condition, she was scathed up pretty badly, her gear torn to pieces, I was able to help her injuries with some golden apples I had, but she has nowhere else to go."

"What is a girl like her doing in the mines, to begin with?" Alex followed up as she wrote my info on her book.

"She doesn't want to really talk about it, but judging by the situation, I could tell she had friends or family with her who weren't as lucky by the time I arrived..." I said acting sad. I noticed that Silvia behind me was starting to tear up, (Nice acting this will make it seem more believable!!!!)

Alex was starting to feel bad about asking that "Ohh... I-I'm sorry to hear that. I'm really starting to notice her condition, do you need to go to the village infirmary?"

"No no, it's alright! I can take it from here alone!" I said

Alex still looked a bit upset about the situation, tore off a piece of paper, wrote on it, and handed it to me. "Here, then at least get her something else to wear from the tailor, it's the least I can do," Alex said looking kinda sympathetic and sad toward Silvia

"Got it thanks, Alex!" I said

"T-thank you..." Silvia said trying to muster up a smile but still teary-eyed.

Upon seeing this display Alex also proceeded to go to the side road where Mike was and also began crying with him, jeez at this point you guys will lose guard positions for a long time! I thought as I walked into the village.


I picked up a simple outfit it was just a simple tee, long pants, and some shoes for Silvia at the tailor, it was much sure, but it beats her having to walk about with nothing but my jacket, I felt content that I was in another step in the right direction, Silvia looked a little more at ease but still looked sad, I decided I'd better take her to my base so we could talk.

This, of course, was only step 1 of trying to get through with Silvia, I knew I had a lot to explain to Teles on why I am bringing another monster girl into my base, this could really go any sort of way really, either Silvia needs to stay a while, or she knows where home is located and we could escort her there in a few days. As I approached my base I could only cross my fingers hoping Teles would understand.

I walked up to the door I also saw Rei approaching us. (great, maybe Rei can help me smoothen things out!)

"It looks like your plan worked after all! Impressive" Rei said in disbelief

"Yep! I had to really smooth talk the guards into letting us in!" I bragged

"I saw 2 people crying in the distance..." Rei replied

"Yeahhhh, it's a long story," I said scratching my head

We all started to enter my base, I saw Mr.Doubt staring at us on my couch

| You're not going to like this!| Mr.Doubt told me

"What part? This whole thing is a dilemma!" I replied

|Well, first of all, you have yet another monster with you, second, The villagers don't even know she's a monster, to begin with, you're living yet another lie, you KNOW Richard hates secrets kept from him!| Mr.Doubt explained

"yeah, I guess you're onto something..." I said

|And third, this monster human, is another girl!|

"So?" I replied

|You seriously don't know? hehe, on second thought I will just let YOU figure that last problem out yourself, toodles!| Mr.Doubt said as he vanished

Rei and Silvia looked at me in slight confusion

"Who are you talking to?" Rei asked me

"Oh umm, I was just thinking up what to say!" I lied

"Here, why don't you take a seat on our couch, I know it's been a long day!" I offered Silvia and Rei

They decided to rest up for a bit, I decided it would be best if I told Teles myself than her finding out about the situation herself, so I went to her room and knocked on the door. Teles opens it looking a bit tired, was she asleep?

"Hey Takeo, how did the cave exploration go?" Teles said still a bit half asleep

"Hehe, wellllll, you're gonna love this!" I said nervously

I guided her to my living and pointed to The spider girl Silvia who was being comforted by Rei on my couch. I looked at Teles and I could definitely tell she was AWAKE now and was definitely surprised at what she saw. I also see Mr.Doubt looking overly amused with the situation he's witnessing (wow you're no help) But it still looks as if I got some explaining to do,

welp! here we go, wish me, luck guys...
