
Chapter 45

After we got our reward in the guild, Gil and the others invited me to a drink. They said it was a small celebration, since the amount of coins we got was higher than usual. Since I didn't have anything to do, I accepted.

To my surprise, the bar they took me to looked very modern. There were lines of neon-colored lights on the walls that don't completely cover much area. So as expected, the corners were still dark, and you can barely see the floor and the ceiling. However, I can still figure out that the hall itself was tall and spacious.

Following the lines of red carpets, the tables seemed randomly placed aside each other. They were separated only by curtains of glowing crystals, so like any other restaurants, you'll still able to see the other customers around you.

Speaking of customers, I can see that a huge amount of them are adventurers. Most of them are in Gil's party's rank or even higher. There were people I can guess are merchants or businessmen on the seats too. But what caught my attention were the scantily clothed women that are with most of the male customers.

Turning my eyes around, I saw one of those women making out with one of the customers without caring about the eyes around them. No, not even one was minding them... was that normal?

Wait a minute...? Isn't this just a hostess club? But even if it was... I'm pretty sure those two were still breaking the rules...

Taking my eyes off of the two people lewdly making out, I followed Gil and the others as they casually look for an empty table. They must be regular customers here. The way they easily maneuver around this busy place tells me so.

When we found a table, we were immediately greeted by a waitress, who was also wearing a revealing outfit. After greeting us, she asked for our orders. Since it was my first time in this place and didn't know much about menu, I left it to Gil to order for me.

After the waitress went back to serve our orders, we resumed again on our conversation.

"If you continue in this pace, you might beat my record," Gil comments.

He was talking about how he was the fastest ever in the guild to get to D rank. It wasn't difficult to get to F or E rank, but getting into the same rank as him now requires a lot of time and experience. Nonetheless... just base on our level of strength alone, I think I can easily beat that record of his...

"I'm jealous of you, Eria-san... you don't only have near immortality as an elf, but you also have your skills in swordsmanship and magic."

I can see how he could be jealous of that. Honestly, other than being turned into a woman, I was gifted all the gifts in this world. My body is strong and flexible, I'm incredibly suitable for magic, and most importantly, I have an unbelievable length of lifespan.

Nobody actually knows how long an elf can live in this world, since their age of deaths varies differently. But there have been a legend of an elf who lived for ten thousand years... If you take that as the threshold of my lifespan, you can say that I really am nearly almost immortal.

"You can spend all the time you have to get even stronger."

I can feel that the jealousy in Gil's words was genuine. I can't really think of anything to say to him, so I remained silent.

"You see, my dream is to become a hero," Gil continued.

"A hero?"

The hero I'm imagining in my head is the kind of protagonist you would play as in an rpg game. The image of a person wearing a crown and holding a shining sword in his hands. Gil might be good-looking, but his appearance was rough and he acts too serious. He's not the kind of protagonist who will appear in a shounen anime.

"And Senna here wants to become the sage who will accompany me."


So the two of them really was a thing? No, that doesn't seem to be the case... it feels like Senna's feeling is only one sided.

"We're childhood friends with Jessica, and we promised to each other that we'll become the strongest party in the world."

To be the strongest party in the world... That would mean that they have to become the heroes who would battle the Dark king in the Dark continent.

The Dark continent is a continent occupied exclusively by monsters, be it ones who were anthropomorphic or humanoid. Almost of them are evil in nature and they consume or enslave any of the common races. They are considered to be the greatest threat for the lasting peace in this world.

"When I saw you fight that wyvern, I realized just how far I am from achieving that dream... I also realized that I actually have no business recruiting you in our party, you're way more powerful than us."

"Is that so..."

"You knew that from the start, huh? So that's why you kept turning us down?"

"That's not..."

"No, it's fine, Eria-san. I understand."

"We don't need you anyway," Senna rudely chimed in.

She's the same as ever...

"Sorry about that... ehem... anyway, we won't try to recruit you again. This is the last time we'll invite you to a quest as well."

After saying that, he drunk his wine and went silent again.

Knowing the silence will stay longer, I sipped a portion of my drink as well. I can't take a drink at all, so I only consumed a small amount.

The silence remain until it was finally interrupted by Jessica.

"Fufu... you really are so beautiful, Eria... I love you, can you please marry me?" already drunk, she clings onto me and made that absurd request.

"S-stop it, Jessica-san... you're drunk."

I like Jessica-san a lot. She is pretty and she has big boobs. I would want to marry her too to be honest, but I'm pretty sure she's only saying those words because she's drunk. She doesn't really mean it.

"Humpf... do you think I'm not serious?" seeing the doubt on my face, Jessica-san puffed out her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Eria-san... she gets like this when she's drunk."

"She gets lewd."

Gil apologizes while Senna warned of the coming danger as Jessica-san gets even more drunk.

Jessica-san is wearing casual clothing today. Since her usual outfit in our adventures are already skimpy, now, they're even worst. She don't even have a shirt to wear, she's showing her chest out in the open with nothing but a tight bra.

"You can just ignore her."

"I'll do that..." I nodded to Gil's suggestion.

"Don't ignore me!" suddenly, after hugging me even tighter, she let go and held my head with both of her arms.

"Je-Jessica-san!" I panicked as I saw her face directly staring at me.

Trespassing the small gap between us, she opened up her mouth and sealed mine.


She was forcing my mouth open to let her tongue inside. She licks my tongue with her own, then she turns to violate my gums and teeth too. She was exploring everything in my mouth... it felt good... but!

Weren't we in a public place? As I start to panic at the realization that there were other people there with us, my eyes stumbled on Gil and Senna. While Gil was simply looking away, Senna was blushing and was not taking her eyes away on us.

"Wa-wait! Jessica-san! Mnpfu!"

She backed away for a moment to breathe, but then she went back to kissing me again right after.

I can start to taste the flavor of the wine she was just drinking. Together with the taste of her saliva, I got slightly intoxicated.

"Sorry, we only wanted to treat you to a nice drink, but it turned out like this... this establishment has a second floor, Senna and I wouldn't mind if the two of you go there..."

I widen my eyes to Gil's recommendation.

"Puhaa!" Jessica breathe loudly when she took her lips away from me, then with lust in her eyes, she said, "I'm so excited right now...! Let's go!"

With a rush, she took me by the hand and forced me to follow her.


I looked at Gil and Senna for help, but they simply looked away, taking a sip of their wines as if to say it's none of their business.

"Is... is this really happening right now?"

Because the app update, I'm having trouble getting used with the magnified texts in the draft section for writing this story... I think last chapter was the worst chapter I did. This one too!

ShoujoStoriesBakercreators' thoughts