

"I just got off the phone with Elias. He said Derek already started his hunt for Gerard, want to help him sniff the old fuck out?" Malia crashed into the sofa and laid her head on Tristan's thighs while grinning upwards at him.

Tristan however shook his head. "Let the Alpha do his thing, Malia. And besides, I don't think we'll be of much help even if we wanted."

Malia pouted and forcefully hit his legs with her head. "I'm just giving a suggestion, doofus. You don't have to be so analytical about everything."

Tristan's initial reply was a blank stare before he deigned to give a reply. "Not that I was trying to be but one of us has to be. Can't have the both of us being stupid at the same time."

He rolled his eyes as she gave him the middle finger. "Derek has more experience when dealing with Hunters as opposed to us and even if we were to help, where would we start? And don't count on me because I've got nothing on Gerard."

"So? We just do nothing? I don't like it. It's making me restless for some reason." Malia said and while Tristan would have normally paid more attention to what her instincts were telling her, he was focused on something else entirely.

"What?" She asked, seeing how he just kept staring at her.

"I think I know why you are restless." Was all he said and not letting her ask anything else, he picked her up and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist.

She was still stunned by what he was doing but a twinkle came to her eyes when she sniffed the air and noticed the undeniable intoxicating whiff of his budding lust.

Maybe this was why she was restless all along? Today should have been their third day in a row without sex.

"Tristan, you're a genius!" She said with a laugh while Tristan nodded with a serious look on his face which made her laugh even more. "Of course I am."

He tried letting her down on the bed but with her legs tightly cuffed around his waist, she easily pulled him in and hungrily took his lips.

It might not be mating season for her but that didn't matter with Tristan. Her lust skyrocketed and even passed his but that was just her nature as a coyote.

With animalistic wildness, she ripped open his shirt into rags and clawed his back till it drew blood and Tristan was no better.

"I liked that shirt." He mumbled between hot breaths.

"I'll take you shopping to get you another one."

Pointless words were no longer said as they fully indulged in the greatest pleasure they could give the other.

Their kiss quickly turned bloody and with their bestial nature as wild carnivores, the blood only made they eyes more cloudy.

Tristan pierced into Malia's neck with his fangs which made her gasp as the pleasure she was feeling suddenly shot through another threshold. Her eyes turned blue and she bit into Tristan's neck, helping him feel the same pleasure she felt.

They were both naked with splashes of blood all over their body, holding each other very close with fangs drawing blood from their mate while they had sex was the most primal connection and the highest form of bond they've ever shared with themselves.

In this moment, it felt like they were truly one in body, heart and blood.

'We're not stopping till the morning sun comes up tomorrow.'

'Never planned to.'

They didn't need to speak to each other when they were like this because it felt as if they could hear what the other was thinking through the flesh and blood connection they were sharing.


[Derek Hale POV]

My face lacked any emotion as I snapped the neck of the Hunter in my hands who stubbornly refused to give me the answer I wanted.

"I hope for your sakes that you are not as stubborn as he was." I said as I turned to the other Hunters. In other times I would have relished in the rich smell of their fear but that was the farthest thing on my mind at this moment.

"I'll ask you one more time. Where is Gerard Argent? No one?" I cracked my neck and slowly approached them. Some stepped back terrified while the others steadily held out their weapons at me. "I guess I'll have to rip it out of you myself. How tiring."

Easily sidestepping from the trajectory of a gun and with a speed that none of them could match up to, I was already in their midst and the terror they felt spiked up by a few levels. Even the brave ones were now slightly trembling.

Breaking a man's arm at the shoulder, I took his rifle and used it to smash in the throat of the nearest Hunter in arm's length.

"R-run! We'll try to hold h-"

My claws dug out five lacerations from the forehead of a man who had been shouting down to his throat.

I ducked under the spiked club that was swung from my back and used a quick back sweep to bring him down and forcefully punched a hole through his stomach that cracked the floor under him.

"Too messy." I clicked my tongue and slightly tilted my head to dodge the arrow they shot and caught it before it sailed past me.

I threw the arrow and it went into the skull of a Hunter before he could make a reaction of any kind.

I didn't feel anything as I slashed my way through these Hunters. Their numbers quickly dwindled and they realized oh too late as only a few of them were left and only now did they start begging that they'll tell me where Gerard was holing up.

"Promise you won't kill me if I tell you where he is."

I ignored the one who said that and turned to another of the four Hunters that remained and asked. "Do you know where he is?" To which he nodded.


I snapped the neck of the man who had asked for my word. "And then there were three. You… go."

I said to the one who told me what I wanted and he started running as fast as he could while I killed the last two.

Walking out of the house that was now an abattoir, I saw a thick metal pole and picked it up. "Good weight. And the length is just perfect."

I was the ace of the basketball team during my time in high school and half courts were my favorite thing. Gets the crowd all riled up.

I threw the pole and watched it sail perfectly through the air before descending and piercing through the body of unfortunate Hunter.

"Should have taken something faster than your legs."

I smiled as I looked up at the sky and could feel the moon slowly peeking through the clouds. While it was not a full moon, it was very close to one.

I broke off into a sprint towards the location the Hunter gave me. Since he couldn't lie to me, either Gerard was still there or he had left and the thought of him safely leaving Beacon Hills ignited my rage and made me faster.

"These Hunters sure do love their bunkers." The place was dimly lit but that wasn't a problem for me as I easily made my way through it only to find that it was empty. He was gone.

My anger bubbled up and was about to tip over until I caught a salty smell on the weapon rack.


For the first time since that day, a grin entered my face as I took a deep sniff of Gerard's sweat and soon the place came alive as I started identifying his scent all over the room.

"This is where the hunt truly begins."

With Gerard's fresh scent as a tracker, I easily sniffed out a trail and even though he tried to hide it with something, he couldn't stop sweating every now and then.

From my time with him I know that he's dying from cancer and it seems like his medication isn't doing too much when coupled with the stress he's facing by being hunted down.

Normally Gerard would have nothing to fear with me hunting him down, might even dare to show his face to me, but that was before he had a step in his grave.

It was why he was so desperate for the bite.

Unfortunately for him, I not only have his sweat at my nose tip but also the smell of his car which left the place probably an hour ago.

'I can still catch up with him.'

I remember Erica saying that they wanted to have a piece of him but I honestly doubt I'll leave a piece of him for them to have once I catch him.

I doubt I'll even enjoy a piece of him – that's if I don't rip open his neck as soon as I see him.

My eyes turned red and I could now clearly smell and even see the trail of the scent and I was getting closer.

"If you want the bite so much, I can give you more than one simple bite."





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