

Tristan was running through the woods after he picked up the scent of the elusive new Alpha he had been meaning to have a conversation with ever since his evolution. That and also warn him of the new influx of Hunters coming into Beacon Hills.

Derek has pretty much ghosted the scene ever since that night and the only good lining in this whole mess was that the Hunters still thought that the Alpha was the one who killed Kate and not Derek. 

To be perfectly honest, it'll be better if Derek was out of the scene when they restart their hunt but he knew that was impossible. 

"Can we stop this now?" Tristan said as stopped himself with a skid only for Derek to appear behind him with a stunned look on his face. 

"Just how fast are you?"

"Fast enough." Came Tristan's simple reply. 

"What do you want, kid?" Derek asked. 

Tristan didn't put much importance to Derek calling him a kid and just got straight to the reason for leaving Malia to sleep alone in favor of speaking with Derek. "What are you planning?"

Derek looked at Tristan confusedly, not knowing what meant by that question. "What do you mean by 'what am I planning'?"

"Well in case you don't know, your little revenge play ended up bringing a whole contingent of Hunters back to Beacon Hills and also someone who Satomi said to keep a distance from."


"Gerard." Tristan nodded. "Since you're now an Alpha, have you tried forming a pack? You're going to need the strength now more than ever as I doubt you have any intention of leaving." He pointed out.

Derek squinted his eyes at Tristan. "And why do you want to know if I've formed a pack?"

Seeing Derek's reaction to that Tristan let out a drawn sigh and looked at Derek in annoyance as if the man suddenly became retard. "I just don't want a repeat of another McCall episode. Teach your betas first before dumping them in the wild."

He caught Derek wincing which made his mood turn sour. "Don't tell me it's what I think it is?"

Seeing he had been found out, Derek just shrugged carefreely. "It's not like I have much of a choice. The bite is more effective when given to teenagers as they have more chances of survival." He reasoned. 

Tristan scoffed at his words since though he knew it was true, he also knew the troubles that came with turning teenagers into raging werewolves. "As long as you keep them on a leash. I'm sure you know this already but these Hunters, they are not coming for a burial. They are coming for revenge."

As soon as he said that, Derek's eyes turned a deep blood red and a snarl escaped his throat. "Then let them."

Tristan just sighed as he saw this and also confirmed the reason he was out that night. Derek was prepared for a war against the Hunters, which inadvertently meant…. 

"At least, let them know what they are getting into once you decide to turn them." He turned around to leave but then stopped as he remembered something. "What of McCall? Are you not going to invite him into your pack?" 

"I will. Soon." 

No other words were exchanged between them this night as the two silhouettes faded into the obscurity of the night. 


Chris Argent was in his study with a bottle of beer in his hands while he conversed with a person on loudspeaker. 

"I have read the report… No doubt she died to a werewolf." The voice was weary, depicting the old age of the caller, but also had a cold edge to it that was enough to send a trembling chill down the spine of the weak hearted. "The part that was somehow interesting is that some of your men didn't. Those bites didn't come from any were-supernatural. It's something much worse."

Chris groaned as he took another sip of the bottle in his hands. "It's that 'thing', isn't it?" Even saying it like that repulsed him to an uncomfortable degree. 

"Yes. A vampire. The nightcrawler."

"Do you believe it might have had a hand in Kate's death?" Chris asked as he forced himself to swallow down the bile threatening to come up his throat. 

The voice over the call fell silent for a few seconds before answering. "If it truly is a vampire, then I doubt. Vampires by nature hate werewolves and they are more bound to get in a fight than work together towards a specific goal. It could be that it was fighting the Alpha or trying to kill its betas instead." He explained. 

"So what is our course of action?"

"We wait." He said. "Until after my daughter's burial, then we hunt. We'll divide their bodies and hang their heads atop a pike. Vampires and werewolves alike, none will be spared." With those words the call ended and Chris was only left with one sentence. 

"Well, fuck it."


"Fuck it."

Tristan woke up very early in the morning and couldn't help but curse in frustration at the increasing lack of sleep he was getting. 

He had thought it was something that would pass away soon but instead it was only getting more apparent as the days went by. 

Apart from the fact that his libido had shit through the roof after his pseudo-evolution, much to Malia's delight, he was getting less sleep as the night went by but always feels refreshed come morning. 

And today couldn't be the worst day for it to happen as it was a Saturday. 

"Ugh! This is going to kill me before I get used to it." He complained and blew away the tuft of air that was across his face. 

He looked at Malia's beautiful and peaceful face that couldn't look more blissfully fast asleep and he couldn't help but be annoyed. 

Here he was going a whole marathon on Friday night and then running to catch up to Derek and then coming back….only to still be robbed of his precious sleep. 

"Should I have her drink my blood till I pass out? No, that will only make her get more excited and she won't let me sleep." It wasn't that he was experiencing any negative effects of his gradual loss of sleep but he just missed the act of getting a wholesome night's sleep. 

This also became a reason why he was thankful for joining the lacrosse team as that became an outlet to steadily release some of the excess energy in his body on a daily basis.

Softly detangling himself from Malia, he went towards their bathroom and took a bath before leaving. 

Stepping out of their house, he walked a bit to the spot where he usually spars with Brett whenever he and Lori came over for a visit or a sleepover. 

"Okay, let's try this one more time." He closed his eyes and focused his other senses on the tree in front of him. 

Ever since Satomi had told him and Malia about the different variants of the vampire species, he was left thinking of the type of abilities he would have as he grew. 

According to Satomi, the reason why there was no concrete information on vampires was because of how different they were to one another. 

Since the origin of Tristan's conception was unknown to everyone, Satomi's only advice to him was to try it the old fashion way; listening to his instincts. 

When Tristan had asked whether the preconceived notion of vampires not being able to walk under sunlight was true, Satomi's answer to that was surprising, at least to him. 

"There are vampires who can't walk under the sunlight, except through special methods, and the opinion of them are different depending on who you hear it from. Some believe that vampires who can't walk under the sun are either connected to one of the earlier vampires, hence why the curse of the sun is still thick in their blood. While others believe that they are thralls, those with deficient vampire blood in their bodies."

Since he didn't know what spectrum he was on, not that he cared, his only focus was trying to get a vampire based ability. Werewolves had the ability to shift which drastically increases their overall physical abilities but the only thing he could do was the basics, not something that could be fully considered a shift. 

And the reason he was focused on a tree? 

Well he did not exactly know why but it was a sensation he always felt when running, especially at night. It was like he was being caged and he couldn't see obstructions. He doesn't know what that meant but the only thing that came to mind was trying to run through the tree or anything remotely close to it to see what his instincts were trying to tell him. 



He disappeared from where he was standing and ran straight into the tree only for him to break his nose and heal it the next second. 

"This is going to take some getting used to."





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