

Tristan couldn't get his mind to focus throughout the rest of the weekend as his thoughts would always drift towards the Alpha he smelt at the hospital.

It was as if he had finally cornered his prey into a hiding hole just for him to find out how hard digging it out suddenly became. It was an irritating and annoying feeling. 

He thought of barging into the hospital and forcefully seeking out the Alpha but even he knew how stupid that thought was. 

He'll just be creating a suspicious ruckus which will more than likely take him to the Sheriff's office, and that was not mentioning what he planned on doing if he actually confronted the Alpha. 

Fight him in broad daylight and risk exposing the supernatural to the whole world? 

Even in school as he currently was, he couldn't focus as murderous thoughts filled his mind. 

"Hayes, do you really find my class boring that I'll have to call you out five times?" Tristan's thoughts were broken as a piece of chalk hit his head, drawing his attention towards the teacher for the fifth time in less than an hour. 

"Sorry." He sighed and pushed back the irritation to try as much as he could to focus on the lesson while ignoring the snickers and laughs of his classmates at his expense. 

Unfortunately for him, he couldn't keep his attention on what was being taught for more than five minutes as he immediately felt bored. 

He felt a stare directed at him so he looked behind and caught Allison's worried glance. He just smiled and shook his head signifying her not to worry and turned back.

Malia couldn't get through to her during the weekend so he figured he might as well give her some space if she needed it the moment he felt the change this morning. 

While she looked the same as always only slightly less chirpy, he noticed the slight blister on her palms and the low wince she let out when she sat down. 

She fought. Or rather, she was being trained. 

"How troublesome." No matter how he looked at it, it wouldn't much longer before she finds out the truth about the both of them. "Well, until then." He'll just let things play out naturally. No need fighting the inevitable. 

The bell rang signifying the end of the class which made him release a breath of thanks as he stood from his seat and walked over to Allison. 

"Hey, how are you doing?" He sat on her desk facing her and asked. 

 "I don't understand?" She replied confusedly. 

"You look like crap" Well she didn't but that was the feeling she gave him. "Not getting enough sleep?" He saw her flinch and knew he likely hit the nail on the head, at least partially. 

"It's… complicated." She said with a wry smile on her face, thinking of just how wrong and oh so right he was. 

She shook her head in an effort to expel the depressing thoughts haunting her head and stood up as she grabbed her bag facing Tristan. 

"Come on, let's go. We don't want to keep Malia waiting." She said with a smile. She had been worrying about them throughout the weekend and now they were worried about her. Seeing the boy who'd normally never go out of his way to ask how she was feeling being worried about her further fueled her resolve. 

Seeing her trying to lift her own spirits up and succeeding honestly made him smile. Regardless of their differences, he'd gladly call her his friend until he can no longer. 

Before any of them could say another word, the door to the classroom opened with a slightly annoyed Malia looking at them with a dry expression. 

"While I wholeheartedly enjoy the atmosphere you both have going on, can you please not make me wait on you guys especially when I am hungry?" She directed a stare at the both of them as she stood at the door with both hands on her hips. 

Allison blushed in embarrassment at Malia's words while Tristan just shrugged. "Now that you said that, I also feel a bit hungry." He said as they left the class. 

Fortunately for his mental health, Coach didn't give him that much of an hassle when Tristan explained that the reason for his absence for the game was due to Malia being attacked and hospitalized. That was the only good thing that came out of the attack as far as Tristan was concerned. 

On getting to the cafeteria, a lot of stares was labeled on the trip since news of Malia being attacked had spread throughout the whole school. 

Even without the attention, their group was always eye catching wherever they went due to how they looked. 

Allison was just hands down cute with a little city girl spice to capture the attention of boys everywhere she went. Malia on the other hand had that bold girl vibe that coupled with her beautiful looks and no nonsense attitude were a killer combination that evoked the most primal emotions anyone who fantasized about her. 

Was there a need for speak out about Tristan's look? His looks alone was a weakness to both young and older women. 

"Oh God, I forgot how frustrating this was." Allison complained under her breath as she could practically feel the judging and gossiping stares as they sat down. 

"Yeah, it's getting irritating."

"Just forget about them." Tristan pleaded as he held Malia's hand to prevent her from making a scene and heaping more attention on them. "Let's just eat and leave."

They made light conversations as they ate, completely forgetting the stares that started dying down after a while. 

None of them said anything about the attack in consideration about the other so their talks mostly revolved around their time in school. 

While they were talking, Tristan couldn't help but remember something he heard a while back when eavesdropping on a particular duo's conversation when Scott had mentioned about his mother working overtime at the hospital. 

Since he had lacrosse practice that evening, he figured he could just tell the oblivious cub that the Alpha everyone's been looking for was in the hospital and have him draw the Alpha out. 

He wouldn't lie and say the thought of killing Scott didn't occur to him when he thought of ways of weakening the Alpha but he decided against it as that was a very crude and barbaric method and he wasn't sure how that would affect the Alpha, if it even would in the first place. 

"Hey, what's been up with him lately?" Allison asked in a hushed whisper seeing as Tristan was just staring at him food. 

Malia paused and asked with confusion. "What do you mean?"

Allison pointed at Tristan who was clearly lost on them and replied. "Because he's been spacing out like that the entire whole day."

Malia sighed inwardly, knowing exactly what thought process his mind was treading on. It wasn't like she could just tell him to forget about it since it's already been established that he wouldn't listen and they couldn't tell anybody else because then Satomi would know. 

"Well, he's been like that for most of the weekend. Just leave him he, he's probably overthinking something simple." Malia tried waving off the petite girl's concern but Allison wasn't buying it, at least not completely. 

Malia then asked in a bid to change the conversation. "What are you doing after school?"

Allison shook her head in an apologetic manner. "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. My dad wants me home immediately after school, you know…" She left the last part unsaid mainly because she didn't know how to say it. 

"Girls, catch you later. I just remembered I have something important to do." Tristan suddenly said and before any of them could react, he gave Malia a quick kiss and patted Allison's shoulders before leaving as fast as he could. 

"He's been acting weird a lot today." Allison commented as she looked at the retreating Tristan. 


Tristan walked in on Jackson and Scott having a tense face-off in an isolated part of the boys locker room and if he didn't know any better r, he'd say that Scott was just an edge off of pouncing on an oblivious Jackson who was looking too smug for his own good. 

Scott's face devolved from a pissed off expression to one of panic as soon as he saw Tristan which surprised Jackson for a second before his lips went up in a full blown grin as realization dawned on him. 

"Hohoho, this is so fucking hilarious." 

Tristan looked at the laughing Jackson but just ignored the boy and turned to the person he was looking for. "McCall, I need you to do something for me."

His tone was as bland as it could be that Scott didn't know if he was asking for help or directly ordering him but he weird feeling that surrounded Tristan which had grown exponentially for some unknown reason made him unable to refute. 

"What is it?" 

"Hey, I'm talking to you, Hayes." Jackson stepped in between Scott and Tristan and if he had turned his head backwards, he would have caught sight of Scott shivering as the entire room fell dead cold. 





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