

Although he couldn't see it, seeing as it was above him and he was looking straight ahead, he knew that strange blot was growing closer by the second by virtue of the whistling noise it made.

When the whistling grew to a certain point, he whirled around and pointed a finger in the direction of the noise, expending the Chimh needed for an Apprentice-Grade Spell.

"Splinter shot!"

A blob of dark energy flew through the air, but Morne had already turned back around before it connected, running for the barracks where he could find armor and a weapon.

The awaited screams of pain never arrived, however, and the whistling only grew louder and louder.

His jaw setting with determination, he spurred himself on as fast as his bulk could move.

The tree was in sight, and the distance between him and it shrank with every step, but when he was only a few feet away, a shock of concussive force slammed into his back, knocking him onto his stomach.
