
Darker Than Night

Once the Runners had finished sizing up their future meals, they dashed forward madly, tongues hanging out of their mouths like dogs as their limbs contorted to make their four-legged gait work.

"Same as before?" Essenla asked End as the Runners approached. They had less than ten seconds before battle would erupt.

"Same as before," End confirmed.

He handed the light green dagger back to the elf he had taken it from and retrieved his spear, his shoulder sinking slightly with the weight of his responsibility before he straightened and shouted at his soldiers.

"Tire them out!" he ordered. "Then hem them in! Use your spears only to keep them at bay, not to attack!"

That was all he could manage to say before the Runners were upon them.

The mania that ensued was far greater than the first battle had been.
