
You’re Nude and Embarrassing  

The scene commenced with Kiera executing an intricate manoeuvre with her hands around the handle of her Serpent's Lash. With a swift twist, she began to retrieve the tether she had surreptitiously attached to the Imperial Hounds' vehicle. The process was akin to reeling in an elusive fish, the tether was coiling smoothly back into the Lash, and the rhythmic sound it was making barely disturbed the night.

Yoad and Barkcode observed the spectacle. The beast tilted his massive head, watching keenly with his intelligent gaze as the tether shimmered and vanished into the slender handle of the Blade Edge. Yoad, on the other hand, was more vocal about his curiosity. "What did you hear, Kiera?"

Kiera's response was sharp as a knife cutting through the silence. "Shut up, brat!" It wasn't a harsh command, rather a need for quiet to process the cascade of thoughts echoing in her mind.

Hao's name kept reverberating through her thoughts like an annoying puzzle. "So he stole something from the Imperial Storehouse...?" Her brows knitted together. A visual of Hao with Judgment Day slung casually over his back flashed into her mind. The image spurred her thoughts even further, swirling with many schemes, each more tempting than the last.

"Come on, twerp, we're going to find a place to rest for the night," She declared, yanking Yoad away from the corner of the street. His protests were feeble at best, his body stumbled after her, while Barkcode followed loyally behind them.

The lodging they arrived at was a grand place known as the 'Silver Sabre Inn', a place that spoke of elegance and luxury. "Here you go." Kiera casually tossed a handful of Blade Tokens onto the counter, tokens she'd swiped from Yoad.

"Hey, why did you give away so much? Do you know how hard I worked for them Blade Tokens?" His protests were drowned by the clerk's cheery thank you.

The Blade Tokens which were a small fortune in themselves, secured them a luxurious suite for the night. Barkcode wasn't allowed inside, hence it was relegated to the Beast Stables, a spacious and comfortable area for beasts, though clearly separate from the inn's main building.

Yoad thought it to be atrocious of the Silver Sabre Inn to not allow his Bastian in with him. He said his goodbyes to Barkcode tinged with guilt, but the Bastian merely twitched its tail, seemingly unperturbed.

As they entered their shared suite, Yoad's protests began anew. "Couldn't we've gotten separate rooms?" His face was flushed slightly during his complaint.

Kiera was having none of it. "You take me for a fool, brat? Just shut up and stay put." After giving the order, she tied his arms with a length of smooth, sturdy rope and placed her Blade Edge at the side of the bed to keep watch.

She briefly took in the room's lavish decor then headed straight for the en-suite bathroom, mumbling about washing away the grime from Katana Creek and the much-needed relaxation that awaited her. The promise of a hot bath appeared to light a fire within her which made her steps quicken.

"Wow, this place is a total upgrade from what one would expect from the Mile High Depot." Kiera drank in the marvellous sight.

The bathroom was comprised of stone and glass. The steam rising from the hot water created an alluring veil. As Kiera stepped into the shower, the water began cascading down her soft skin, uncoiling her muscles in the warmth. Rivulets of water traced paths along her curves, caressing her ample bosom before cascading down her lithe waist and painting a tantalising image of serenity and sensuality.

Her fingers moved along her skin, trailing suds in their wake. The smell of the soap was her nostrils' delight. The nasty of the day slithered down her body and quickly disappeared under the onslaught of the water. The sensation was akin to shedding old skin, washing away the stress and tension that clung to her.

Her hair, dark and lustrous, fanned out around her; water droplets slung to the ends, glinting like precious gems. The strands followed the contours of her body like a waterfall of silk. The sight, even to herself, was mesmerising. Kiera cleansed herself until nothing but raw, untamed beauty was left.

"Wow, this is some good water. I think I might have a second run." While she restarted her bath, having the water drummed on porcelain in the background, the young lad scanned the environment.

The room was grand, adorned with ornate tapestries and polished wooden furniture, the kind of extravagance Yoad had seldom encountered during his days in the Hallows. Bound by the ropes that Kiera had skillfully tied around his arms, he sank onto the plush carpet, contemplating his next move.

"Come off you darn thing," He grumbled while using his small teeth to gnaw at the rope, the coarse threads were scraping against his tongue, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Sweat trickled down his forehead, droplets clinging to his lashes before succumbing to gravity. His arms ached from the strain and his teeth hurt, but determination – or perhaps desperation – spurred him on.

Finally, with a triumphant grin, he exclaimed, "Yes, it's off! I'm coming for you, Barkcode!" His heart pounded the rhythm of freedom against his ribs like a war drum as he envisaged his upcoming reunion with his Bastian.

He rose to his feet, quivering with adrenaline then bolted towards the window. His hand brushed against the cool glass before he pulled it open. WHOOSH! The night's cool breeze crashed into his face with a whisper of liberty.

"Here I come." The city, with all its vibrant lights and towering structures, spread out before him, welcoming him into its embrace. But, just as he was about to make his leap towards freedom, Serpent's Lash sprang into action.


The unique sword that was leaning casually against the bed, extended its length, swiftly and suddenly. It coiled around Yoad like a serpent capturing its prey.

"Ah, get off me!" The boy gasped after feeling the restrictive grip of the blade against his skin, but there was nothing he could do to escape.

Serpent's Lash, with its uncanny intelligence, alerted its master of the situation. Seconds later, Kiera emerged from the bathroom boldly in the nude with water droplets cascading down her figure. She stood tall and confident. Her damp and dishevelled hair enhanced her wild, formidable aura.

"Ah! I said let go!" Yoad, still in the clutches of the Serpent's Lash, looked over at Kiera with contempt in his eyes, however, this was quickly replaced with a comical nosebleed upon seeing what he shouldn't have. His hand immediately flew to his face as a blush crept up his cheeks. "G-get dressed properly, lady!" He managed to stammer while occasionally peeking through the gaps of his fingers. "I'm only ten and a half years old. Have some decency and cover up your hairy crotch, it's like a dense forest down there!" His voice was muffled behind his hand.

Kiera responded with a scoff, "You damn dirty mouth brat!" Displaying her impressive control over the Whip Blade, she used it to toss Yoad onto the bed. He landed roughly which caused his head to collide with the wooden back of the bed.

"Ouch!" A sharp wince escaped his lips. The bed creaked under his weight, and he lay there with an uneven and heavy breath.

"Watch him until I get back," Kiera instructed Serpent's Lash before dashing back into the bathroom to finish her second round of cleansing.
