
Chapter 7 Hogwarts Express

********SEPTEMBER 1, 1991********

Waking up early to prepare myself for the eventful day ahead of me. "hurry up Josh, it's time to go" Rosa said rushing me out the door to the car. It was a blue 1975 Reliant Robin, probably the worst car I'd seen in my two short lives. "hopefully we don't crash" I say getting in this metal death trap.

The ride luckily, was uneventful just me gazing out the window the entire time. Rosa never said a word the entire ride, just taking my trunk out of the car and leaving it and me at the train station. "It's crazy how she can hate a kid for just being slightly different" I whisper to myself while walking to platform 9 and making my way through the magical wall. I look back at the barrier, on the wall was instead a wrought-iron archway with the words "Platform Nine and Three-Quarters" on it. Over the scarlet steam train's billowing smoke, there was a sign announcing that the Hogwarts Express would depart at eleven o'clock. "It must be some kind of illusion magic," I say to myself.

"I know stunning isn't it," jumping in surprise at her appearing being me "one day I was just a normal girl and the next I find out I'm a witch. Nobody in my family's magic at all, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased, of course, I mean, it's the very best school of witchcraft there is, I've heard -- I've learned all our course books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough -- I'm Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you" said a girl speaking as quickly as she can, taking a deep breath as she finishes. She has fizzy, untamable dark hair, brown eyes, and protruding teeth.

"Oh, hello Hermione pleasure to meet you my name is Josh Willams. An overachiever aren't you, I looked at the first few pages of them except for the historical ones were far too bland for me to just read on my own." speaking as quickly as I can copy her. "well nice to meet you Josh don't wanna be late for the train" she says while waving goodbye to what I assume are her parents and make her way to the train.

Looking around at all the people around me I don't notice anyone I know from the movies. I then make my way on the train and begin looking for an empty compartment. Finally, at 11:00, a whistle sounded announcing the train's departure, and the hiss of the pistons filled the platform as the train began to move, creaking out of the station as family members stood on the platform and waved their children off to school.

"Come in," I say hearing a knock at the door. Opening the door was a boy that had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair, bright-green eyes, and a thin lighting scar on his forehead. He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Sellotape. "Mind if I sit in here" he shyly says. "sure I don't mind, nice to meet you my name, is Josh Willams," I say surprised to see the main character of the movie I loved so much. "Likewise, my name is Harry, Harry Potter." He says as the door suddenly open, then in walks a young redhead boy. "mind if I sit in here all the others are full" he says. Harry and I look at each other then we nod to agree with him being here.

"I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley," the boy says. "Josh Willams" "Harry Potter," we say " so, so it's true, I mean do you really have the- the-," he says while studdering and pointing at his forehead. "The what," harry says. "the scar," Ron says with a nervous tone. "Oh," harry says while lifting his hair to give a better view of it. "Wicked," Ron says with an excited yelp. Then the trolley lady comes by and everything plays out just like the movies.

After some Hermione comes by and has the classic conversation, making fun of Ron and fixing harry's glasses. Giving me a shy wave before making her way out of the compartment. "We will be arriving at Hogsmeade station soon, please leave all your belongings on the train they will be taken care of for you," the voice over the loudspeaker says.

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