
Her Heart Was Thumping

In the end, the woman picked out quite a few clothes for her baby. The employee rushed over to pack it up for her.

The woman took the receipt as she paid at the counter.

Jackson handed his wallet to the woman, but she refused to take it. She smiled and said something to him, paying with her own money instead.

Sophia smiled sarcastically. 

'Men really are simple-minded. They don't understand a woman's intentions as well as other women do.' 

'That woman's obviously trying to act all high and mighty, as if she'd never spend a man's money. In reality, she's just a calculative wench' 

'It's just like Mom said. This woman's smart. She knows how to act properly, and she's clearly waiting for the right time.' 

'From the way Jackson looks at her, it wouldn't take long till the Cunninghams accept her as their family.' 
