
Enemies Around the Clock.

(Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been reflecting on some things and had to take some time off writing. Several things are changing, I am working out more, I am getting over my phobia of Driving, and I am looking for a better job. Should be back now.)

Maulketh tensed his tail while it was still stabbed into Ares' heart to launch the god away. As Ares barreled through space, his Divine Blood fought against Maulketh toxins. All of Maulketh's toxins were Aether based amped up by a Law making them absolutely devastating to lesser beings.

Ares did not have long to deal with the toxins in his body as Maulketh appeared behind him. Ares' on instinct spun around with his blade intending to slash off Maulketh's head. Maulketh's face was split with a giant grin showing off his rapidly sharpening fangs.

Just as fast as Ares, if not faster, he clashed against Tyrrant's Edge with Gram. The former Demon Sword aided by the Law of Tyrrany smashed against the god's sword with the force of several collapsing stars.

Unlike what Maulketh expected, the sword did not break. Ares also did not buckle as he swung up causing Maulketh's arm along with Gram's to to go straight up. Ares in that same move moved to stab Maulketh through the chest.

Except Ares failed as Maulketh spun his arm and Gram full circle to smash his blade against Ares' sword. In that same movement, his leg extended and struck Ares across the face. Instead, his biometal limb made contact, and an explosion of Aether-fueled flames enveloped the god's helmetless face.


His agonized screams echoed through the vacuum of space as he hurled through the void. Maulketh pulled his leg back and followed Ares with his eyes. Ares forced himself to stop and gripped his face which was still burning with blackish purple flames.

Maulketh was not about to give him time to recover as space churned and he Telported above Ares. He raised Laevetine and Gram at the same time above his head.

"Divide Booster times 20." 

In that instant, Maulketh increased his power by a factor of 1,048,576, which would melt a normal being. However, that incredible power flowed through his Law-based body without tearing him apart. 

Even Ares, potent Divine Energy was drawn out of his body and directly into the blessing of Ares on Maulketh's chest. Ares' eyes became bloodshot as he felt his power leaving him. Just as fast, Laevetine and Gram sliced through his armor and body in a figure x. 

All the power that he had gathered was channeled into the blades causing a massive tear in reality to open where Maulketh hit Ares. The god of War eyes went bloodshot as what appeared to be a black hole opened where the two blades crossed. 

Directly on his heart. He stayed quiet for a moment before he screamed with agonizing pain that was flooding his mind. Using that pain, he gathered a great deal of power from his own agony. 

He used that power to slice out twice with Tyrrant's Edge which cut through Maulketh's throat and down the right side of his face. If that had hurt, he certainly did not show it as in retaliation he stabbed Laevatine through Ares' gut. 


The living sword roared out with twisted glee as he began to draw Ares' Divine Blood into his blade. Such pure and compatable divine blood did not come often and he was not going to miss that chance. 

Ares grits his teeth as he kicks Maulketh in the chest and rips himself free from the Demon Dragon Sword. He flew back from through the void until he fell on one knee spilling golden ichor in the void. 

He placed a hand over his wounds as the God-Killing Effect powered by the Law of Tyrrany was slowing down his healing. 

"What is going on? I am Ares. I am the god of War, I do not lose in a fight." 

It was maddening for him as for Maulketh he ran a finger on the wound on his throat which closed up. His right mechanical eye regenerated along with the rest of the damage. Seeing that Ares gripped his sword with his full might enraged. 


He gazed at Tyrrant's Edge with pure loathing. It was supposed to be made to kill Dragons and gods, so why was its target not dying? Normally, Maulketh did not gloat, just Dominating and showing his Supremecy to his foes was enough for him. 

But, Ares was a particular case as he was using a sword that should be Maulketh's natural counter. He found particular joy in showing how powerful his Law of Tyrrant truly was. He was the Law, reality could only kneel before him. 

Racial weaknesses meant nothing to him. He began to walk toward Ares through space. 

"I told you all, I am immune. That blade is nothing more than a fancy toothpick to me. You got another one. Something with more power? I am giving you the chance, to heal, gather your weapons, and face me. Show me how a god of War faced The Demonic Dragon God of Tyranny." 

Ares forced himself up feeling how his wounds were slightly healing, slightly. 

"You are a fool dragon to give me the chance." 

Ares reached out into open space and pulled out a Japanese katana. It had a dark red color in the middle with blade edges. Seeing it made Maulketh whistle in admiration. 

"Look at that beauty. Now should I feed it to one of you or keep up?" 

Gram called out to him. 

"I want it. Laevatein already got the True Longinous and the Demon Swords. I deserve it." 

Laevatein snorted. 

"Well, I am the stronger weapon. So, just let me have it." 

While both swords bickered for the right to eat it, Ares stood up holding the new blade. He raised Tyrrant's Edge and stabbed it through with the Katana. Under Maulketh's gaze, the katana devoured the long sword before warping slightly. 

The Katana lost its curve, got another edge, and became slightly thicker. Ares held the sword in his hand with a careful grip. 

"I thank you for waiting lizard, if Tyrrant's Edge was useless, then Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi will have to do. It cost me a lot of effort to steal it from those Japanese gods in the last war, and now, I will be using it against you." 

Maulketh's mouth split wide open in a huge grin showing off the metal teeth that made up this form of his. 


Ares grit his teeth with extreme rage as he is still being made a fool. 

"You won't be saying that when this cuts out your heart." 

Maulketh nodded. 

"That's step one. What about 2-100?" 


Before Ares said anything, Maulketh's chest plate opened wide open to show off the head of a canon. Before even the war god noticed, a massive condensed laser of Aether blasted from Maulketh's chest and straight into Ares' chest. 

Directly into the small singularity where Ares' heart had been. When the laser and the singularity met, they both exploded in a golden-purple show of light. With the force of several supernovas, space was blasted with Aether, Divine Energy, and unknown energies that even Maulketh did not understand. 

Instead of allowing it to go to waste, Maulketh brought his left hand up covered in the Tyrrant's Gear. The soul inside began to draw a vast amount of energy into it. 

"Divide times 10." 

Instantly a huge drain caused all of the energy floating around him to be drawn into his gauntlet. When that happened, the soul inside spoke to him. 

"Father, I have collected it?" 

Maulketh raised an eyebrow. 

"Father? Not master?" 

"I was formed from a shard of your soul, you are my father. I can call you Master if you prefer." 

"No, it's fine. Carry on, Tyron." 

"Is that my name?" 

"Yes. A play on the world Tyrant." 

Gram snorted. 

"Your obsession with your Law is showing again." 

Laevatein laughed at him as well. 

"HAHAHA, since I came from your blood should I call you dad as well?" 

"If you wish I do not mind. Now then, my prize." 

He placed Laevatein on his back and used his free hand to draw Kusanagi towards him. Just as Maulketh was about to touch the blade, it stopped before speeding up toward him. He snatched out and grabbed the handle of the sword before jumping back. 

In front of his eyes, Ares began to reform from scattered energy. Maulketh was honestly surprised as he was sure he had killed the god. He watched on as Ares fully recovered if barely. 

Ares was panting with exhaustion as he glared at him. 

"I, refuse to die, to the likes of you. Lizard." 

Maulketh did not glare or even give Ares much focus. 

"Then, die by your own hand. BE STABBED THROUGH!" 

The Law of Tyrrany fell on Ares, took over his body, and with his own hand pierced his chest all the way through. He grit his teeth and tore his arm out of his chest along with his heart. Holding the golden organ, Ares clenched it tight with his hand. 

"You made a mortal energy Dragon. I will be back." 

Maulketh snorted as Ares crushed his own heart and began to disperse into Divinity. Letting him go would be beyond stupid so he opened his mouth. 

"Divide Booster times 20." 

Instantly, the devouring power of the Divide Booster began to drain away all of Ares' energy. 



With that, Ares, the god of War was drawn into the Lambda on Maulketh's chest. The Law of Tyrrany fell on the blessing and purified the essence of Ares before devouring it. The Divinity of the Greek War god was now, Maulketh's to control. 

Maulketh took a deep breath as he basked in his rising power. Just as he was taking a moment to take in the changes, his instincts reacted and warned him of danger. He dodged to the right by a few inches and fully avoided a lightning bolt. 

When he turned around, he gazed up and saw another avatar of a god. One that he recognized as he had eaten one of them before. 

"Zeus two. You know, I killed and ate one of you and I don't plan to stop. I may be a Tyrrant, but even I don't go around raping everything with a pulse as an animal or cloud of piss." 

Zeus who had a head of black hair, a bushy beard, a ripped body, and light golden armor had a look that could kill. 

"You will pay dearly for this offence outsider god." 

Maulketh tilted his head slightly. 

"Seems I will be adding your Divinity to my collection. In my time I ate Zeus, Hermes, Kronos, and Ares. You will be the second Zeus I eat." 

Zeus opened his hand and his Lightning Bolt appeared in his hand. 

"I will not fall like my son or my clone. I will capture your soul and torture it for the rest of time." 

"And I will simply eat it. I don't bother with torture or anything that wastes my time. Speaking of time." 

With a burst of the Law of Tyrrany, Maulketh returned to his true draconic form. Just like before, 3,000 meters tall, and over 5,000 meters long. When he spread out his titanic wings and gazed down at the tiny Zeus, it was obvious he was holding back against Ares. 

"Allow me to show you why Laws, are superior to divinity. Starting with this." 

Aether lightning began to rage from his body as he planned to use Zeus' specialty against him. 

"You are mighty, but so am I." 

Divinity raged from Zeus' Avatar as he gripped his lightning bolt. However. Maulketh did not see him as a threat, but still took him seriously. It was time to show why The Law of Tyrrany was infallible. 
