
Loosing Battle.

When Wonder Woman, Superman, and Captain Atom were boomed down, the Demon Lord noticed them instantly. Three very powerful foes for him to face. what an honor. If there was one thing Dragons hated, it was betrayal.

And Maulketh considered this an act of betrayal after he uncursed Gotham. He would make Batman pay dearly for this.

"Ah, the traitors are here."

He held his spear out causing his hoard to stop. Hearing his words made Wonder Woman ask him about it.


The Demon seemed both amused and irked.

"After Lord Maulketh so graciously cleared the curse from that city, you plan his death. If that is not the definition of a traitor, I don't know what is. Especially that mortal Batman. Advance."

The hoard began to move forward while he grabbed his shield and gripped his spear tight. His Domain erupted from him causing the temperature to rise to unbearable levels. And it was not a regular heat as his Demon Fire would cause any who were in it to suffer soul burns.

For the moment he decided to probe these heroes. He could not fail, the blessing of Lord Maulketh marked him. He could not sully that blessing. The Demon vanished and seemed to teleport and almost faster than Wonder Woman could react his spear was aimed at her heart. She raised her Gauntlets of Submission and blocked the spear. She dug her heels in causing the ground to shatter behind her and a massive shockwave hit her body after the initial blow.

She felt the bones in her legs crack, her muscles felt like they tore and her organs got rattled, but she endured. She opened her eyes and grabbed the giant spear tight.

Meanwhile, Superman flew into the sky toward the Demon's chest. His lasers fired at full power, but the Demon did not even bother to block him. Maulketh had assimilated Superman's Kryptonian abilities into his body.

When the lasers hit the Demon's armor, they were absorbed into it instead of harming it. The energy in the laser was absorbed into the Demon's body negating any damage.

Superman kept flying before he punched the chest plate at full power. The ensuing shockwave blasted in all directions, but before he got another hit a giant tail smacked into his side sensing him flying.

Captain Atom caught Superman as the Demon tried to pull back his spear, but Wonder Woman held on for dear life.


Wonder Woman uses her full strength and began to lift the Demon into the air. For a moment the Demon was shocked before his tail stabbed into the ground and he flapped his wings to stay down.

Not giving her any more chances, from his spear a wave of fire blasted her entire body causing her to scream. She let go of the spear as the Demon stopped his flames.

Wonder Woman fell to one knee as she was strong almost as strong as Superman, but her durability was not to his level. But either way, she still stood up despite the burns caused by the Demon's flames.

The Demon grinned as looked down at her.

"Your willpower is something else woman. I give you praise. Kryptonian, your blow was mighty, but hurting me with no magic to back up your blows is foolish."

Harming him and most of the creatures were resistant to physical blows because of their unique bodies.

"Now, once more."

The Demon pulled his spear back and vanished again. His spear which erupted in Infernal Flames, hit Captain Atom straight in the chest, but unlike what he expected his spear did not pierce through.

A massive eruption of Infernal Flames hit Atom, but he caught his spear and managed to hold it back for a few moments. But despite his unique body composition which made him highly resistant to magic, he felt pure agony.

Atom screamed when he tried to absorb the heat and energy coming from the flames. The Void Energy that flowed through the Demon's Infernity did the job. But Atom still held on to give Superman and Wonder Woman a chance to attack again.

Both Superman and Wonder Woman flew toward the Demon's head where they punched the blessing of Maulketh. Their fists landed at full power directly on Maulketh's Draconic Face, but that was a mistake.

The Demon smirked under his helmet as when they punched it they began screaming in agony. The Blessing retaliated against the blows by nullifying the blows before retaliating.

The Blessing began to blast their bodies with powerful blasts of black fire and lightning which were infused with much purer Void Energy. Superman and Womer Woman were some of the strongest heroes, but Void Energy was like being blasted by Darkseid's Omega Beams.

Eventually, Superman and Wonder Woman felt their consciousness slipping away before they passed out. They fell limp to the ground among the hoard of beasts.

"Capture them. One of you, take them to the Lord."

The smaller Demons grabbed Superman and Wonder Woman before one picked up both heroes and teleported them to Maulketh. As for Captain Atom, he felt that the pain he felt was from his very soul.

The Demon taunted him.

"I know you go more power than that. Go all out, otherwise, you are not living past today."

Inside the Demon's Chest, his Demon Core fired to life. Pure Infernity the Demonic Versian of Divinity began to flow through his body, armor, and weapons. His body erupted with power as his Domain expanded to its max power. He kept it contained to keep collateral damage at a minimum so all that power was contained in a 5-mile radius.

Atom inside that radius began to feel like he had descended into hell. Just breathing was painful as the air began to be tainted by Infernity. Atom squinted his eyes not wanting to feel the touch of Void Energy again.

So he began to draw on the Quantum Field causing his power to rise. The Demon leaned forward as this time, he planned to pierce through the metal shell of Atom and capture him as well.

His master would surely reward him for such an action.

"Show me your worth, traitor."

While that happened, Shazam and Super Girl appeared where the bear was. He was 400 meters tall, and the sky stormed where he walked. When they appeared the bear looked to the sky with calm eyes.

"They sent Children after me? I feel insulted."

Shazam looked the bear over as the sky continued to rumble from his Domain.

"Children? I will have you know I am growing a beard. See?"

He pointed at his chin which Supergirl looked at.

"I don't see it."

The Bear exhaled as the sky rumbled even more.

"Your souls say otherwise. Now, show me what you can do."

The Bear took a step and began to walk into the air. Shazam clasped his hands together and conjured up a giant Living Lightning blast.

"I don't know what your lightning is made of, but SUCK ON THIS!"

The bright white lightning blasted down and hit the bear straight in the chest. The Bear's superconductive metal fur spread the lightning through its whole body, but unlike what Billy expected, it did not hurt him.

The bear paused when it felt this lightning.

"This lighting feels like the Lord's."

Maulketh had eaten a version of Zeus and taken his Divine Lightning and control over the skies. But those powers had been warped and strengthened by his Concept of Tyranny to be his own. The same he had done for Kronus, and Hermes as he took their knowledge and powers for himself.

He had also eaten quite a few Metahumans with Electric based powers which had been added to his Lightning. Through the Blessing he had given it, the Bear's Lightning carried traces of Maulketh's own.

Seeing that made Shazam and Supergirl pause at the lack of damage. The Bear lifted his head to look at both heroes.

"I will show you lightning."

His Domain caused the clouds to fill with Lightning of multiple colors. Seeing that made the two younger heroes feel the danger they were in. Shazam using the Speed of Mercury grabbed Kara and was about to flee, but Space and Time froze for a few moments.

Once again, the bear drew on Maulketh's powers to aid him. With them frozen, the clouds in the sky rumbled with their full power blasting the two heroes with lightning. The two heroes screamed as the Living Lightning of Shazam was not helping against the Bear's Lightning which was buffed up. After 10 seconds both heroes fell to the ground unconscious.

"Capture them."

A tide of beasts rushed forward and dragged them back.


Similar Battles were seen between the heroes and their Lords. And the only battle he felt was fair was between the King and Doctor Fate. The King had opened up its own Soul Marble and the battle was a deadly one.

That Helmet really gave the Old Man the power of the Lords of Order. That instantly made the Lords a target for Maulketh to devour. Because the fight was actually not going in the King's favor.

He was not losing as his body contained Void Energy worked great against magic, but Doctor Fate was still getting past that.

'Can he win?'

That was the question as the Continental King had his honor on the line. He had been given Maulketh's blessing and he would not sully it. Maulketh turned to the battles between the 4 other Lords to ensure they were fine.

The 6 Winged Eagle was battling the Hawk Woman, Hawk Man, and Green Lantern. Its Domain caused everything in it to be turned to metal and it was also using Lightning. All his Lords could use multiple elements, but they were not doing so at the moment.

The Shadow Dragon was being faced by Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter. As for the Hellfire Wolf, it was facing the Flash and Fire Storm. Each of his Lords was being faced by the Justice League which wanted to slow them down.

As he watched, smaller beasts teleported with the defeated heroes. He looked down at Shazam, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl.

"Thank you. Now, my beautiful Diana, I don't think you will join my family and I understand that, so I will take your blood."

He was talking to himself as she was passed out.

Maulketh's Domain descended down on Wonder Woman and began to draw out her blood. He ensured her blood recovered as he did this, so eventually he actually drew out about a gallon of her blood.

She would not even notice it was gone, as he had encouraged her body to make more. Once he was sure she would be fine, he did the same for the other heroes. Shazam, and Supergirl also got the same treatment.

When he had the blood of the two young heroes, he gathered the three gallons of blood and gulped them down. Like it had done so many times before, his Concept got hold of the blood he ingested and got to using anything useful in it.

For Wonder Woman, her Amazonian and Old God heritages were instantly taken hold of. And considering that Maulketh had eaten his verians of Kronus, Hermes, and Zeus, and Diana's father was Zeus their was a resonence.

He felt his body which was that of a Dragon God become even stronger. As for Kara, she was Kryptonian, but she was actually more talented then Klark for the Kryptonian traits he had were upgraded.

And Shazam's blood carried with it traces of the beings who blessed him. Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury. He could not get the source of them, but even just the traces were enough as his Concept would do upgrade them for himself.

Maulketh relaxed as his Concept began to rapidly upgrade his abillities. He wondered how his rapid power gains effected those linked to him and the answer was more than he expected.

(Small retcon, DC and DxD Time are on a factor of 5/1 instead of 10/1.)
