
Chapter 31.1 : True Extent

A few days later,

As she gripped her bleeding neck, which was currently healing at an excruciatingly slow speed, Diana, who currently had Tempo Symphony standing guard in front of her, began using hamon to speed up the healing, which only helped her a small amount, as the injury caused by the monster that had just attacked her, which was currently a mangled piece of flesh on the floor, did not seem to want to heal any faster.

But even though the monster that had just attacked her had been killed, Diana still did not let her guard down, and was completely ready for the next monster to pop up, as although her neck had been wounded, her combat power was not really that impeded by that.

A moment later, even though no sound was heard, Diana suddenly moved, and dodged the attack that was coming her way from behind her.

Although the fact that the monsters were nearly incomprehensible by humans, and caused pain if information about them was seen, was at first a disadvantage after a period of time, Diana began adapting, and her senses improving.

This interesting property of the monsters allowed Diana to discover new senses of hers that she did not have any idea about before.

A moment after Diana dodged the first attack of the monster, Tempo Symphony suddenly appeared behind her and let out a strike towards the monster.

But at that very moment, while Tempo Symphony's fist was halfway towards the monster, Diana suddenly moved her body in an unnatural position, dodging the strike of the second monster, which had just appeared right next to her at that very moment.

A moment after that, Diana's leg suddenly moved, and smashed its way towards the monster at speeds the latter could not react to.

At the same time, Diana's position shifted once again, as she moved her upper body to dodge the attack of the third monster, which appeared right in front of her face.

Although Diana was able to also attack this monster, threatening to kill it if her fist landed on it, realizing that the monsters were trying to divert her attention away from something, Diana's alert suddenly reached an even higher level.

A moment later, both Diana's, and Tempo Symphony's attack's suddenly froze, as Diana suddenly noticed a tiny tentacle from a corner of her eyes.

Although the tentacle was much smaller than the other monsters, and was holding a very similar dagger with its tentacle, the moment Diana saw it, a feeling of terror couldn't help but well up inside of her.

A fraction of a moment later, at a speed hundreds of times faster than that of the monsters, the tentacle suddenly stabbed towards Diana.

'I'll die if that touches me...'

That was the only thought that went through Diana's mind as she looked at the tentacle that had just about reached her whilst she had been frozen.

Even with her speed, Diana knew that she was completely unable to dodge the attack of the tentacle, and as such, did the very next best thing.

She disappeared.

In an instant, Diana disappeared, causing both the attack of the tentacle, and those of the monsters, to merely stab through air, causing every single one of them to appear confused.

Even the tentacle froze for a few moments, seemingly unaware of what to do in its current circumstances.

In the end, after seeing that its target had just disappeared, the tentacle searched for a few seconds before beginning to retreat into the portal it had come from.

Then, around five seconds after Diana disappeared, Tempo Symphony's golden hand suddenly grabbed hold of the tentacle, as both it, and Diana, suddenly appeared.

In the instant, the attacks of Diana, who now had the clear first strike advantage, reached the four monsters, swiftly smashing their bodies to pieces thanks to Diana's extreme raw strength.

Immediately after doing that, Diana then began helping Tempo Symphony, that was currently trying to drag the tentacle, which was retreating, out of the portal.

Unlike other stand users, the difference between the raw power of Diana's stand, as well as her physical body was not as extreme, allowing her to be the one to turn the tides, as Tempo Symphony slowly but surely drag the tentacle out of its portal.

At that very moment, the tentacle suddenly broke into two pieces, one of which remained in Diana's hands, sending both Diana and Tempo Symphony flying a few meters, and one which retreated through the portal.

As soon as Diana landed on the ground, she suddenly turned towards the portal that the tentacle had just retreated through, and suddenly froze.

Thanks to the fact that Diana was lying on the ground, level to the portal, she was able to get a good look at what lay on the other side of that portal.

An eye, which stared at her for around a tenth of a second before the portal disappeared.

But even though the portal disappeared, and the attack seemed to have stopped, Diana did not move at all, having seemingly been frozen in time.

After around five seconds, Diana finally began moving her hands, which she then clutched around her head as she lay there on the ground, her body beginning to shake, her mind only being able to create on thought.


Even Tempo Symphony, which was previous immune to the after effects of the monsters, began shaking, pain actually being visible on the face of the stand.

Soon after, blood began dripping out of Diana's eyes, causing her to close them, as well as her ears and nose, as she simply lay there silent on the floor of this random home of hers.


The next time Diana opened her eyes, she no longer found herself within her home, instead, she was lying on a hospital bed.

But even though her location had changed, and some time had presumably passed, that very eyes was still imprinted right into Diana's mind.

It was as if a single glance had managed to imprint the eye right into the foundation of Diana's soul.

"What have I gotten myself involved into..."
