
Chapter 14: Arriving at Mt. Ordonia (II).

Chapter 14: Arriving at Mt. Ordonia (II).

The Coming of age is where we get our [Status Reveal], after the holy appraisal stone has touched our body and soul we would be able to see our [Status].

The monk puts his fist and open palm together before introducing himself.

"My name is Xiao Lu but you can call me Shifu, another word for your instructor. I was one of your mother's friends and training partners back when she was still… in service." (Xiao Lu)

In service…

The head monk didn't explain any further, turning his back onto us and walking another flight of stairs. Xiao didn't waste any time and motioned for us to follow him inside the temple. "Follow me."

The three of us followed him inside, John continued to carry the bag that was meant for me and Kc placed a hand on her waist looking excited.

"Many monks have trained to give your family the necessary skills to do their required job." (Xiao Lu) leads us into an open space training area where several bald monks have been punching in sync.

They were all yelling in unison and sweating, training under the sun.

"Hah! Hah! Huwah!" They all raised their fists, followed by the fast twisting kick in the air heavily placing it in the ground making a loud stomping noise before they did another quick punch.

"Whoa…" I was impressed by their hand and footwork.

"The Neve clan has always been one of my favorite people to train," (Xiao Lu) smiles before we see another set of monks doing magic.

I could feel a gust of wind enveloping us even in this distance. A girl monk would hold her hands together, and then in a stance she summons the wind to come closer before it raises her whole body in the air but it wasn't for long.

"Humph!" she jumps quickly, landing gracefully in the ground before giving a deep bow, with her fist closed and open palm pressed together she sat back down.

We were all impressed with the magic that the student monk did. I could hear the head monk chuckling, he must've enjoyed my reaction to the student's performance.

"Just like your mother, this place will be able to help you control and nurture your magic." (Xiao Lu) tells me before leading us to another place, he opens the door to a room where all it had was two beds separating each other and a little desk cabinet on each side.

"Here you girls will share a room. " (Xiao Lu) opens the door for us and we come inside, John goes in, placing the heavy bag on the ground and we inspect the room that we'll be staying in for a while.

"Woohoo! Bed! Aw yes!"

Kc was an impatient girl who immediately jumped on one of the beds. She was very ecstatic on seeing it, rolling left and right.

I chuckled seeing the whole simple aesthetic of the room, it wasn't much but it had everything you need. A roof to provide shelter, a bed and blanket to keep you warm in the cold night.

"And gentlemen that way." (Xiao Lu) holds John's shoulder who flinches looking over to me for confirmation if he was allowed to go.

"It's okay John, you can follow his orders." I nodded in confirmation and he followed getting out of the room.

"As long as I know where the ladies are, for I will be on guard." He tells us before we decide to settle in, leaving out things and arranging them to make the room feel a little bit more like home.

Xiao Lu gives a faint knock and an announcement. "After you are all done unpacking, please do meet me in the public dining hall where you'll see the meals we serve in the sacred place."

"Yes, shifu." (Kc) was the first one to respond, giving a salute by the hand raising it over her head.

In turn, Shifu shakes his head correcting her to properly greet the person off by straightening his posture bowing with one of his hands turned into a fist and pressed with an open palm.

"Ohhh…" (Kc) mutters out, quickly rolling out of bed before doing the exact same thing as the head monk who was satisfied with her actions, leaving with a slight wave by the hand my little cousin walks over to me with a smile.

"I did good right?!" she quickly holds me by the arm and I nod, actually feeling proud of her.

"Mm, you did good." I reach out to pat her head and she nuzzles into it.

We unpack everything else, from the clothing, underwear, jackets and sweaters for the winter- a brush- the last one to unpack would be the heavy bag that my mother left me to have.

"Hmm…" I stare at it longer than I should, I don't know what could be inside of it that made it so heavy, even John was holding his breath while carrying it. "A new weapon… or tons of food- or…"

"Why don't you just open it and find out?" (Kc) interrupts me and I turn back to look at her carefree figure, kicking her feet into the air as I shake my head in disagreement.

"I want to guess first what's inside of it. You know the feeling of trying to guess something and you turned out to be right?" I explained while poking the bag with one of my fingers.

Rustle… rustle…


The bag just moved on its own.


Followed by a familiar whimper.

"Don't tell me…"

I quickly opened the leather bag and I was right-!

That whimper could only belong to Mom's familiar!

"Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!"

"Hahaha! Fenrir!" Yelling his name, his tail immediately wagged excitedly jumping out of the leather bag. "Whoa!"

I was quickly slobbered by Fenrir's saliva as he playfully licked the side of my cheeks. "No way! Mom let you out to accompany me?" I hugged him by the neck gently, brushing his soft silver fur.

"Woof!" (Fenrir) barks and nuzzles his nose into mine before his weight completely takes me and I fall down on my back.

"Argh!!! Eww! Welcome to training buddy!"
