
Chapter 210: Illumia's Defeat!

Seeing Illumia just unresponsively standing there, I couldn't help but chuckle as it seemed like I'd managed to win; I'd finally bested her in our little seduction game, and it was quite a good feeling if I do say so myself.

"So, Illumia, seeing how you just kissed my son, do you have anything to say now?" Asked Maria with a frown while eyeing Illumia as she folded her arms and tapped her feet, her words breaking Illumia out of her trance.

"H-His Highness's lips were delicious." Replied Illumia softly as she turned around and looked at Maria while she touched her lips.

"Alright, stop talking; forget I even asked. I don't want to hear you talking about my son in a sexual manner." Said Maria loudly while shaking her head and sighing as she walked forward before eyeing Elif.

"It's not really my place to dictate who you get sexually intimate with, Elif; actually, as your Mother, it's entirely my place to dictate that, but I won't. So long as Elaine knows about it and she's okay with it, I'm also fine with it; I just want the two of you to be happy. However, just remember, under no condition can you ever plant your seed within another woman besides Elaine; understand me, Elif?" Said Maria in utmost seriousness as she looked at Elif before glancing at Marley, Idonea, and Illumia.

"Eh, Mother, you're overthinking; I got no desire to get sexually intimate with anyone besides Elaine, not to mention I have a feeling she'd be against me sleeping with other women, especially before we do it. I'm merely teasing or flirting with them." Replied Elif in equal seriousness while dismissively waving his hand, his words causing Maria to smile slightly while Marley and Idonea clicked their tongues.

"Well, I wouldn't call what you were just doing merely teasing or flirting, seeing how deeply you and Illumia kissed, but so long as you don't cross the line without speaking about this to Elaine, I won't be interfering." Said Maria with a nod as she rubbed Elif's head, annoying him, before she exited the throne room, only for her to instantly vanish.

Seeing Mother disappear for the second time, I fixed my hair that she had just ruined before walking toward my throne, passing by Idonea and Marley, and finally sitting on the smaller throne to the left of Father's throne.

'So, what do I do know?' Thought Elif with a thoughtful expression as he rested his head on his fist, which was propped up by the armrest.

While I was thinking of what to do now that Mother and Father were gone, I spotted Marley approaching me, and from her nervous expression, I could tell she was about to ask me something I would most likely refuse.

"Haa, how many times have we done this, Marley? If you're feeling nervous just to ask me something, I will almost always refuse you; just ask the question." Stated Elif with a sigh as he watched Marley walk up to his throne and stand to his right.

"I-If you don't mind, your Highness, I was hoping I could get the same treatment as Illumia?" Asked Marley, slightly nervous as she displayed a beautiful smile, trying to look as inviting as possible for Elif.

'This woman, I swear, the only thing on her mind is me. Well, now that I think about it, that's not necessarily bad; she is my follower, after all.' Mused Elif as he looked at Marley, who hadn't once changed within the past couple of years except maybe getting hornier.

"No, you horny Elf, now go back down there with Idonea." Replied Elif as he smacked Marley's butt, flinging her right beside Idonea.

Shaking my head at her stupid question, I decided to do some work, considering Illumia was still unresponsive, so my initial plans to practice with her were thrown out the window. Besides, I've been slightly slacking on my work, mainly because it's boring, but I suppose no one ever said being an Emperor would be fun.

"Idonea, could you bring in some of the nobles and noble representatives that have been patiently waiting?" Asked Elif, to which Idonea nodded as she stood up, passing by Marley, who was rubbing her butt with a smile and an unresponsive Illumia.



"Thank you, Prince Elif; I'll relay the good news back to Marquess Vashi." Said an older man in noble attire as he gave a deep bow to Elif before turning around and eventually exiting the throne room while the doors closed behind him.

"Haa, it's over; that was one of the most boring five hours of my life; urgh, I'm really not looking forward to becoming an Emperor." Remarked Elif with a groan of annoyance after finally finishing his duty as the Crown Prince.

"To be fair, your Highness, you spoke with everyone in one day; usually, their Majesties will spread it out through multiple days, which will lessen the load." Said Illumia calmly, standing adjacent to Elif's throne, having regained her computer shortly after he started working.

"I guess I'm just glad it's over; dealing with those nobles that can't even manage the land they were given is irritating, especially considering most of the time, it's because of such stupid reasons." Stated Elif as he stood up from his throne and prepared to walk forward, only for the throne room to be open.

"Are you fu- haa, It's just you, Sarah, thank goodness. Though you better not tell me, you've come to speak with me as the heir to the Eve family and not Sarah." Added Elif in slight anger before it quickly vanished when he noticed it was Sarah walking toward them.

"Sorry?" Replied Sarah with a slightly apologetic expression as she hugged Marley before continuing to Elif, who just gave her a dry look.

"Hehe, I'm just joking, your Highness; I just came to visit." Added Sarah with a chuckle of amusement when she saw Elif's expression.

"You see, your Highness, now that's a good joke." Said Illumia with a smirk, seemingly still upset from earlier.

"Tsk, yeah, whatever you say, Illumia, or should I call you, 'Old woman who gets aroused by underage boys'?" Said Elif as he turned and glared at Illumia, who stayed silent while her cheeks became red.

Ignoring that pervert of a servant, I left my throne and headed down as I approached Sarah, the two of us walking side-by-side as he conversed while exiting the throne room, Marley, Idonea, and Ilumia following behind us.

"So, where are their Majesties? They are almost always in the throne room whenever I see them, yet this time, it was just you." Asked Sarah curiously as the five exited the throne room, aimlessly walking through the palace halls.

"They're out adventuring, attempting to acquire a present for my nearing birthday." Replied Elif as he fanned himself with his Quạt tay, still not able to resist the urge to lightly flirt at passing maids.

"Y-Your birthday, Your Highness!?" Exclaimed Sarah, frozen in shock as she stopped walking and intently looked at Elif, who tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes, my birthday; why do you seem so shocked? I've had fifteen other birthdays, so it's not like this should be new to you." Remarked Elif as he stopped walking and glanced at Sarah, who was looking awkwardly away.

"U-Umm, d-don't be disappointed, your Highness, but I-I may have forgotten your birthday was just around the corner. Hehe, sorry?" Replied Sarah with a blush of shame as she awkwardly looked away while trying to laugh it off, though Elif didn't look like he was enjoying the joke.

"You're telling me you, of all people, forgot the birthday of your friend and Crown Prince?" Questioned Elif as he blandly looked at Sarah, his eyes constantly twitching.

"Well, I didn't mean to; it's just lately, with Birger and being the Heir, I've got a lot on my plate, and within the last month, today was the only day I've gotten time to myself." Said Sarah as she tried to justify her reasoning, but the mention of Birger caused Elif to show a mischievous smirk while Marley grunted in annoyance.

"Ho, Birger? You and he seem to be getting closer and closer every time you mention him; has he finally asked you to be his Queen?" Asked Elif with a playful expression, while Sarah took on a slight blush from his remark.

"Hmph, he better not have, and if he does, I'll be refusing it on Sarah's behalf; I can't allow that talking tree to steal my sister away from me!" Stated Marley passionately as she tightly embraced Sarah in a protective manner.

"That's not up to you to decide, Marley; that's up to Sarah, Nordan Eve, and me." Remarked Elif with a smirk as he snatched Sara from Marley's arms, only for him to embrace her instead.

"Tch, overbearing much, your Highness?" Said Marley with a huff of annoyance as she folded her arms and stared at Elif, who merely displayed a prideful smirk.

"Hehe, so what if it is? Sarah is my friend, so if I found out she's being betrothed to someone I deem unfit, I'd forcibly cancel the marriage; as the Crown Prince, I can exert at least that much authority." Stated Elif with a prideful grin while the silent Sarah basked in Elif's arms, finding his embrace warm and comfortable.

"What if their Majesties stop you from doing so?" Asked Idonea curiously, which ended up with Elif teasing Sarah.

"If that happens, then I guess the only option left is for Sarah and I to elope; the two of us will vanish into the sunlight, never to be seen again as we live our lives as husband and wife!" Declared Elif as he spun around in circles while holding Sarah, causing her dress to flutter slightly around.


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